Title: Chapter 7: Aquatic Ecology
1Chapter 7 Aquatic Ecology
2Two Major Types of Aquatic Life Zones
1. saltwater or marine (estuaries, coastlines,
coral reefs, coastal marshes, mangrove swamps,
ocean over the continental shelf, deep ocean) 2.
freshwater (lakes, ponds, streams, rivers,
inland wetlands)
3Organisms in Aquatic Life Zones
4Organisms in Aquatic Life Zones
5Organisms in Aquatic Life Zones
6Organisms in Aquatic Life Zones
7Water Properties Supporting Life
- Buoyancy- physical support allows for larger
sized creatures with less rigid support - High Heat Capacity- fluctuations in heat are not
as great as on land, reduce risk of temperature
related problems - Nutrient availability- nutrients are dissolved
and on tap in surrounding waters - Waste elimination- wastes are quickly dissolved,
dispensed, and diluted
8Limiting Factors
- Temperature
- Access to sunlight for photosynthesis
- Photic (euphotic)
- Aphotic
- Compensation point
- Dissolved oxygen content
- Availability of nutrients
9Phosphorus Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
10Saltwater Life Zones
- 71 of earth's surface
- currents distribute solar heatand regulate the
earth's climate - participate in nutrient cycles
- reservoir for carbon dioxide - thus help regulate
temperature of the troposphere
11Stratification of Marine Life Zones
12Estuary Place where freshwater stream or river
merges with the ocean. Highly productive biome
important for fisheries and feeding places for
water fowl.
13Coastal Wetlands
areas of coastal land covered all or part of the
year by salt water breeding grounds and habitats
for waterfowl and other wildlife
14Mangrove Swamp - tropical coasts dominated by
salt-tolerant trees
15Coral Reefs occur in neritic zones of warm,
tropical water, dominated by cnidarians (corals)
very productive, protect land from storms most
are now dying from rise in global temperatures
16Intertidal Zone
17Human Impacts on Coastal Zones
- 2/3rds of population live within 100 miles of the
ocean - Wetlands destruction
- Toxic pollution
- Beach erosion
- Reduced resources
18Some State Percentages of Population
19Freshwater Life Zones
- 1 of Earths surface water
- 41 of fish species
- Lentic
- Lotic
20Freshwater Lentic Systems
Standing bodies of water, i.e., lakes, ponds,
inland wetlands
21Freshwater Lotic Systems
Flowing bodies of water, i.e., rivers and streams
22Zone Explanation of Freshwater Lakes
- Littoral Zone shallow, near shore, rooted
plants, most productive, high diversity - Limnetic Zone open water away from shore,
phyto- and zooplankton, fish - Profundal Zone deep, too dark for
photosynthesis, some fish adapted for depth,
temperature - Benthic Zone decomposers, detritus feeding
clams, insect larvae (vermiformes), catfish, carp
23Oligotrophic Lakes
24Eutrophic Lakes
25Mesotrophic Lake
26Thermal Stratification of Lakes
- Epilimnion- warmer water with higher dissolved
oxygen levels - Thermocline- separating boundary between
epilimnion and hypolimnion - Hypolimnion- lower layer of water, more dense,
with lower temperatures and dissolved oxygen - Most lakes undergo fall and spring overturns
27Water Sheds
28Texas Watersheds
29Freshwater Wetlands
30Wetlands includes marshes, bogs, swamps,
seasonal ponds. Among richest biomes with
respect to biodiversity and productivity.
31Human Effects on Inland Wetlands