Title: Marketing management in AsiaPacific
1Unit 5
- Marketing management in Asia-Pacific
2Objective (I)
- Identify the factors shaping the marketing
environment in selected Asia-Pacific countries - Describe the nature of consumer behavior in Asia
and how this has been influenced by the Asia
crisis - Link the principles of marketing strategy to the
market environment in Asia - Evaluate the standardization versus adoption
debate in the Asia-Pacific context
3Objective (II)
- Discuss issues specific to Asia-Pacific which
affect the nature of - Product
- Pricing
- Promotion
- Distribution strategies in the region
- Explore other key marketing issues specific to
the Asia-Pacific region
4Asia as a market (I)
- Marketing environment
- Asia-Pacific become attractive markets in the
world - Consumption in this region has grown as
disposable incomes rise - Traditional values become more westernized
- Changes in the marketing environment in Asia are
result of events - Cultural, economic, political, legal and
technological environments - The major trends over the past decade include
- Fast growing markets that continue to grow,
albeit at a slower rate, even after the Asian
5Asia as a market (II)
- Increasing customer spending power as a result of
higher disposable incomes and more relaxed
attitude to saving - Increasing income gaps between the rich and the
poor, and between urban and rural populations - Flourishing underground economy
- Both traditional and emerging values and beliefs
that are shaping the modern Asian consumer - Customers who are fulfilling their wants rather
than just their needs - High levels of demand for customer durables
- Changing preferences towards foreign products
rather than domestic products - Shift towards a more Western lifestyle
- Increasing awareness of brands, self-image and
conspicuous consumption, return to
price-conscious shopping
6Asia as a market (III)
- Rapid diffusion of new products, fads and
mass-consumer trends in purchasing - Willingness to try new products or services
- Dramatic increases in the use of credit cards and
credit facilities - Implications for implementing elements of the
marketing mix - Product design, advertising strategies, pricing
and distribution - Cultural characteristics common to Asia
- Long-term orientation
- Extensive use of relationships based on trust and
loyalty in the business setting - Collectivist or group-oriented culture
7Asia as a market (IV)
- Business is based on long-term relationships and
commitment between buyer and seller - Keiretsu, Japanese business system
- Excluded all but the most innovative outside
firms from the production network - Small to medium-sized suppliers depended on
relationships with larger firms - Unwilling to distribute foreign products that
compete with existing lines - Chinese dominant business activity and pervasive
influence of guanxi (connection) that difficult
for outsiders to operate effectively - Long-term orientation is also reflected in
consumer purchasing - Technology and exposure to mass media make more
informed choices about the way they live - Raised awareness of the need for precautionary
spending for products
8Asia as a market (V)
- Loyalty has been part of traditional consumer
behavior in Asia - In rural areas and among the older generations
- Tendency to be both risk-averse and price
conscious in their shopping behavior - Remain with a trusted brand
- Trustworthy friend able to give advice about any
product or brand in the store - Family-oriented as a result of collectivist trait
and Confucian values - Womans place at home and extended family still
holds very strong in Japanese, Chinese and Korean - Womens existence is based on her relationships
with her father, husband and sons - Traditionally her role was to produce a male heir
to continue the family line
9Asia as a market (VI)
- Opening up of their economies to trade and
investment - Proactive approach towards encouraging trade from
the West and lowering trade surpluses with USA - Increasing levels of disposable income under the
evolving socialist market system - China take advantage of the anticipated boom in
consumer demand before their competitors
establish themselves - Chinese government maintains its socialist
political ideology - Characterized
- Corruption and collusive agreements with or
influence by government bureaucrats - Lack of clarity and consistence in rules and
regulations pertaining to business - Lack of reliable statistic and economic data on
which to base market assessments and feasibility
studies - Transport, distribution finical and legal systems
are still under development and presents a real
problem for any Western firm entering the market
10Asia as a market (VII)
- Japan affluent consumer markets in the world
- Government-imposed restrictions on importing or
investment - Due to the confounding nature of the Japanese
business environment - Independently from outside influence on the basis
of longstanding relationships between groups of
Japanese companies - Determined and well-resourced firms from
competing on an equal basis with Japanese firm - The close network of firms also allows rapid
responses to changes in consumer preferences and
market demand - Desire to purchase locally made goods or services
- Start from scratch to find new premises and new
staff, build market share and customer loyalty
and develop network of supporting firms - IBM as example
11Asia as a market (VIII)
- Hong Kong and Taiwan
