Title: LONG%20Tom%20Peters
ALWAYS.13th Annual World Islamic Banking
ConferenceKingdom of Bahrain.11 December
2006In Search of Excellence 1982-2007
420-minute rule Craig Johnson/30 yrs
5I called 60 CEOs in the first week of the year
to wish them happy New Year. Hank Paulson,
former CEO, Goldman SachsSource Fortune,
Secrets of Greatness, 0320.05
6Courtesies of a small and trivial character are
the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and
appreciating heart. Henry Clay
8It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
9I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, How do I build a small firm for
myself? The answer seems obvious Buy a very
large one and just wait. Paul Ormerod, Why
Most Things Fail Evolution, Extinction and
10Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987 39 members of the
Class of 17 were alive in 87 18 in 87 F100
18 F100 survivors significantly underperformed
the market just 2 (2), GE Kodak,
outperformed the market from 1917 to 1987.SP
500 from 1957 to 1997 74 members of the Class of
57 were alive in 97 12 (2.4) of 500
outperformed the market from 1957 to
1997.Source Dick Foster Sarah Kaplan,
Creative Destruction Why Companies That Are
Built to Last Underperform the Market
11Welcome to the Club of Shattered Dreams Of
Koreas Top 100 companies in 1955, only 7 were
still on the list in 2004. The 1997 crisis
destroyed half of Koreas 30 largest
conglomerates.Source KET Issue Report, Kim
Jong Nyun (14.05.2005)
12 SP Stability Ratings
1985 2006Low Risk
41 13 Average Risk 24
14High Risk 35 73Likelihood
of stable long-term earnings growthSource
Fortune (2 October 2006)
13Flat as a Pancake (Or Worse)WalMart Dell
Intel Home Depot Microsoft GE
14The last word There is no last word.
16Raging Success P-SQUARED. C. E-CUBED.
19One bank is currently claiming to leverage
its global footprint to provide effective
financial solutions for its customers by
providing a gateway to diverse markets. Charles
20I assume that it is just saying that it is there
to help its customers wherever they are.
Charles Handy
22Why in the world did you go to Siberia?
23The Peters Principles Enthusiasm. Emotion.
Excellence. Energy. Excitement. Service. Growth.
Creativity. Imagination. Vitality. Joy.
Surprise. Independence. Spirit. Community.
Limitless human potential. Diversity. Profit.
Innovation. Design. Quality. Entrepreneurialism.
24Enterprise (at its best) An emotional,
vital, innovative, joyful, creative,
entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum
concerted human potential in the wholehearted
service of others.Excellence.
Always.Employees, Customers, Suppliers,
Communities, Owners, Temporary partners
25Excellence1982 The Bedrock Eight Basics 1. A
Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3.
Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity
Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick
to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8.
Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties
27 Importance of Success Factors by Various
Gurus/(Unreliable) Estimates by Tom Peters
Strategy Systems People
Passion Porter 50 20
20 10 Drucker 25 35
25 15
Bennis 25 20 30
25 Peters 15
20 40 25
29Great Companies SET THE AGENDA. (PERIOD.)
disturb the sleep of
30AGENDA SETTERS Set the Table/ Pioneers/
Questors/ AdventurersUS Steel Ford Toyota
Sears GM ITT The Gap Limited WalMart
Tesco PG 3M Intel IBM Apple Nokia
Cisco Dell MCI Sun Microsoft Google
Enron Schwab GE Laker Southwest People
Express Ogilvy Virgin eBay Amazon Sony
Amgen BMW CNN Nike
31TP1 Netscape!Where would you rather have
worked for those 5 years, Netscape or
IBM-HP-Microsoft-Oracle? (Where, 25 years from
now, would you rather to be able to tell
someonee.g., grandchildthat you worked?)
32Built to LastvsBuilt to Change/Rock the World
34X.06Tom Peters/Excellence.2006/1210.2006
35X.06.23 Whole Foods Markets Starbucks
Wegmans Commerce Bank John Laing Homes
Apple London Drugs Griffin Hospital/
Planetree Alliance The Met School/Big Picture
Carl Sewell Progressive Insurance Stanford
womens sports Stanford D-School HSM
Washington Speakers Bureau Build-A-Bear
RE/MAX Donnellys Weather Strip Service
Jims Group Cirque du Soleil (U.S. Grant)
(Horatio Nelson) (Stew Leonards) (DeMar
Plumbing) (FBR/Friedman Billings Ramsey)
36Cirque du Soleil
37 And the Winner is 1.
Audacity of Vision2. Innovation/RD/Design3.
