Title: U K
1 2Service Units That Deliver Value
3Self-funded SolutionsOrganization
Corporate Support (Louisville)
Group Set-Up
Plan Loading
Leased Network Adds
Billing Enrollment
Humana Self-funded Service Center
- Louisville
- Implementation Coordinator
- Summary Plan Description
- Claims processing
- Customer service
- Enrollment changes
- Funding (finance)
Medical Management
4Humana Self-funded Solutions Organization
Terri Lacefield Director Self-funded Solutions
Debbie Griffith Manager KY SFS
Richard Preasmyer Finance Manager
Angela Beaver Implementation Manager
Charles Lashley Customer Service Supervisor
Angela Bonner Claims Supervisor
5Dedicated Players for a Dedicated Team
- Customer-centric
- Group Implementation Manager
- Claims
- Customer Service
- Group direct contact
- Financial Reporting
- Billing Enrollment
6Creating Lasting Partnerships - Claims
- Performance Management
- Monthly 11
- Quality Review
- random sample
- high dollar audit
- Financial Operations
- reporting
- Dedicated ASO unit
- Financial Recovery
- Shared Savings
- Advanced Claim Adjudication System (CAS)
7Example of Savings _at_ 20 DiscountOut of Network
employer bottom line cost Total Savings
8Kentucky Self-funded Solutions Claims
Controllable Cycle Time -2001
Goal 95
Goal 90
9Self-funded Solutions Claims Financial Accuracy
Rates - Kentucky
10Self-funded Solutions Claims Payment Accuracy
Rates - Kentucky
11Creating Lasting Partnerships - Customer Service
- Customer focused
- single level
- one-stop shopping
- Performance Management
- Monthly 11
- Quality Review
- Silent monitoring
- Side-by-side observations
- Closed inquiry audit
Enabling Member Self-service . . .
Jane Doe
13 Jane Doe
14Kentucky Self-funded Solutions Call Completion
15Self-funded Solutions Answer Time (Seconds)
16Humana Self-funded Solutions - Service Culture
- Enabled Associates
- customer focus
- e-technology
- performance management
- business and behavioral measures
- S-FAC (Self-funded Action Committee)
- dedicated players for a dedicated team
- we love our customers
- sailing to success
- Built to Last
. . . Solutions in healthcare needs
17John Komp, Dedicated Group Contact Charles
Lashley, Supervisor