Title: One Laptop Per Child
1One Laptop Per Child Algebra 1 in Simple
English WikiTextbook/Moodle
- Can a bunch of math teachers really write a whole
math textbook? - Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the OLPC Laptop Project?
- What is the latest news in the OLPC Laptop
Project? - Who is organizing this project?
- Where did this idea come from?
- What is a Wiki-Textbook?
- What is a Moodle?
- How is this project organized?
- How will the project be improved and evaluated?
- What will it look like when were finished?
What Ive been doing since last year
2What is the OLPC Laptop Project?
- Started development in 2000 by Nicolas
Negroponte, former head/founder of MIT Media Lab
and Wired Magazine (younger brother of John
Negroponte) - Will be mass-produced for approx. 100 for sale
to developing world governments for K-12
education - Current cost approx. US 180
- First mass-produced laptops are being shipped
starting Dec 14th
- Features
- Linux operating system (open source)
- wi-fi (mesh network)
- 500MHz processor
- 128MB DRAM
- 500Mb Flash Memory
- Self-powered via crank/pedal
- Can do everything except store massive data
3Latest News on the OLPC(X0) Laptop
- for sale November 12th
- 200 delivers a laptop to a needy student
- 400 delivers 2 laptops
- One to a needy student
- One to you
- http//www.laptopgiving.org/
4OLPC Roll-out Map New Version
Green Pilot Countries (first round) Red
Post-Launch countries (second round) Orange
Expressed interest at Ministry of Education Level
or Higher Yellow Seeking government support
5Who is organizing this project?
- Lisa Gehman Thorne
- Teacher, Math and Computer Applications at West
Hollywood Community Day School, LAUSD - Creator of www.HSTutorials.net
- B.S. Mathematics, UCLA
- M.Ed. Mathematics Education UCLA
6What is a Wiki-Textbook?
- Wiki is server software that allows users to
create and edit the same Web page from any
computer on the Internet. - Wikipedia is the most famous wiki, but its not
the only one. - A Wiki-Textbook uses that technology for a group
of people to write a textbook. - Our textbook will be written using Wiki, but that
is not where students will use it. They will use
it on a Moodle. - Our book is currently hosted at en.wikibooks.org
, but will be moved to simple.wikibooks.org so
that it will be near other projects written in
Simple English. - I will demonstrate how to add content at the end
of the presentation.
7 What is
- Moodle is a free, Open Source course management
system (CMS). It can - Give assignments,
- Keep track of student progress,
- Facilitate communication between students and
with the teacher, - automatically grades multiple-choice assignments
and tests. - You can download and use it on any computer
(including webhosts)
- It can scale from a single-teacher site to a
50,000-student University. - All work doesnt have to be on a computer to use
a Moodle. It is an organizational tool.
8 What will our
eventually do?
- Non-Hosted Version
- Organize the curriculum for the student
- Provide
- problems,
- tutorials, and
- games to teach the content
- Allow students to correct their work
- Provide self-correcting tests and quizzes
- Provide a curriculum for students whose teachers
dont know how to teach Algebra
- Hosted Versions (Phase 3)
- Hosted by volunteer teachers all over the world
- Teachers can change the curriculum order to meet
their district guidelines - Teachers can invite foreign students to join
their regular class - Teachers can host an all-foreign class
9Who is going to do What and When? Phase 1
- Everybody and anybody
- Put word problems and assemble standard problems
into order of difficulty onto the wiki-textbook,
concentrating on the first 3 - 4 chapters. - Submit suggestions for a domain name.
- Incorporate all problems for which tutorials have
already been published on HSTutorials.net. - Pursue grant money/institutional funding for a
stand-alone website.
- Lisa Thorne and a few volunteers
- Decide on a domain name for our project.
- Once the first 3 - 4 chapters are finished, they
will be posted on a Moodle anyone can use. - Until we have funding, the domain name will
redirect to extra server space for one of my
websites (probably www.ThorneSculpture.com) . - Pursue grant money/institutional funding for a
stand-alone website.
