Title: Henry Wells and William G. Fargo
1Henry Wells and William G. Fargo
- ambitious
- express
- establish
- venture
- destination
- conveyance
- merchandise
- promoted
- executive
- fee
- deposit
- highwaymen
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Open Court 4th Grade Unit 2 Dollars and
Sense - lesson 2 pp. 132-141 Melissa Lape /
Wilson Elementary
2Ambitious- Use context clues He also
proved to be an ambitious man who wanted to be in
business for himself. My ambitious sister wants
to be the class president and soccer team
Ambitious - trying hard to succeed
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
3- Express- Use context clues
- In keeping with the word express- which mean
"rapid conveyance"-the company was in the
business of making deliveries as swiftly as
possible. - The express bus travels quickly because it make
fewer stops.
Express - a fast system of delivering goods or
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
4- Establish- Use context clues
- They decided that they must establish a company
in the new state. - The lifeguards met to establish safety rules for
the new swimming pool.
- Establish - to start, create or begin
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
5- Venture- Use context clues
- There, Wells and Fargo laid
- plans for their new venture.
- We wished the new store owners good luck in their
business venture.
Venture - a risky new business
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
6- Destination Use context clues
- The employees there would look up the miner's
latest card and forward the letter to its proper
destination. - We flew to Chicago first, but Los Angeles was our
final destination.
- Destination - the place to which someone or
something is to go
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
7- Conveyance Use context clues
- The conveyance of the fruits and vegetables in a
safe manner was difficult in the old truck. - In keeping with the word express- which mean
"rapid conveyance"-the company was in the
business of making deliveries as swiftly as
- Conveyance - the act of taking something from
one place to another
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
8- Merchandise Use context clues
- It delivered all kinds of things, from letters
and packages to merchandise and money. - Kelly received the merchandise from the store.
- Merchandise - things for sale, goods
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
9- Promoted Use context clues
- She proved so good at her job that she was
promoted to positions of greater responsibility. - Lieutenant Commander Walker was promoted to
Commander late last month.
- Promoted - to advance in rank, position, or grade
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
10- Executive Use context clues
- Fargo became a high-ranking executive with
American Express when that company took shape. - The executive of that company gave rewards to
deserving employees.
- Executive - A person who directs or manages
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
11- Fee- Use context clues
- The service would carry letters for slightly
higher fee than the Postal Service charged. - The bank has a monthly fee of 7 on every account.
- Fee - money requested or paid for some service or
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
12- Deposit- Use context clues
- In return, he was given a slip of paper with the
exact amount of the deposit written on it. - They made a large deposit in the bank.
- Deposit - money or valuable things in a bank or
safe place
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
13- Highwaymen - Use context clues
- By letting the highwaymen know that
- they would pay dearly for their
- crimes, Wells hoped to discourage
- at least some robbery attempts.
- When the stagecoach was stopped by the
highwaymen, the passengers were very nervous and
- Highwaymen - a robber who steals from travelers
on a road
Melissa Lape/ Wilson Elementary
14- William G. Fargo Open Court- page 134
- 1. When was Mr. Fargo born?
- Month date and year______________________
- 2. How many years younger was Fargo than Wells?
__________________ - 3. Where was he born? City and State
- _________________________________
- 4. Where did he work before he was a deliveryman?
- ________________________________
- 5. When did he go to work for Wells? Year
- ___________________________________________
- 6. Why were his deliveries very swift?
- ___________________________________________
- 7. Why did Wells make Fargo a partner in his
business? - ________________________________________________
- 8. What position did Fargo have in the American
Express - Company? _________________________________
- 9. Why had California become one of the busiest
regions in the - west in 1848?
- _____________________________________
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary
15- Henry Wells Open Court- page 133
- 1. When was Mr. Wells born?
- Month date and year______________________
- 2. Where was he raised? Name of town
- ________________________________
- 3. What does express mean in the story?
- ___________________________________________
- 4. Where did he first work in New York State?
- ________________________________
- 5. What did that company do?
- ___________________________________________
- 6. Why was he promoted ?
- ___________________________________________
- 7. When did he form his own express business?
Year - ___________________________
- 8. What was his second firm called?
- _________________________________
- 9. Which firm took shape in 1850?
- _____________________________________
Melissa Lape / Wilson Elementary