Title: The Institute of Environmental Engineering Kaunas University of Technology
1The Institute of Environmental Engineering
Kaunas University of Technology
2The Institute of Environmental Engineering
(APINI) was established in 1991 as an independent
interdisciplinary research institute affiliated
with Kaunas University of Technology, the largest
school of higher education in engineering in
Lithuania. Â
APINI staff - is taking part in educational
program at the MSc or PhD level - actively
takes part in international and national
conferences - has published more than 140
publications, including 5 monographs and
scientific reports and 4 Ph.D. Thesis were
defended during the period 1992-2001. Also APINI
is coordinator of BALTEC MSc programme in
Environmental Management and Cleaner Production
for Baltic Countries. In 1995 APINI initiated
and, together with Vytautas Magnus University,
Lithuanian Agricultural University, Klaipeda
University, Vilnius University, the Lithuanian
Energy Institute and Engineering Ecology
Association, started to publish a scientific
quarterly journal Environmental Research,
Engineering and Management in Lithuanian and
English languages. Â
3The APINI has 20 employees and its activities
fall into the following main research and service
- Â
- Â Â Water quality modelling and management in
various hierarchical levels of the river basin - -Â Â Â Watershed management development of river
basin management scenarios, action plans, and
TMDLs assessment of current water quality
conditions, analysis of monitoring system in all
hierarchical levels river water quality (WQ)
DUFLOW Development of recommendations for
monitoring system improvement and system of
standards and regulations in Lithuania. - Â
- Current Projects EU Phare Multi country pilot
project on protection and management of
transboundary river basin the Baltic region
(Venta and Lielupe) Great Lakes Baltic Sea
Partnership Program on demonstration projects for
Sesupe and Lielupe river basins management (US
EPA Reg. No.5 project) Development of trilateral
cooperation on the watershed at River Nemunas
(Swedish EPA). - Â Â Â Â Chemicals control
- -Â Â Methodology for classifications, labelling and
packaging of dangerous chemicals EU and National
legal basis concerning chemicals control. - Â
- Current Projects Baltic States training program
on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of
Chemicals (BACCON 2.2) Data collection
strategies on chemicals use in the Baltic States
(BACCON 2.3) Integrated Chemicals Risk
management (BACCON 2.4).
4Main Research and Service Areas
- Â Environmental impact assessment (EIA),
Eco-design, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - -Â Â Raising a general awareness of the importance
of considering environmental problems on
different scales, and providing methods for
assessing the environmental impacts of different
local activities, as well as different plans and
programs - -Â Â Classification of environmental impacts,
preparation of screening and scooping procedures,
EIA methods, preparation of EIS, evaluation of
EIA Strategic Environmental Assessment for
sustainable development. - Development of methodology for environmental
product assessment and implementation of
eco-design in industrial enterprises - Environmental laboratory (established at APINI in
1998) which is equipped with - - open channels flow meter system with
automatic water sampler - - flow meter system for closed pipes. This
system is used for making mass balances and the
identification of energy - losses in heating - cooling systems
- - ultrasonic equipment for leak detection in
steam, compressed air, and other industrial
systems. - Also there is capability to perform following
measurements - - chemical component analysis in natural
surface, waste and process waters - (TotN, TotP, sulphides, fluorides)
- - NO2, NO3, NH4, PO4, DO, pH, COD, BOD7,
turbidity, redox potential, conductivity,
alkalinity - metals in waste water Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni
- - air velocity, temperature, relative humidity
determination, surface temperature measurements,
and - estimation of energy losses in ventilation
and air conditioning systems -
5Main Research and Service Areas
- Pollution Prevention Centre was founded at APINI
in April 1994 (8 employees). Main activity areas - Cleaner Production / Pollution Prevention / Waste
Minimisation concepts and techniques, their
development and implementation in Lithuania and
other CEE and developing countries. - -Â Â Trainings for companies, representatives of
governmental and financial institutions CP
assessment in the company and CP projects
development, including preparation of CP
investment project (preparation of a loan
application on behalf of the applicant, including
assistance in calculation of costs savings and
environmental benefits assistance for bank in
communication with the applicant and preparation
of loan documentation, project description and
reporting requirements preparation of project
progress and completion reports to be presented
as a part of borrowers disbursement request
assistance in project monitoring and supervision
including supervision of procurement and project
implementation progress as compare to budgets and
implementation plan as well as project
objectives.). - Â
- Current Projects Financing of Cleaner Production
projects in the Baltic States and western Russia
Danish Governmental program on Implementation of
cleaner technology in Lithuanian slaughterhouses
UNEP program on The Implementation of cleaner
production financial mechanisms and strategies in
the development countries. APINI performs
projects in Zimbabwe, Tanzania (Africa) ,
Nicaragua, Guatemala (Latin America) and Vietnam
6Main Research and Service Areas
- Environmental Management Systems and Standards
- -Â Â Theoretical and practical EMS implementation
in various organisations including requirements
of ISO 14001 standard and preventative strategy
- -Â Â Â Methodology of preventative EMS
implementation that enables to achieve most
efficient layout of EMS and provides increasing
environmental performance and effective cost
savings. - Â
- Current Projects Danish Governmental research
program Environmental Managemnt system in
Eastern Europe. APINI performs three projects of
this program EMS in metal coating industries,
EMS in electro-mechanical industries, EMS in
agro-industries Chemical industries and the
environment Finnish- Lithuanian partnership
program on EMS implementation in Lithuanian
company Dirbtinis pluostas. -