Talent Acquisition Development4. Resultant
Experience5. Strategic Alliances6.
Operations7. Financial Management8.
Overall/Sustaining Excellence9. Wow!10.
38Every time we come to a comfort zone, we will
find a way out. No Cloning. Reinvent the
brand with each new show. A typical day at the
office for me begins by asking, What is
impossible that I am going to do today?
Daniel Lamarre, president, Cirque du Soleil
39whole foods
41415/SqFt/WalMart798/SqFt/Whole Foods
42Whole FoodsAstounding selectionAstounding
qualityFun to choose (Buy FAR more than
intended)Genius merchandisingUse of
s of distinction/DD Clean (Eat off the
floor/the food)
471/100 Best Companies to Work for/2005
48London Drugs
49 London
DrugsEach major department a category killer
(pharmacy, computers, photo-photo finishing,
cosmetics)Service added/ Experience (e.g.,
consultation booths for pharmaceutical
Clients)Brilliant, eye-popping
design-merchandisingPrice point peanuts to
super-premiumMassive training, very low staff
t/oBig-bet experimentation-innovationLocales
begging for LDFinancials to die forIS/IT/SC
pioneers (compared favorably to WalMarts
supply-chain management exquisite
vendor-partner programs)Effectively deflected
WalMart incursionPhilosophy fun, enthusiasm,
innovation, commitment, care, talent development
50Griffin Hospital/Planetree Alliance
51It was the goal of Planetree to help patients
not only get well faster but also to stay well
longer. Putting Patients First, Susan
Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel
(Planetree Alliance/Griffin Hospital)
52 The 9 Planetree
Practices1. The Importance of Human
Interaction2. Informing and Empowering Diverse
Populations Consumer Health Libraries and
Patient Information3. Healing Partnerships The
importance of Including Friends and Family4.
Nutrition The Nurturing Aspect of Food5.
Spirituality Inner Resources for Healing6.
Human Touch The Essentials of Communicating
Caring Through Massage7. Healing Arts Nutrition
for the Soul8. Integrating Complementary and
Alternative Practices into Conventional
Care9. Healing Environments Architecture and
Design Conducive to HealthSource Putting
Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin,
Patrick Charmel
53Big Picture schools/The Met
54EBF to EBIengage the kids around their
passions. Dennis Littky/The Met-Big Picture
Schools Education By Fiat Education By
56We dont sell insurance anymore. We sell speed.
Peter Lewis, Progressive
57Commerce Bank
58The Power of WOW!How Commerce Bank Created a
Super-Growth Business in a No-Growth
IndustryVernon W. Hill, II
59Our whole story is growing revenue. Vernon
Hills (Top-line driven standard is bottom-line
driven by cost cutting)
60Commerce Bank From Service to Experience7X.
730A-800P. F12A.93-03/10 yr annual return
CB 29 WM 17 HD 16. Mkt Cap 48 p.a.
618,000 Radio City Music Hall J.D.
Power/Customer service/Bank/NYC/1st in 5 of 6
2nd in 6 Inspired by Ray Kroc 36B (100B
in 6 years) 750M per month/373 branches in 7
states/900 in 6 years player piano Penny
Arcade/25K per machine 9M lollipops, 2M dog
biscuits stupid rule (red) button call center
not cost center, but opportunity/human by
second operation over-invest in real estate
design-experience fanaticism Red!/Red
Friday/Hot music deposits available next day
(vs ½ on 3rd ½ on 5th focus on 99, not 1)
LONG HOURS!!!! (7/week/12 hours/Fridays/15
minutes before) Do whacky things for
customers (VH) create magical moments of
surprise and delight for employees (VH) Hire
for attitude. Train for skills. (VH)
Chinatown/10K first day 28K first week
Commerce U in 93 (underlying theme is funVH)
62Thesaurus of WOW! They hate it if you call
them bankers. They love it, on the other
hand, when you ask to see their sstupendous.
They are Commerce Bank. These absurdly fast
growing, insanely profitable retailers,
rewriting the rules of East Coast retail banking,
sent me a copy of their booklet, Traditions. It
explicates their Wow the Customer Philosophy.