- Governments adopted a minimal involvement
philosophy that focuses on maintaining stability
and a relatively corruption-free regulatory
environment - Hong Kong remain economically independent and
close relationship with the ever-growing China - Korea
- The are liberalization of policies concerning
entry of foreign investment and some imports - Tariffs on imported products are slowly being
reduced - Non-tariff barriers, such as government
regulation, inspection and interference hinder
the importation of foreign goods - Education and training
- Encouraged a virtuous cycle of economic
development and rising incomes supported by
skilled workers - More accessible and affordable to these workers
and children
12Asia as a market (VI)
- Education is linked to financial and career
success - Learning has progressed dramatically of open-door
policies and the influx of foreign companies - Japan invest in the upgrading of infrastructure,
technology and human resources in the host
economy - Develop skills such as teamwork, quality control,
electronic component assembly, clothing
manufacture and numerous associated with light
manufacturing - Adoption and adaptation of Western ideas,
products and consumer culture - Profound effect on the behavior of consumers in
Asia - In the wealthier coastal areas of China, are now
boutique stores and fashion outlets offering
European designs and American labels - Changing traditional values and customs and
altering shopping behavior - Dramatic increase in the use of customer credit
including credit cards, bank overdrafts and
loans, and hire-purchase style options
13Asia as a market (VI)
- Thrift and saving are well-recognized values in
Asia based on the long-team orientation of
society - The perceived and actual need to protect one
family against any hardship - Poverty, natural disaster, war and disease
- Fuelled demand and consumption and has been a
boon for banks and companies selling consumer
products in the East - Changing societal characteristics of Asian
economies - Japan adopted as part of the collection of
presents traditionally given to the bride, rather
than a symbol of love and commitment as in the
West - HK sales of non-traditional foods
- Beef are on the increase but the meat is prepared
in traditional Chinese style
14Asia as a market (VII)
- Demographic factors and market segmentation
- No denying that the wider Asia region represents
a huge actual and potential market - Rapid rate of economic growth and
industrialization that has made these countries
attractive markets - Japan fuelled strong demand for quality products
from all over the world - HK, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are now
mature and service-oriented - Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia
have rapidly progressed into budding consumer
societies, purchasing fashion items, products for
the home and customer services - China is higher costs of land, labour and other
resourced, appreciating currencies and financial
woes are eroding margins and comparative
15Asia as a market (VIII)
- The geographical spread of the population and the
underdeveloped infrastructure means that urban
areas will be easier and more profitable as
target markets - The potential of the market
- Numbers in the population that have sufficient
incomes to afford the production - The ease of accessing the market
- Numbers in urban areas as opposed to rural areas,
those with televisions and ratios and adequate
distribution infrastructure - The distinct characteristics of the market
- The number of people in each age group, the
numbers of working women
16Asia as a market (IX)
- Some statistics available to conduct
environmental and market analyses - Population density
- Life expectancy
- Population distribution (Rural or urban)
- GDP and employment per sector (Agriculture,
industry and services) - Changes to GDP and GDP per capital over time
- External debt, government expenditure, investment
and savings - Level of foreign investment, imports and exports
by sector, commodity - Major trading partners
17Asia as a market (X)
- In China
- Willing to buy consumer goods
- Larger ticket items-Refrigerators and washing
machines - Luxury items-Convenience foods and beauty
products - Chinas market are perhaps the most diversified
in Asia - More useful to segment the market on the basis of
the different economic regions to get a clearer
idea of consumer characteristics - A smaller group have become Chinas nouveaux
riches and are now able to afford some luxury
items such as vehicles or electronic goods - Chinese have sufficient disposable income to
become shoppers for consumer durables - Bicycles, watches, television sets and other
household appliances - Chinese government s subsidization of basic
necessities - Food and housing, transport, education and
medical care
18Asia as a market (XI)
- In HK
- Emigration from HK has been high through the
1990s during the lead-up to the handover to the
Chinese government in 1997 - Most industrial countries and reflects the
increase in working women - Attaining material wealth and the change in
traditional values - Living standards and household income are high in
HK and comparable to those in the West and Japan - South Korea
- Ethically homogeneous population, albeit has been
influenced colonial rule, war and civil conflict - The nuclear family has become the norm for the
majority of households and divorce has now been
