Title: Natural Temperature variability including green house effect
1Climate Change
- Natural Temperature variability including green
house effect - Human impact on temperatures
- Adaptation, mitigation, suffering
2Natural Temperature Variability
- Seasons
- Latitudes - altitudes
- Milankovitch cycles
- El Nino cycles
3 How do we know temperatures from long ago?
- Human records actual measurements
- Proxies ice cores, sediment cores for example
4Greenhouse effect
- What is it?
- Is it bad or good that Earth has a greenhouse
effect? - Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, halocarbons, water
5Sources of greenhouse gases
- Carbon dioxide burning fossil fuels and
forests, making cement - Methane decomposition of organic matter in
swampy environments frozen in tundra and ocean
floor stomachs of cows - Nitrous oxides bacterial decomposition of
manure soil denitrification some organic
fertilizers - Halocarbons (including CFCs) chemical cooling
agent foaming agent propellant (phased out by
Montreal Protocol)
6Relative strength of GHG (from UNEP)
7Future of global warming?
- Computer modeling
- United Nations IPCC
8Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- 2,000 scientists from many nations
- Four assessment reports (latest in 2007)
- Policy-relevant but policy neutral
- Won the Nobel Peace Prize (along with Al Gore)
9IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Conclusions
10IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Conclusions
Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have
increased markedly as a result of human
activities since 1750 and now far exceed
pre-industrial values determined from ice cores
spanning many thousands of years.
Today 385 ppm Preindustrial 280 ppm
Highest in 650,000 years
11IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Conclusions
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as
is now evident from observations of increases in
global average air and ocean temperatures,
widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising
global average sea level.
12More GHGs ? Changing Climate ? Very Bad
- Sea level change (3-20 ft rise)
- Coral reef bleaching
- Changes in locations of plants and animals
- Melting of ice caps and glaciers
14(No Transcript)
15Sea Ice in Arctic Ocean 1979 and 2003
16Alaskan glacier1914 and 2004
- Adaptation
- Mitigation
- Suffering is inevitable, but how much?
18Evaluating Solutions
The Need for Adaptation
We are already committed to a certain amount of
Resources must be devoted to adapting to altered
future conditions
Focus on mitigation cannot ignore need for
- Limit dependence on fossils fuels
- Plant trees
- Modify methane management
20Evaluating Solutions
Focus the Nation Choose five priorities for
- Invest in the Clean Energy Revolution
- Create Green Jobs, Save Energy
- 3. No New Coal Plants without "Capture and
Sequestration" - 4. Cap CO2 Emissions, Share the Auction Revenues
- 5. Build Green Carbon Neutral by 2030
- 6. Jumpstart Low Polluting Biofuel
- 7. Support Stronger Forests
- 8. Tax Global Warming Pollution
- 9. Cleaner Cars, California-Style
- 10. Get Efficient Cut Energy, Save Money
21Where Are We? Congress
The energy bill is not enough.
60-80 below 1990 emissions by 2050
Environmental Defense
22Where Are We? States Cities
Taking the lead on the issue