Title: Implementation of SUSHI at the University of Washington
1Implementation of SUSHI at the University of
- SLA 2008, Seattle
- Tim Jewell and Hana Levay
- (with thanks to Diane Carroll, WSU)
- Created October and November 2007
- Updated June 2008
- Brief history of statistics
- SUSHI feeds
- ERM Beta Cost per use
- ScholarlyStats Autostat Configuration
- Whats next?
3A Brief History of Statistics
-- How is this useful??
- Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic
- Standardized way to count usage
- Defined reports for journals, databases, and
- Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting
- Model for automation of statistics harvesting
- SUSHI feed usage data that magically appears!
6ERM Beta
- Can now accept SUSHI feeds
- Easy to generate COUNTER-style reports within
- Brings in data from order records to calculate
cost per use
- Does most of the work for us
- Consolidates and analyzes data
- One source for SUSHI feeds
8Context Collection Development Support
- Serials Cancellation projects
- Databases
- Journals
- Print
- Electronic
- Analysis of E-journal packages
- Proposals/Offers
- Periodic Re-analysis
- Refocus Budgeting/Spending
- All these tending to merge
9Local Journal Metrics
- Cost/payment
- Usage
- Print
- Electronic
- Cost per Use
- ILL use
- Faculty data
- Publications
- Citations
- Requests
- Priority judgments
10Global Journal Metrics
- Retail/List Price
- Impact Factor
- Emerging
- Journal Cost-effectiveness
- Eigenfactor
- Usage Factor
- 150-200 Metrics
- Article The new metrics of scholarly authority
(Michael Jensen, Chronicle of Higher Education,
June 15, 2007)
11But Dont Forget
- Fund Code, Selector
- Package Information
- Publisher
- Cancellation Limits
- Print vs. Online
- Archiving/continuing access rights
- Portico, LOCKSS coverage?
- Subscribed vs. Nonsubscribed titles
12What reports or views do we want, with what
- Different for types of resources
- Databases
- Journals
- Journal to Journal Comparisons
- Package Comparisons
- E-books
- Different levels of analysis
- Selector or Department
- Fund Group or Broad Area
- Campus
- University
- Consortium
- Trends?
13ERM AutoStat Configuration
14Example of AutoStat Setup
WSDL URL http//
15Covered Resources
- Institute of Physics Publishing
- Meta Press
- Nature Publishing Group
- Ovid (Wolters Kluwer)
- Oxford Journals Online
- Project MUSE
- ProQuest
- Sage
- Springer
- Thomson Gale
- Wiley InterScience
- American Chemical Society
- Annual Reviews
- BioOne
- Blackwell Synergy
- Cambridge Journals Online
- EBSCOhost
- Elsevier ScienceDirect
- Gale
- HighWire Press
- HW Wilson
- Informaworld
- IngentaConnect
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
16(No Transcript)
17 Project Muse export
Average cost per title (2007) 26108/360 titles
18A Close-Up View of Statistics Export
CPU per title (2007) Cost per title / Use for
title CPU Africa Today 72.52/270 0.2
19Project Muse Order RecordOne of four payments in
2007 for entire package one payment per
contributing fund.
20Wiley Genesis Order RecordExample of payment
at the title level
21Wiley InterScience Genesis Export
22Genesis Statistics Detail
2007 payment / 2007 Use 2007 CPU
1950.71 / 649 3.00
23UW SUSHI Implementation and Interpretation Issues
- Wider adoption
- Adjust Scholarly Stats platform coverage
- III implementation details
- Fund codes
- How best to assemble and report the data of
- Flexibility important
- How analyze and interpret one-line invoices?
- Tim Jewell (tjewell_at_u.washington.edu)
- Hana Levay (levay_at_u.washington.edu)