Title: Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
1Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
2Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
- Alteration of Historic fire regime
- historically fires occurred on the interval of
20 years surface, and 100-300 crown
- Post settlement humans extinguished all fires up
until the mid 1970s
3Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
-Wildland Urban interface -Effects of smoke i
n the region -Potential for prescribed fire to
become wildfire. -what impact will the fire hav
e on vegetation -what is the best method for re
moving fuels, logging, or fire
-what impact will fire have on visitation of
the area -How will this fire be viewed by the p
4Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
- Fire usage to meet management objectives
- Reduction in fuels
- Restore historical fire regime
5Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
- Goals of fire management plans
- Maintain air quality standards
- Supress any wildfires that threaten the public or
private property
6Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
- Prescribed Fire
- Can be a couple hundred acres up to several
thousands of acres
- national interagency fire center reported
assisting in prescribed burning over 2 million
acres in 1999
7Rocky Mountain Conifer Forests
- Comparison of historic fire and current
prescribed fire
- Goal is to keep prescribed fire as close to
historical fires as possible
- Size of fires has changed over time, due to
current supression efforts
8Rocky Mountain Conifer Forest
- Yellowstone fires of 1988
- Policy of letting natural fires extinguish
- Eventually fires crews brought in to fight the
fires. 9,000 firefighters at one time
- Over 700,000 acres burned