legalized - Working women make up 45 of workforce and are
having to balance long hours and family
19Asia as a market (XII)
- Traditional values of frugality and conservative
consumption - Reinforced by the government prominent business
people who call for, personally demonstrate acts
of sacrifice and personal moderation - In Taiwan
- Second highest population density in the world
- Making the market stable and attractive
- With low levels of inflation and unemployment and
high trade surpluses and savings - Become the big spenders and consumption is even
endorsed by the government - Increasing the gender ratio of males to females
- Being perpetuated by women technologies that can
detect and dispose of the unwanted foetus
20Asia as a market (XIII)
- Segmentation
- Process of diving a potentially large market into
distinctive subsets of consumers - Target the marketing strategy towards one or more
of these segments - Starts with an analysis of the marketing
environment , or changes and trends influencing
consumer behavior - Identify where there are potentially profitable
areas of the market - Not being exploited or where new products can be
introduced - Ways that a potential market could be divided
into more manageable segments - Demographic variables
- Age, gender, family size and type, income,
occupation, education, religion, place of
residence and nationally
21Asia as a market (XIV)
- Psychographics and lifestyle approaches
- Divide consumers according to their social class,
culture, attitudes, behavior, lifestyle or
personality - Behavioral segmentation bases
- Perceived and actual benefits of the product to
the consumer, like functional benefits, image and
prestige, convenience or economy, or usage
patterns - Heavy, moderate or light users of a product or
service - Each segment characteristics
- Readily identifiable relevant to the product in
question - Measurable
- Able to count or estimate the number of people
that fall into that segment - Substantial in size and durable to be profitable
- Sustainable long enough to worth targeting
- Define actual and potential market segments very
carefully - Demographic segmentation is preferred rather than
psychographics or lifestyle patterns
22Asia as a market (XV)
- Must be similarities between the members of a
segment - Yuppie segment in Southeast Asia
- Difference in culture, demonstrate similar
preferences for Western-style consumption of fine
wine, golf, travel and designer labels - Based on the need for status and conveniences
rather than solely functional attributes - Accessible by the company
- Reach the targeted segment
- Lacks of infrastructure, roads, electricity and
public transport - Lack of suitable adverting media
- Purchasing power of the segment and the literacy
rate inhibit the markers efforts to reach a
particular group of consumers - Affected by political events
- Type of segmentation used will depend on the type
of product and its likely customers - Such as soft-drinks (Asia), coffee (Singapore),
tea (Chinese)
23Asia as a market (XVI)
- Consumer behavior
- Segments identified through the analysis of the
marketing environment and specific
characteristics of the consumers - Coupled with demographic information and other
segmentation bases - Existing culture, trends and changes in Asian
society with demographic features - Japan
- Middle class consumer exhibits very similar
patterns of buying behavior - Attributed to the collectivist and relatively
homogeneous nature of Japanese society - Well-educated population have served to make
Japanese consumer behavior much more uniform - Emphasis on quality and service rather than price
- More sophisticated in their buying behavior
24Asia as a market (XVII)
- China
- The middle class consumer exhibits a fairly
conservative style of consumer behavior - Remain faithful to traditional Chinese products
- Aspirations of new refrigerator or a second
television set - Younger generation and the wealthier
entrepreneurial class - Try new things and make riskier purchasing
decisions - The time for leisure and family is more in demand
in Asia - Pursuit of higher education and training
- Childrens schoolwork and extracurricular
activities - Products and services that reduce the time needed
for household chores - Vacuum cleaners, microwaves, family restaurants
and product with remote control
25Asia as a market (XVIII)
- Working women
- They are earning money themselves and household
has higher levels of discretionary income to
spend - Encourage purchases of convenience products and
restaurant meals - HK, women are holding down goods in service
sectors and devoted to the raising of the family
still very strong - Yuppies
- Focus on their wants rather than just their
needs in purchasing behavior - Cars, refrigerators and mobile telephones
- Nouveaux riches are striving to fit into an
emerging lifestyle that is modern - Led to conspicuous consumption or the acquisition
of material assets - Fine wines, expensive jewellery, luxury vehicles
and artwork - Services as foreign maids, tutors, medical
insurance, overseas travel and golf membership
26Asia as a market (XIX)
- Youth and teenagers
- Demonstrated a passion for consumer fads
- Taiwan, as the bean sprout generation
- Well protected, yet feeble and vulnerable
- Post-crisis consumers
- Japanese, shifted towards goods that are
realistically priced and offer value for money - Purchase high quality functional items
- The rise of cut-price or no-frills shopping