At the end theres A Collection of Commerce
Lingo. I wont define (use your imagination),
but simply offer a small sample Fans, Not
Customers. Say YES 1 to say YES, 2 to say
NO. (A staffer has to get a supervisors
approval to say no to anything.) Recover!!! To
Err Is Human To Recover Is Devine. Leave Em
Speechless. Positive Behavior. Positive
Language. Kill A Stupid Rule. (Get cash
rewards for exposing dumb internal rules that
impede our ability to WOW!) Make the WOW!
Answer Guide Your Best Friend. Buzz Bee.
CommerceWOW!Zone. (A K-12 financial education
program.) Doctor WOW! Ten-Minute Principle.
(Stores open 10 minutes before posted hours,
stay open 10 minutes after posted hoursand the
hours, such as open 7 days a week, are already
incredibly generous tradition-shattering.)
Wall of WOW! WOW! Awards. (The annual
recognition ceremonyRadio City Music Hall, with
the Rockettes, in 05.) WOW! Patrol. WOW!
Spotlight. WOW Van. WOW Wiz. (A service
superstar.) Etc.
63 S.M.A.R.T.S. Say
YesM. Make Each Customer Feel SpecialA.
Always Keep Customer PromisesR. Recover!T.
Think Like Our Customers
64Standard bank Keep em out of branches ignore
middle income cost-driven following mergers.
(No great American retailer was ever created by
doing acquisitionsVH No examples of seriously
broken retail models that have been fixed.)
CB deposit focus customer experience best
facilities no stupid rules revenue driven
better experience for lower yield
65 cut costs at most banks. We have to push
them out of the branches. We have to push them
to machines. We have to push them to the
Internet.Source Vernon Hill
66We defy conventional wisdom, operating more like
the young bucks at Starbucks than the old farts
at the Bank of America. Vernon Hills
67TP Experience Top-line fanaticism (vs
Cost-fanaticism) Deposits Drive em to the
branch Experience/Wow! design little
touches no stupid rules Talent/Attitude/
68John Laing Homes
69Soft Skills, Hard DollarsSource Headline,
BigBuilder, September 2006
70Builder of the Year/Professional Builder
Experience Communities/ Family values/
Relationships/After-sale talk to our customers
J.D. Power awards Warranties Price
premiums Design!!!! (all Divisions winners)
(Top names) Data/market research Top
company to work for Team development I just
love being a home builder. (LW) Brand Emaar
Properties (Robert Booth/Intl They have a
tremendous focus on the customer, and that is
hugely important to us.)
72 We are a life Success CompanyDave Linegar,
73The organization would ultimately win not
because it gave agents more money, but because it
gave them a chance for better lives. Phil
Harkins Keith Hollihan, Everybody Wins
74jims group
75Jims Group Jim Penman. 1984 Jims Mowing.
2006 Jims Group. 2,600 franchisees (Australia,
NZ, UK). Cleaning. Dog washing. Handyman.
Fencing. Paving. Pool care. Etc.People
first. Private. Small staff. Franchisees can
leave at will. 0-1 complaint per year is norm
cut bad ones quickly.Ph.D. cross-cultural
anthropology mowing on the sideSource
MT/Management Today (Australia), Jan-Feb 2006
76X.06.23 Whole Foods Markets (high-end,
experience-design, demographic) Starbucks
(people, experience) Wegmans (people)
Commerce Bank (nuts about customers, WOW, people,
execution) Apple (design-experience,
breakthrough, virus management, resilience,
talent, seriously cool) London Drugs
(design-experience, people, solutions)
Griffin Hospital/Planetree Alliance
(customer-centric, whole person) The Met
School/Big Picture (engagement, self-control)
Carl Sewell (experience!) Progressive Insurance
(speed, IT) Stanford womens sports
(demographic, Blue Ocean) Stanford D-School
(design-biz-engineering, Blue Ocean) HSM
(execution, experience) WSB (integrity, broad
view of customers, execution) Build-A-Bear
(experience) RE/MAX (people/createsuccess
stories) Donnellys Weather Strip Service
(high end, execution-reliability, simply the
best) Jims Group (imagination-Blue Ocean,
demographic, customer-centric) Cirque du Soleil
(talent, RD, Imagination, resilience,
design-experience, partnering) (U.S.
