Title: ESL Collection Building
1ESL Collection Building
- Instructor
- Ruth Gooley
- ruthgooley_at_earthlink.net
- An Infopeople Workshop
- Winter 2004-2005
2This Workshop Is Brought to You By the Infopeople
Infopeople is a federally-funded grant project
supported by the California State Library. It
provides a wide variety of training to California
libraries. Infopeople workshops are offered
around the state and are open registration on a
first-come, first-served basis. For a complete
list of workshops, and for other information
about the Project, go to the Infopeople Web site
at infopeople.org.
- Name
- Library
- Position
- How many different languages do you typically
hear in your library?
4Workshop Agenda
- How a person learns a language
- Language learning materials in the real world
- Resources in cyberspace
- Organizing and publicizing
- Building your collection
- Personal Action Plan
5How a Person Learns a Language
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening
- Speaking
- Integrated skills
6Non-English Speaking Customers
- How many of your customers speak a language other
than English at home? - What languages do they speak?
- What percentage of people speak each language?
- How are you serving this population now?
7Types of ESL Learners
- Age
- young person
- senior citizen
- anywhere in-between
- Levels of English
- beginning
- intermediate
- advanced
8Native Language Literacy Level
- Highly literate in own language
- professionals
- longtime residents
- refugees
- Illiterate in any language
- laborers
- longtime residents
- refugees
9ESL in the Library
- Self-study
- Classes
- One-on-one with a tutor
- Small-group instruction
- Online
10Why Learn English?
11Kinds of ESL Materials
12Whom To Partner With
- Local students and teachers
- Community groups
- Employers
- for vocational ESL
- ESL for Special Purposes
13What Materials Are Asked For?
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening
- Speaking
14Topics Geared to ESL Learners
- Grammar
- Citizenship
- Alphabet
- Literacy
- High-interest, low-reading-level paperbacks
- fiction
- nonfiction
15Reference Materials for ESL Learners and
- Dictionaries
- English language
- idioms
- slang
- Verbs
- Resources for teachers and tutors
16A Good Collection For the Real World
- Books
- DVDs
- Videotapes
- Cassettes
- Cds
17Using Bookmarks in Class
- Go to bookmarks.infopeople.org
- Look for the class bookmark file named
- esl_bkmk.html
- Click on it so it shows on the screen
- With the class bookmark file showing in Internet
Explorer, click the Favorites menu, choose Add to
Favorites - Notice the name in the Name box so that you can
use the Favorites list to get back to the class
bookmarks for the rest of the day.
18Before You Buy
- What do you already have?
- What do you need?
19Criteria for Choosing ESL Materials
- Skills and students targeted
- Teaching methods
- The book, inside and out
20What to Consider When Choosing Materials
- Skills taught
- Objective
- Audience scope
- Target level
21Methods of Teaching ESL
- Context
- Communicative activities
- Authentic language
22Design Issues for ESL Materials
- Content
- Re-usability
- Appearance
23Whats Different About Online Materials
- New objectives
- New teaching methods
- A new kind of tool
24New Objectives
- Links
- On-line activities
- Supporting (E-mail and bulletin board)
- Teaching internet skills
25New Teaching Methods
- Interactivity
- Feedback
- Sensory input
26A New Kind of Tool
- New to online resources
- graphics
- Unique to online resources
- navigation
- fast loading time
27Fine-Tuning Your Librarys Collection
- Examining your collection
- Determining needs
- Purchasing materials
- Organizing materials
- Publicizing your collection
28Organizing Your ESL Materials
- Create a separate section
- file by theme
- file by color code
- Integrate into main collection
- file by call number
29Publicizing Your Program
- Web site
- Materials and handouts displayed throughout the
library - Flyers
- Ads in the monthly/bimonthly calendar
30Reaching Out to the Community
- Presentations and tours to adult school ESL
classes - ESL class visits to the library
- Public Service Announcements on TV and radio
31Participation and Outreach
- Community events
- Social programs
- Educational programs
- Service-oriented organizations
- Kiwanis
- Rotary