outlets that provide the customer with the best
value for money - Readjust their marketing mixes and product
offerings to suit the new consumers - Past 5 years
- HK, consumers are cautious and prefer to save
their money rather than upgrade to newer models
of cars, stereos and TV - Korea, consumers desires to spend on hold and
demand for expensive foreign products - thailand,
27Marketing strategy and the marketing programme (I)
- Marketing strategy Basic concepts
- Marketing philosophy
- Behind marketing-oriented strategy
- Focus on determining the needs and wants of the
customer - Develop a product that meets those needs, then
sell it for profit - Marketing concept
- Seek to achieve its goal through identifying the
needs and wants of target markets - Delivering the product more effectively than
competitors - Most successful for companies to understand what
their customers expect - Able to satisfy those customers better
- Leads to high demand, sales and ultimately to
achieving the companys goals
28Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Selling
- Encouraging customers to buy existing products
through use of the promotion and adverting and
aggressive selling techniques - Selling try to sell what it makes rather than
what the market wants - Insurance companies as example
- Marketing-oriented
- Employ aspects of the marketing function
- Oriented towards selling, production or the
product - Production-oriented
- Lowering the cost of the through efficient
production techniques - Making the product widely available through
expansive distribution coverage - Develop and refine their product offering
- Disadvantage
- Increasing choice of products, available
consumers may put other needs of product quality
29Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Marketing fundamentals (Market-oriented)
- Customer satisfaction is ultimate goal
- Understanding what customers want and
- How the company can best meet customer needs
profitable and achieve this goal - Customers do not buy products or services
- Solutions or benefits the product can provide to
customer - Kodak as example
- Led marketing-oriented firms to view their
products as bundles of benefits - IBM as example
- Made up different groups of consumers with
different characteristics - Sell a single idea or product to all these people
in the same way - Ineffective and a poor use of company resources
- Market segmentation and adoption of the marketing
mix to suit the segment - Needs to review each element of the marketing mix
continually in view of these changes - More volatile than others
- Computers as exapmle
30Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Market positioning
- Consider the market positioning of your company
relative to your existing competitors - McDonalds hamburger chain in Asia
- Different products
- Vegetarian and chicken burgers to Indians and
Muslims - Kids meals and toys to children
- Emphasis the company image and its bundle of
benefits as a lifestyle and image choice - Convenience of the purchase, the congenial family
atmosphere of the restaurants, promotions
targeted at different customer segments, the
hygienic and efficient food preparation - Strongly influenced by the firm strengths and
weaknesses relative to competing firms - Understand the extent of its resources and the
nature of the business environment - Maintain a competitive edge in the market
- Market often overwhelmed with choice
31Marketing strategy and the marketing programme (V)
- Marketers tried to position their position their
companies as suppliers of luxury goods only for
the elite - Through building brand reputation, up-market
promotion techniques, high prices and
technologically sophisticated products or
snob-appeal - Future growth is the marketing of environmentally
friendly products to the green segments - Environment concern will increase among consumers
and companies alike - China are simply not rich enough to afford to
purchase green products - SWOT analysis
- Competitor analysis
- Useful for developing marketing strategy after
the market grouped into clearly defined segments
of customers - Allowed the firm to see if any segments are not
being served adequately-fill that gap - Incorporating all the environmental and internal
analyses clarify the process of strategy
32Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Standardization versus adaptation
- Firms offering and the elements of the marketing
mix can be standardized across international
markets - Standardization across world markets is
globalization - Becoming more homogeneous due to the growing
influence and accessibility of travel and
worldwide media - TV, films, telecommunications and the Internet
- McDonalds and Coca-Cola as example
- Identify and target homogeneous market segments
that exist globally, such as the youth/teen,
yuppie, or young family market segments - Adaptation (or customization)
- Needs to be modified account for differences in
host-country environments, demographic
characteristics and consumer tastes, needs and
33Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Consumers in global markets are diverse rather
than homogeneous and marketing programme should
be directed accordingly - Honda Motor Company
- Full standardization or full adoption strategies
must be extremely uncommon - Take Coca-cola for example
- Promotional material translated into different
languages for different countries - Sophistication and availability of different
