Title: Agkistrodon contortrix
1Agkistrodon contortrix
Agkistrodon contortrix is a venomous pit viper
species found in North America. Five subspecies
are currently recognized A. c. contortrix
Southern, laticinctus Broad-banded, mokasen
Northern, phaeogaster Osage, pictigaster
Common names include copperhead or death adder
Class Reptilia Order Squamata Suborder Serpen
tes Family Viperidae Subfamily Crotalinae Genus
Agkistrodon Species A. contortrix
2Determining Characteristics
General Description ? Coppery colored head and
neck ? Generally about 1.5 feet long ? Slender
body compared to most other pit vipers ? All
subspecies have distinctive light and dark brown
or greenish banding Distinctions Between the
Species ? A. c. mokasen, A. c. contortrix and
A. c. phaeogaster have bands that tend to
narrow dorsally, giving them an hourglass shape
? A. c. laticinctus and A. c. pictigaster
generally have bands of uniform
width ? A. c. pictigaster is known especially
for its distinctively patterned
underside, with white and black banding.
? A. c. contortrix have a pale brown to light
tan body, often with a pinkish tint. Their
yellow eyes have elliptical or cat like
3Habitat Life-History
- General habitats are terrestrial to semi-aquatic
habitats, which include rocky-forested hillsides
and various wetlands - Males reach sexual maturity within two years,
females in three. - Copperheads feed on baby cottontails, swamp
rabbits, rats, mice, birds, snakes, lizards, baby
turtles, frogs, toads, and insects, especially
grasshoppers and cicadas. - ? Copperheads, like other pit vipers, do not lay
eggs. Instead the eggs are kept inside the
female's body until the eggs are ready to
"hatch." - Southern copperheads are diurnal in spring and
nocturnal during the summer heat. - ? Southern copperheads often eat one single meal
every three weeks-even during their most active
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