Title: Whats New At US SAILING
1Whats New At US SAILING
- North American Yacht Racing Union (NAYRU) Founded
Oct 20, 1897
- October 1991 NAYRU voted to change its name to
US SAILING to represent the diversity in the
mission of the organization.
- National Governing Body of Sailing under the
auspices of the Amateur Sports Act.
- However US SAILING is more than racing.
- US SAILING's mission is to encourage
participation and promote excellence in sailing
and racing in the United States.
- US SAILING is a member-based organization that
accomplishes its mission through volunteers and
member organizations supported by an
administrative staff. We affirm the principles of
good sportsmanship, safety, fair play, equal
opportunity and fun in sailing by people of all
ages and abilities.
- 37,500 members with 8,000 cruising members.
- Overall, 90 of sailors are not racers.
- Comparable to the United Nations.
- Composed of Committees and Councils.
- Interests range from Windsurfing, Cruising, One
Design Racing, Off-Shore Racing and even Model
Sailboat Racing.
6US SAILING - Reorganization
- On October 21, 2005, US
- SAILING underwent a
- major reorganization.
- Ironically, this was the 200th anniversary of the
battle of Trafalgar (The most important battle in
naval history of sailing ships which reshaped the
dominance of the seas for 100 years. )
7US SAILING - Reorganization
- Board of Directors meet
- monthly and direct the
- organization.
- Board of Directors reduced from 49 to 14.
- Nine are elected by the general membership.
8US SAILING - Reorganization
- Board of Directors
- Three nominated by the House of Delegates.
- Rest are nominated by the nominating Committee.
- Most seats must have at least 2 nominees.
9US SAILING - Reorganization
- Board of Directors
- Elect the President of US SAILING
- Appoints Committees and Chairman.
- Oversee US SAILING Operations.
10US SAILING - Reorganization
- Board of Directors
- No board member may concurrently hold a
chairmanship or presidency of a US SAILING
council or committee, regional sailing
association or national, or international class
11US SAILING - Reorganization
- House of Delegates
- Serves as an advisory body to the President and
Board of Directors.
- Composed of Representatives from Sailing Councils.
12US SAILING - Reorganization
- Divisions
- Administration
- Competition
- Education
- Olympic
- Recreational Sailing
13US SAILING - Reorganization
- Committees
- Implement directive from the Board of Governors.
- Have a budget and make decisions on how to
implement policy.
14US SAILING - Reorganization
- Councils
- Composed of groups having common and mutual
sailing interests on a national basis.
- Have Representation in the House of Delegates.
15Cruising Council
- Newest Council.
- Designed for Non-Racing Activities.
- US SAILING Recognizes that most sailors do not
race and the Cruising Council is designed to
serve this constituency.
16Members Local Sailing Organizations
- US SAILING has both sailors and clubs as
- A balance is struck in services provided to these
two constituents.
17Service To Members
- US SAILING Newsletter
- Boat insurance
- Safety at Sea Seminars Sailing Training
- Discounts on Chartering
- Other Discounts and Special Offers
- US SAILING Merchandise
18Boat Insurance
- Racing Sailboats
- Cruising Sailboats and Powerboats
- One-Design Classes
19Sailing Education
- US SAILING Courses are On-The Water Training.
This is Unique to US SAILING.
- Small Boat
- Racing
- Keelboat to Cruising
- Windsurfing
- Powerboating
20Small Boat
Taught by Certified US SAILING Instructors
- Start Sailing Right--This program is being
rewritten into a three part series.
21Five Part Certification Series
Taught by Qualified Schools with Certified US
SAILING Instructors.
- Basic Keelboat
- Basic Cruising
- Bareboat Cruising
- Coastal Navigation
- Passage Making
22Safety at Sea Seminars
- Before you head offshore, join us for the most
authoritative daylong seminar on safe seamanship,
heavy-weather tactics, and boat preparation. See
safety-equipment demos and crew-overboard-recovery
techniques. Pose questions to our panel of
expert blue water sailors. Tuition fees vary, and
seating is limited, so call now for reservations.
This could be the most important day of your
sailing life.
23Online Education
- 90 online videos, Over 275 thousand words in 722
- 7 online courses with tests
- www.sailingcourse.com
24Online Education
- Sailing Primer
- Introduction to Racing and Racing Rules
- Small Boat Course
- Keelboat Course
- Cruising Course
- Windsurfing Course
- Powerboat Course
25Powerboat Course
- On-the-water powerboat course which is NASBLA
- Offered by may US SAILING Schools.
- Find a course at www.uspowerboating.com
26Government Relations
- Tackles Government Regulation Problems
- Affecting Sailors
- Boat for hire restrictions.
- Transporting CO2 cartridges for life vests on
27Services to Local Sailing Organizations
- Insurance for Clubs and Races
- Insurance for Windsurfing Schools
- Race Management
- Race Protest Appeal
- One-Design Symposium
- National Sailing Programs Symposium
28Racing - Rules
- The rules of racing are changed every 4 years. An
eight man US SAILING Committee plays a leading
role in revising and maintaining these rules.
- International Sailing Federation, ISAF, makes the
- US SAILING can make minor additions or changes to
the rules called Prescriptions. Copies of the
rules can be downloaded free from
www.ussailing.org .
29Racing - Rules
- Rules in Brief Card
- Changes in the 2005 to 2008 rules.
- See handout for additional changes.
- The 360 degree penalty is now the one turn
penalty (One Jibe and One Tack).
- The 720 degree penalty is now the two turns
penalty (Two Jibes and Two Tacks).
30Race Management
US SAILING Provides Seminars on Race Management
at Local Yacht and Sailing Clubs.
31Protest Appeal
- You cannot appeal the race committees factual
decisions only its interpretations of a rule or
its procedures.
- Fifteen days to file an appeal.
- Race Administration DirectorUS SAILING P.O. Box
1260Portsmouth, RI 02871-0907
32Protest Appeal
- Can you use a sea anchor to help you in your turn
around a mark ???
- In this question, the facts are not
- disputed only if the action is allowed in
- the rules of sailboat racing.
33One Design Sailing Symposium
- For class officers, district governors, fleet
officers and anyone who cares about one-design
- Promote One Design Racing.
- Presentations by industry leaders and class
experts and forums for exchanging and fostering
new ideas.
34National Sailing Programs Symposium
- Anyone who is involved with organizing and
operating a sailing program of any kind.
- First year program organizers to veteran program
- Topics on how to start a program and how to keep
it running successfully.
35The End Fair Winds