distribution channels - Pricing depends on what the market bear and the
strength of the other competitors - The product must be altered, the can is green
where red is considered to be offensive - Professional service companies customize the
service offered to each customer
34Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Marketing mix elements 3 key advantages for the
firm - Cost advantage through achieving economies of
scale in production, research and development,
promotional material - Standardization also promotes consistency and
customer recognition of products that are offered
in more than one country - The golden arches of McDonald
- Provide a consistent product, pricing and
distribution regardless of location - International firms have found that
standardization improves marketing performance,
market share and profitability - Through ease of implementation, control and
management of standardized marketing programme - Adaptation of the elements of the marketing mix
- Higher levels of consumer satisfaction, patronage
and ultimately profits
35Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Advantages of partial adaptation
- Better tailor the marketing mix to specific
segments and cater to the differences in customer
needs - Mandatory to meet the legal requirements of some
countries - Safety standards, labeling and censorship
- Balance must be achieved somewhere between full
standardization and full adaptation of marketing
mix - Based on traditional and marketing mix elements
- Able to capture an international market segment
- Standardization will be determines by
- Product features and type
- Environmental variables
- Political and legal requirements
- Demographic and economic characteristics of the
36Marketing strategy and the marketing programme (X)
Factors influencing standardization
37Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- Introduction to the marketing programme
- Identified and the marketer has ensured that this
segment is large and sustainable enough to be
profitable - Potentially incorporate a number of different
product offerings over several market segments or
countries - Factors influencing the marketing mix
38Marketing strategy and the marketing programme
- The Four elements, or Ps of the marketing mix
are the - Product-the firms offering of both products and
services - Price-which includes the purchase price of the
product in different markets, and the value of
the product to different customers - Promotion-of the product and communication of the
products benefits to the customer - Place-or distribution of the product from
manufacturer to end consumer - More closely aligned with the needs and wants of
the consumers - Trends of the marketing environment
39Product management and development (I)
- Understanding the product/service mix
- The companys offering to the market and can
include physical goods, services, ideas and even
places or organizations and people - bundle of benefits embodied in the physical
product and service mix offered to customer - Having services
- Pre-purchase advice, installation and
instructions for use, or after-sales service - Maintenance and repair
- Example of IBM
- Involve some physical product elements
- And either not retained by the customer-air
travel - Brochures from the travel agent, the airplane
itself and the food served
40Product management and development (II)
- Bundles of benefits or product offerings are
products and which are services - A meal at a restaurant
- A mobile telephone
- A doctors consultation and prescription for
pharmaceuticals - An outdoor landscaping service
- A personal computer
- A tailored suit
- Consumers become more discerning about the
products they buy, the range of choices increases - Companies need to spend more time considering how
their product could be supplemented by supporting
service elements and vice versa for services - Avoid confusion we will refer to the product
and/or service mix as the product offering, or
simply the product
41Product management and development (III)
- Product offering at f different levels
- Most basic level
- Company is selling a fundamental or core benefit
to the customer - Second level
- Benefit must be transformed into a generic
product to relay the benefit to the customer - Third level
- Expected product includes all features and
attributes - Most customers would expect to receive upon
purchasing the product - Fourth level
- Augmented product embodies more than the expected
features to make the offering superior to
competitors - Their product offering from the competitors
offerings by providing additional benefits sought
or desired by customers - Fifth level
- Product evolve sometimes in the future and will
better meet the changing needs of the customer
and generate more business for the company
42Product management and development (IV)
Product levels
43Product management and development (V)
- Manufacturing firms in Asia have traditionally
focused on the functional attributes of the
generic product - Maximum benefit through functional attributes at
minimal cost - Cost-focused or product-oriented strategy works
well when consumers are price-sensitive - Attention to developing the expanded product
offering - Tangible and intangible attributes sought after
by the customer - Select their products over their competitors and
are willing to pay a premium for additional
actual or perceived benefits - Product differentiation and commonly used include