Grant/execution, delegation, people, K.I.S.S.,
action-at-all-costs, win, bold ) (Horatio
Nelson/execution, delegation, people, K.I.S.S.,
action-at-all-costs, win, bold) (Stew
Leonards/people, experience-design, Wow)
(DeMar Plumbing/experience, people, Blue Ocean)
(FBR/Friedman Billings Ramsey/research, focus)
77High end. Experience. Design. Crazy for
customers! Crazy for Patients! (Whole
person). Wow! People first, second,
third. Breakthrough or bust. Seriously
cool. Virus management. Resilience. Tippy-top
talent. Solutions, not just
satisfaction. Engagement. Self-control.
(Customer/Patient/Student control.) Blue
Ocean. Mundane stuff made great. Great
demographic. The best. Period. Effective
partnering. K.I.S.S. Play to win. (Offense gt
Defense.) Bold! Action! Always! Integrity-as-strat
78Focused on growth and revenue and offense,
not defense and cost containment. People-talent
obsession. Provide mind-bending experiences.
(Driven by design primacy.) Nuts about
customers. Happy to use words like
Wow. Pretty close to the high end of the
market. Ability to make silk purses filled
with gold out of sows ears Wegmans-Whole
Foods-Stew Leonards and groceries Jims
Group and dog-walking Donnelly and weather
strip installation DeMar and
plumbing. Execution!
80The First step in a dramatic organizational
change program is obviousdramatic personal
change! RG
82Analysts preferred cost cutting, as long as
they could see two or three years of EPS growth.
I preached revenue and the analysts eyes would
glaze over. Now revenue is in because so many
got caught, and earnings went to hell. They said,
Oh my gosh, you need revenues to grow earnings
over time. Well, Duh! Dick Kovacevich, Wells
85I dont believe in economies of scale. You dont
get better by being bigger. You get worse.
Dick Kovacevich/Wells Fargo
86When asked to name just one big merger that had
lived up to expectations, Leon Cooperman, former
cochairman of Goldman Sachs Investment Policy
Committee, answered Im sure there are success
stories out there, but at this moment I draw a
blank. Mark Sirower, The Synergy Trap
87Not a single company that qualified as having
made a sustained transformation ignited its leap
with a big acquisition or merger. Moreover,
comparison companiesthose that failed to make a
leap or, if they did, failed to sustain itoften
tried to make themselves great with a big
acquisition or merger. They failed to grasp the
simple truth that while you can buy your way to
growth, you cannot buy your way to greatness.
Jim Collins/Time/2004
88Theres A and then theres A.
89Spinoffs systematically perform better than IPOs
track record, profits freed from the
confines of the parent more entrepreneurial,
more nimble Jerry Knight/ Washington Post/
91 We become who we hang out with!
92Measure Strangeness/Portfolio
Partners (, Quality)Innovation Alliance
PartnersCustomersCompetitors (who we
benchmark against) Strategic Initiatives
Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)IS/IT
ProjectsHQ LocationLunch MatesLanguageBoard
94To grow, companies need to break out of a
vicious cycle of competitive benchmarking and
imitation. W. Chan Kim Renée Mauborgne,
Think for Yourself Stop Copying a Rival,
Financial Times/2003
95 try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.
Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.
Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it.
Try it. try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.
Try it.
96 This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is
amazing how few oil people really understand that
you only find oil if you drill wells. You may
think youre finding it when youre drawing maps
and studying logs, but you have to drill.
Source The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian
O G wildcatter
97Experiment fearlesslySource BW0821.06, Type
A Organization Strategies/ How to Hit a Moving
TargetTactic 1
98We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were
omissions we didnt think of when we initially
wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it
over and over, again and again. We do the same
today. While our competitors are still sucking
their thumbs trying to make the design perfect,
were already on prototype version 5. By the
time our rivals are ready with wires and screws,
we are on version 10. It gets back to planning
versus acting We act from day one others plan
how to planfor months. Bloomberg by Bloomberg
99We have a strategic plan. Its called doing
things. Herb Kelleher
100READY.FIRE!AIM.Ross Perot (vs Aim! Aim!
Aim! /EDS vs GM/1985)
101 tolerate encourage? failure
102Sams Secret 1!
103Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
104Speed/ Tempo
105 We dont sell insurance anymore. We sell
speed. Peter Lewis, Progressive
106 bet the farm
107I dont intend to be known as the King of
the Tinkerers. CEO, large financial services
108No Wiggle Room! Incrementalism is
innovations worst enemy. Nicholas
109Beware of the tyranny of making Small Changes
to Small Things. Rather, make Big Changes to Big
Things. Roger Enrico, former Chairman,
110 Five MYTHS About Changing BehaviorCrisis
is a powerful impetus for changeChange is
motivated by fearThe facts will set us
freeSmall, gradual changes are always easier
to make and sustainWe cant change because our
brains become hardwired early in lifeSource
Fast Company/05.2005
112We will not, I repeat not, pretend to be all
things to all people. CEO, Investec (03.06)
113Private Equity-financed Firm, Best
CaseFocus! Focus! Focus!In a Big
hurryCEO/Top team, skin in the gameCEO,
100 of time on the bizMerit!
Merit!Motivated oversightWorst case Rape
114Conscious measurement
115Innovation Index How many of your Top 5
Strategic Initiatives/Key Projects score 8 or
higher out of 10 on a Weird/ Profound/
Wow/Game- changer Scale?
117Step 1 Buy a Mirror!
118 EXCELLENCE.1966. 2006.
121If if feels painful and scarythats real
delegation Caspian Woods, small biz owner
123Execution is the job of the business leader.
Larry Bossidy Ram Charan/ Execution The
Discipline of Getting Things Done
125GE has set a standard of candor. There is no
puffery. There isnt an ounce of denial in the
place. Kevin Sharer, CEO Amgen, on the GE
mystique (Fortune)
129Hire very good people!
130We believe companies can increase their market
cap 50 percent in 3 years. Steve Macadam at
Georgia-Pacific changed 20 of his 40 box plant
managers to put more talented, higher paid
managers in charge. He increased profitability
from 25 million to 80 million in 2 years.
Ed Michaels, War for Talent
134A review of Jack and Suzy Welchs Winning claims
there are but two key differentiators that set GE
culture apart from the herd First Separating
financial forecasting and performance
measurement. Performance measurement based, as it
usually is, on budgeting leads to an epidemic of
gaming the system. GEs performance measurement
is divorced from budgetingand instead reflects
how you do relative to your past performance and
relative to competitors performance i.e., its
about how you actually do in the context of what
happened in the real world, not as compared to a
gamed-abstract plan developed last year.
Second Putting HR on a par with finance and
136lt CAPEXgt People!
138Our MissionTo develop and manage talentto
apply that talent,throughout the world, for the
benefit of clientsto do so in partnership to
do so with profit.WPP
139 Brand Talent.
143People want to be part of something larger than
themselves. They want to be part of something
theyre really proud of, that theyll fight for,
sacrifice for , trust. Howard Schultz,
Starbucks (IBD/09.05)
145Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
146Whenever anything is being accomplished, I have
learned, it is being done by a monomaniac with a
mission. Peter Drucker
148In the end, management doesnt change culture.
Management invites the workforce itself to
change the culture. Lou Gerstner
149The role of the Director is to create a space
where the actors and actresses can become more
than theyve ever been before, more than theyve
dreamed of being. Robert Altman, Oscar
acceptance speech
153You must be the change you wish to see in the
155Relentless One of my superstitions had always
been when I started to go anywhere or to do
anything, not to turn back , or stop, until the
thing intended was accomplished. Grant
156Success seems to be largely a matter of
hanging on after others have let go. William
Feather, author
157"Life is not a journey to the grave with the
intention of arriving safely in one pretty and
well preserved piece, but to skid across the line
broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking
oil, shouting GERONIMO! Bill McKenna,
professional motorcycle racer (Cycle magazine)
159Leaders do people. Period. Anon.
161Beware of the tyranny of making Small Changes
to Small Things. Rather, make Big Changes to Big
Things. Roger Enrico, former Chairman,
162 Kevin Roberts Credo1.
Ready. Fire! Aim.2. If it aint broke ... Break
it!3. Hire crazies.4. Ask dumb questions.5.
Pursue failure.6. Lead, follow ... or get out of
the way!7. Spread confusion.8. Ditch your
office.9. Read odd stuff.10. Avoid moderation!
164 On NELSON other admirals more frightened of
losing than anxious to win
165The greatest dangerfor most of usis not that
our aim istoo highand we miss it,but that it
istoo lowand we reach it.Michelangelo
167Excellence can be obtained if you ... care
more than others think is wise ... risk more
than others think is safe ... dream more than
others think is practical ... expect
more than others think is
possible. Source Anon. (Posted _at_ tompeters.com
by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 117 AM)