10Who is going to do What and When? Phase 2
- Everybody and anybody
- Test-drive the Moodle themselves or along with
their students. - Keep writing word problems and ordering standard
problems until we finish the bare-bones version
of the textbook.
- Lisa Thorne and a few volunteers
- Post chapters on the Moodle as they are
completed. - Implement a ratings strategy (Read The Wisdom of
Crowds) - Standard and word problems
- Difficulty (low, med, high)
- Importance to topic (low, med high)
- Word problems
- Language complexity
- Tutorials
- Speech clarity
- Language simplicity
- Download speed
- Helpfulness
11Who is going to do What and When? Phase 3
- Everybody and anybody
- Rate problems and tutorials on the moodle.
- Tell their friends and neighbors.
- Lisa Thorne and more than a few volunteers
- Record tutorials
- Teach/facilitate an actual class of international
12What will it look like when were finished?
- Heres the current mock-up of the student/user
interface http//www.hstutorials.net/olpc/olpcmath
index.htm - Heres an example of a narrated tutorial in
simple English http//www.hstutorials.net/olpc/exa
mple_tut_1.htm - These links are both at the top of the page of
13Can a bunch of math teachers really write a whole
math textbook?
- Sure, why not!?!
- Read The Wisdom Of Crowds by James Surowiecki
- It suggests that our book could be significantly
better than any book made by a small group of
experts. - Other scientists routinely collaborate in large
numbers on large projects - 450 scientist credited for the top quark theory
- Linux operating system continues to be written by
volunteer computer programmers
14Can a bunch of math teachers really write a whole
math textbook?
- Most of us compose example problems for our
classes every day. - Publishing a textbook is risky, but writing one
is not. - Online textbooks are easier to write because they
can always be corrected. - These students are better off with our imperfect
textbook than without.
15Frequently Asked Questions
- What does Simple English mean?
- How is this project connected to OLPC?
- What about wiki-vandalism?
- What about controversies over curriculum order?
- How do I participate?
- Can I take a leadership role?
16What does Simple English mean?
- Simple English is also called Basic English
- BE850 is a list of the necessary 850 English
words for effective communication. It was
developed by Charles Kay Ogden. - BE1500 is a longer list.
- You can enter text at http//www.online-utility.o
rg/english/simple_basic_helper.jsp and it will
automatically place hyperlinks to Wiktionary - You can practice writing in Simple English by
contributing or editing articles in
Simple.Wikipedia.org - You can avoid the issue by just writing math
problems without words.
17How is this project connected to One Laptop Per
- Its not.
- Its potential is even bigger than that.
- Our website is for anyone in the world with a
basic English vocabulary. - It is how I got the idea. At the ISTE conference
in 05, Negroponte asked for teachers to start
developing content. - It could be used by any school that didnt want
to buy traditional textbooks (even yours!)
18What about wiki-vandalism?
- Wikis can be vandalized, but administrators can
always restore them and lock out URLs. (Note
Wikipedia cannot be edited from LAUSD schools for
this reason.) - Students will work the course through the Moodle,
which is not vulnerable to vandalism.
19What about controversies over curriculum order?
- This textbook can easily be turned into several
textbooks. For example, we could have - one that teaches polynomial factoring after
graphing lines (like McDougall/Littel) - and one that teaches polynomial factoring first
(like Dolciani) - There is no reason to be thrown off course by the
small things we disagree about.
20How do I participate?
- Go to http//en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OLPC_-_Algebra_
1_in_Simple_English - (or link through www.HSTutorials.net)
- Register (so we can communicate)
- Start adding problems!
- Spread the word
- Blogs
- Letters to the editor in education magazines
- Department meetings
- Math cadre
- I will now show you just how easy it is!
21Can I take a leadership role?You betcha!
- Make this presentation to other teachers.
- This Powerpoint can be downloaded from
http//www.hstutorials.net/olpcmath.htm - Modify the presentation with my blessings!
- Write an article about it for a teaching
publication - Talk to teachers in other subject areas about
starting their own Simple English Wiki-Moodle
Projects - Celebrate imperfect progress!
- I am specifically looking for people who want to
make this presentation to math teaching
organizations in other states.