price, brand names, packaging, quality of the
product and aesthetic attributes such as style
and design - Books and CDs as a example
- Services included with the product (as free
delivery), promotion and give-aways - Appeals to identity and image are also used to
differentiate the product
44Product management and development (VI)
- Managing brands
- Represents a lasting symbol of the company and
its products in the eyes of the consumers - Define brand as a name, term, sign, symbol, or
design, or a combination of them, intended to
identify the goods or services of one seller or
group of sellers and to differentiate them from
those the competitors - Purpose of branding is to create awareness,
foster loyalty and encourage repeat sales of the
companys products - Associated with a certain reputation, as quality
and reliability, value for money, or innovation
and technological sophistication - Produces a wide range of non-durable consumer
goods ,focuses on positioning the brand names of
the products rather than the company in the
45Product management and development (VII)
- Six levels of meaning can be incorporated into
the branding strategy - Product attributes such as quality, reliability
and prestige - FEO (Singapore) focus on improving the quality
and design features its condominiums - Achieved ISO 9002
- Product benefits communicate the value of the
specific product attributes to the customer - Installing a comprehensive range of additional
features - Caters to emotional benefits
- Values of the company or what the company stands
for - Body shop, retailer and marketer of its unique
range of cosmetics and toiletries - Not testing on animals, using renewable natural
resources and promoting the personalities rather
than the body image of its clients
46Product management and development (VIII)
- Cultural influences are evident in many products
from developed countries - Italy, whose sports cars and fashion industry are
famous for quality of design and performance - Personalities normally associated with person,
animal or object can be projected by the brand - Slogan or Puma logo which suggest strength and
dominance - User characteristics are potentially the most
influential aspect of the brand - LV, BMW, Posrche or Toyota
- Marketing mix should support the desired
reputation or image of the brand - The product itself, the packaging, the way in
which the product is promoted, distributed and
sold - The Mercedes as example (Motorcar as a luxury)
47Product management and development (IX)
- Some strategies that company take to overcome the
difficulties of branding across several counties - Standardization of a brand name to cover both
company and products - Advantages of consistency and clarity for the
consumer and economies of scale - Disadvantages of firm risk its own reputation,
based on the poor performance of a single product
if the two are so closely associated - Translate appropriately and still appeal to local
tastes - Coca-Cola, Nissan, Kodak, IBM and ATT
- Standardization of a brand name to cover all
products - Promotes brand awareness and product acceptance
- Avoids the risks of the fisrt strategy, may
create lower levels of loyalty with some
consumers - Tend to remain loyal to the company rather than
its products
48Product management and development (X)
- Standardization of brand names for different
classes of product produced by the same firm - Advantage of associating a brand name with a
specific product or consumer segment - Lower-priced goods without hurting the quality
reputation of its more expansive product lines - Individualized brand names for each product
- More time-consuming and expensive
- Brand names to suit both products and markets and
re-package and re-label products - Closely tailored to customer tastes and
requirements and brand names for the same product
are changed for different situations - Common characteristics
- Ability to convey meaning about the product
- Names being short and easy to pronounce
- Recognizable and easy to remember
- Able to translated into different languages
49Product management and development (XI)
- In Asia, brand name that sounds good when spoken
and looks good on paper - Names and numbers are associated with luck
- Number eight (associated with prosperity)
- Number four (avoid, considered unlucky)
- Symbols are used to support the brand name, are
instantly recognizable and overcome the
difficulties of translation - Using translations may be problematic within
countries as well as between countries - Japanese, 4 different writing systems exist and
associated with different historical or cultural
characteristics - Kanji, traditional and quite inappropriate for a
technologically sophisticated product - Katakana, borrowing language from the West
- Hiragana, perceived to be feminine and used for
beauty prodcuts and hair dressing salons
50Product management and development (XII)
- Brand equity
- The loyalty to the brand by consumers, awareness
of the brand, perceived quality, the strength of
brand associations and supporting patents,
trademarks - Tailoring each element of the marketing mix
contributes to brand equality - Gain legal protection of their name and unique
products features - Gain leverage when dealing with distributors and
retailers who need to offer the brand to keep
customers satisfied - Easily identify the type of goods or services
that suit them best - Branding strategy
- Japanese (Flexible branding strategies)
