Title: Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System PBMAS
1Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System
- Presented byMartha Collins and Pam Albritton
- Region VIII ESC
- November 2005
2Todays Agendano 3s
- What am I here?
- Focused Data Analysis (FDA) and Continuous
Improvement Plan (CIP) applies to Stages of
Intervention 1A, 1B, and 2 - Program Effectiveness Review applies to Stages of
Intervention 1B and 2 - LEA public meeting applies only to Stage of
Intervention 2
3TEA Monitoring
- 1) using a data driven, performance based model
to observe, evaluate, and report on the public
education system across diverse areas for the
purpose of assessing that student needs are being
met - 2) integrated with the agencys desk audit and
intervention process and - 3) research based framework of interventions
that ensure compliance and enhance student
success. (p. 3 of PBMAS manual)
is all about the kids
4How will LEAs be monitored for special education?
- Graduated interventions. All levels will require
data analysis focused on student performance and
program effectiveness. - Interventions will require improvement planning
based on results of that data analysis. - Onsite visits will only be used when other
alternative interventions are not appropriate.
5Oversight, Sanctions, Interventions
Special Education Monitoring System 2005-2006
Implementation OK?
Focused Data Analysis (FDA) and CIP
Level 1Intervention
Resubmit plan (choose outside support)
NO, 1st Time
Implement CIP Evidence of Change (timely review
and check points)
Evaluation, Findings and CIP submitted to TEA
TEA Desk Review of Self-Evaluation Results, Data,
and Continuous Improvement Plan
FDA, LEA Public Meeting andCIP
Plan OK?
Review OK?
Level 2Intervention
NO, 2nd time
Information Collection and Review(TEA data
andLEA submission)
Oversight, Sanctions, Interventions
Level 3Intervention
FDA, LEA Public Meeting, Compliance Review and CIP
TEA On-Site Review or Contracted On-Site Review
and Resubmit Plan
Plan OK?
Districts w/ substantial or imminent risk
Special Program Compliance Review
Information Collection and Review(TEA data
andLEA submission)
Required level of review and submittal may vary
depending upon initial data review. Other
interventions and sanctions may be used on a
case-by-case basis. Community stakeholders
must be part of self-evaluation team at all
stages of intervention (both required and
recommended team members TBD). CIP
Continuous Improvement Plan
Targeted TEA On-Site Review and Submission of CIP
Other Random Data and Self-Eval check
TEA Program Monitoring and Interventions October
6Whats new this year besides the name?
- Some indicators have been renumbered
- Some indicators changed to RO
- Manual changes marked New!
- Revised SA process (p. 5)
- Indicator levels modified
- Minimum size requirements can be met either in
the current year or through the aggregation of
numerators and denominators over multiple years.
When minimum size requirements are met based on
two years of data, the numerator and denominator
for the current and prior year are aggregated,
the indicator is calculated, and a performance
level is assigned based on the standard for the
indicator. If the minimum size requirement is not
met, then the district is evaluated special
analysis. - (p. 12)
8Minimum Size Exception
- If a district does not meet the minimum size
requirement for an indicator, but the performance
of the district is high enough to earn a
performance level of 0 Met Standard, then the
district receives a performance level of 0,
regardless of the number of students in the
relevant segment of the student population. (p.
9How did we get invited to the party?
- Stage 1A
- No individual SPED PBMAS indicator 3 but seven
or more individual SPED PBMAS indicators 2 - or
- One individual SPED PBMAS indicator 3
10How did we get invited to the party?
- Stage 1B
- Two individual SPED PBMAS indicators 3
- and
- No more than three individual SPED PBMAS
indicators 2
11How did we get invited to the party?
- Stage 2
- Two individual SPED PBMAS indicators 3 and four
or more individual SPED PBMAS indicators 2 - or
- Three individual SPED PBMAS indicators 3 and no
more than three individual SPED PBMAS indicators
12What party?
- Stage 3
- Three individual SPED PBMAS indicators 3 and
four or more individual SPED PBMAS indicators 2 - or
- Four or more individual SPED PBMAS indicators 3
13Graduated Interventions
- Stages of Intervention
- 1AFDA (Focused Data Analysis) and CIP
- 1BFDA, Program Effectiveness Review, and CIP
- 2FDA, Program Effectiveness Review, LEA Public
Meeting and CIP - 3FDA, Program Effectiveness Review, LEA Public
Meeting, Compliance Review and CIP - State Supervision InterventionSpecial Program
Compliance Review, CIP
14What documents do we need for a Focused Data
- PBMAS manual http//www.tea.state.tx.us/perfrepor
t/account/2005/manual/index.html - Your LEAs 2005 Special Education PBMAS results
- Your LEAs previous CIP, if there is one
- PBMAS templates from the TEA webpage
r.html - Data, data, data
15Purpose of Focused Data Analysis
The purpose of the data analysis and
effectiveness review is to analyze probes and/or
data sets that may point out
- data trends,
- systemic program issues,
- and/or areas of noncompliance with program
requirements - Include results of the review in the CIP.
