Title: Travel Insurance, A Companion for Your Overseas Trip
1Travel insurance, a companion for your overseas
2Plan your vacation, with Insurance
Travelling abroad is always an amazing
experience, but sometime this comes with its own
risks. You should plan your vacations with the
provisions to tackle emergencies, especially when
you are travelling in foreign countries as these
countries are expensive for most of the things.
The solution to overcome these risks is to get a
comprehensive travel insurance.
3What is Travel Insurance?
- The insurance which covers your travelling risks
which you might face in your trip, international
or domestic is said to be your travel insurance.
These insurances are offered by several banks and
travel agencies both online and offline.
4Why one should have a Travel Insurance?
- Many of the Travel Insurance provides a
comprehensive package of benefits to make our
trip hassle free, the benefits include -
- Emergency Medical Treatment
- Emergency Medical Assistance
- Medical Evacuation
- Cancellation, Curtailment Trip Interruption
- Missed Departure
- Personal Liability
- Legal Expenses
- Personal Accident
- Loss of Personal Belongings/Baggage
5Leave your worries behind when you travel abroad
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