- Meet the customer needs that change over time
- Translated into direct benefits for the consumer
- Advertising and promotion have sought to support
the image of the brand - Example as Mitsubishi, Toyota and Sony
51Product management and development (XIII)
- South Korean
- Brands internationally
- Example as Goldstar, Samsung, Daewoo and Hyundai
- Taiwanese
- Ranging from the computers to fashion clothing ,
relied on established brands from the USA, Japan
and Europe to market these products - Rely on product function, low prices and
international distribution and marketing to
promote their products - Product life cycle and positioning
- PLC concept refers to the stages of a products
life span in the marketplace - Depend on how well the company can stimulate
demand for the product - The perception of the product type changes and
the elements of the marketing mix are adjusted
52Product management and development (XIV)
- PLC consists of 4 separate stages
- The first stage-Introduction
- First released onto the market
- Typically slow, aware of the product
- Inferior to their current brand or are waiting
for others in their peer group to try the product
first - Products are minimal at this stage due to the
high costs of product development, trials,
promotion and distribution channel set-up - Be long and protracted in Asian
- Lack of understanding of Asian consumer
preferences and behavior may also slow the
availability and acceptance pf the product - The second stage- Growth
- Consumers accept the products and sales rise
rapidly and profits follow - Promotion related costs are offset by higher
53Product management and development (XV)
- Try and extend the PLC through improvements or
additional features - Competitors start to enter the market during this
stage - Firm must clearly differentiate the benefits of
its product offering and communicate these to
consumers - The third stage-Maturity
- Sales reach their peak and level off
- Profits are highest early in this stage
- Steady revenue generated by sales and lower costs
once the product has been established - Offering against products from competing firms
(lowering prices) - Offering promotional deals or differentiating the
product through minor modification - Products have been available for years and merely
being updated and improved - The fourth stage-Decline
- Product and profits decrease
54Product management and development (XVI)
- Product becomes a short-lived fad, or its style
and features go out of fashion - Product becomes obsolescent or replaced by a
superior model - Competitors supply rival models of the product,
purchase have already done so - Consumer behavior in response to the products
entry, acceptance and maturity provides a
rationale for the PLC concept - Introductory stage are known as innovators
- Growth stage are known as early adopters
- Decline stage, the product becomes legitimized
for the majority of the target segments who then
decide to purchase - Substitutes rise and price wars ensure, consumers
move on to new products and alternative brands
55Product management and development (XVII)
- Strategies for the PLC
- Introduction stage-skimming strategy
- High price level while it is still new and offers
additional benefits over existing products - Promotion is high, encourages more rapid
acceptance and awareness - Promotion is low, company recover some of the
costs of the product development and introduction - Willing to pay premium for product
- Introduction stage-penetration strategy
- Product is introduced at a low price to capture
market share quickly - Higher level of promotion, market already
price-sensitive and awareness of the product is
low - Lower level of promotion, market id large enough
to sell sufficient volume of the product - Growth stage
- Sustain rapid sales growth for as long as
possible, avoid the onset of the maturity stage - Product involve improving quality and design
- Adding features to the product
56Product management and development (XVIII)
- Introducing new models or products that
complement the existing model - Redesigns promotional materials or lowers prices
to attract new customers - Maturity stage
- Dominant players and by competition on the basis
of price and new product attributes - Selling based on their established brand and
brand reputation - For quality, value-for-money or service
- Smaller customer segments avoid head-on
competition with the dominant market players - Employ market and product expansion strategies
during this stage - Attempting to increase the volume of sales by
attracting new customers in new segments or from
competitors - Increasing the purchase rate of existing
customers or modifying the product features,
style or performance - Marketing mix elements is reviewed
57Product management and development (XIX)
- Decline stage
- Need to address its position in the market for
the product in question - Decide on some type of exit or harvest strategy
- More profitable to drop the product than to
continue to complete - Decide the product is able to continue to
generate sales - Substantially curb expenditure on the product
while maintaining sales levels - The companys strengths versus those of the
competitors and the potential return during the
decline stage - Product positioning
- Identified target markets, evaluated the
companys strengths and weaknesses and those of
competitors - Firm needs to establish and clearly communicate
the grounds on which the product is