- Make sure the CIP reflects the data analysis
16Scope of Review Required
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/pmi/spedmon/2006/
- resources/fdaguidance_SPED_06.doc
- FDA required on all indictors rated 2 or 3 for
all stages of intervention - Suggested but not required to do an FDA on NE
- Other indictors may be addressed if the LEA
determines an indictors is in need of further
review (page 1 of FDA document) - 1B, 2, or 3 Intervention must complete a program
effectiveness review
17Strategies for Data Analysis
- Assemble a Core Analysis Team (CAT)
- Review PBMAS manual to understand the math
- Consider additional data sources to collect more
information about the data element - The CAT analyzes the data
- Examine relationships among data elements
- Gather both quantitative and qualitative data and
review longitudinal trends - Complete the templates.
- Integrate the findings on the templates into the
18Step 1 Assemble Core Analysis Team (CAT)
From Focused Data Analysis (FDA) and FDA
with Program Effectiveness Review, TEA website
19Step 2 Analyze Data
- Use the PBMAS Results and Focused Data Analysis
Probes Guide, seeing the last page for a section
applying to all data elements - Complete a comprehensive data analysis to
determine issues - Consider the degree to which data vary across
campuses and by grade level, area of disability,
ethnicity/race, economic disadvantage, limited
English proficiency, gender, and/or other factors
relevant to the element. - Inaccurate data repercussions
20Data Sources and other Stuff to Study for Each
1 SPED TAKS Passing Rate 2 SPED Year After
Exit TAKS Passing Rate 3 SDAA II Gap Closure
(Grades 3-8) (RO) 4 SDAA II Gap Closure (Grades
3-8) (RO) 5 TAKS Only Participation Rate
(RO) 6 SDAA II Only Participation Rate
(RO) 7 Statewide Assessment Exemption
Rate 8 LRE (ages 3-5) (RO) 9 LRE (ages
3-11) 10 LRE (ages 12-21)
21Data Sources and other Stuff to Study for Each
11 SPED Annual Dropout Rate 12 SPED RHSP/DAP
Graduation Rate (RO) 13 SPED Identification 14 S
PED AA Representation 15 SPED Hispanic
Representation 16 SPED LEP Representation
(RO) 17 SPED Discretionary DAEP
Placements 18 SPED Discretionary
Expulsions 19 SPED Discretionary Expulsions to
22PBMAS Manual, Indicator 13
23PBMAS Manual, Indicator 13
24PBMAS Manual, Indicator 19
25PBMAS Manual, Indicator 19
26Sample LEA, pages 1-3
27Special Education PBMAS Indicators
- IndicatorsLeft Side, 1-20
- Columns
28Alphabet soup?
ND No Data (p. 6) 0/0SA Met the standard for the
indicator 1/1SA Low to Low Moderate
concern 2/2SA Moderate concern 3/3SA High
concern (p. 7) SA Special Analysis by TEA staff
(pp. 12-15) RO Report Only for LEA info/planning
(p. 11) MSR Minimum Size Requirement (p.
12) NE Not Evaluated-could be the result of SA
29Sample LEA
30Sample ISD
- Indicator 19 SPED Discretionary Placement to ISS
31Sample ISD questions
- Was the data systemic, or localized to one or
more campuses? - Did the data change from the year before and has
already changed since the snapshot? - Do we need to review this down to the student
32Last Years CIP
- Did it make a difference or does it need to be
33What else could the LEA try?
- Explore alternative strategies for behavior
management for sp ed students with multiple
placements in ISS. - Analyze teacher referrals for patterns.
- ISS instructor to provide monthly reports
indicating the number of students that have been
placed and the number of repeat placements.
34What else could the LEA try?
- Provide additional training to administrators in
developing and implementing more effective BIPs.
- Provide training in manifestation determination
process. - Provide additional training for staff in
classroom management specifically for sp ed
students. - Assess the counseling needs for sp ed students
assigned to ISS.
35What else could the LEA try?
- Review/revise the criteria for all student ISS
placement particularly those students with
chronic behavior patterns and implementing
administrators discipline plans. - Establish a committee to review behavior
following the 5th removal from the instructional
setting consisting of a parent, student,
teacher(s), administrator and others deemed
appropriate for the individual student/situation.
36Charts can help tell the story
37Step 3 Download and complete the Focused Data
Analysis Templates
38Step 4 FDA into CIP
- Integrating the Information on the Focused Data
Analysis Template(s) into the Continuous
Improvement Planning Process
39What we learned last year about Random
- Keep written agendas, minutes, and sign-in sheets
of all committee meetings associated with this
process. TEA will likely ask to see the
documentation. - Keep documentation of everything in one place so
you can fax it within 24 hours, if asked by TEA. - Make a timeline of actions in the CIP, then put
someone in charge of keeping track of it. TEA
will likely ask for documentation of CIP