Title: ADO. NET
2What is ADO.Net?
- ADO.Net is a new object model for dealing with
databases in .Net. Although some of the concepts
are similar to the classical ADO, there are some
new concepts such as the Dataset.
3Introduction to ADO.NET
MS-Access MS-SQL Description
NameSpace System.Data.OleDb System.Data. SqlClient
Connection OleDbConnection SqlConnection opening a connection to the database
Command OleDbCommand SqlCommand invoking SQL commands or stored procedures
RecordSet OleDbDataReader SqlDataReader connected forward-only access to database
DataSet OleDbDataAdapter SqlDataAdapter populating a Dataset.
Stored Procedure OleDbParameter SqlParameter specifying parameter to a stored procedure
ransaction OleDbTransaction SqlTransaction programming database transactions
4Process of using DB (1)
- Import Namespace
- Make Connection
- Open Connection
- Send Query
- Execute Query
- Store result
- Populate data in UI
- Close connection
5Process of using DB (2)
- SqlConnection conn new SqlConnection(connstr)
- //using(SqlConnection conn new
SqlConnection(connstr)) - conn.Open()
- SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand(SQLstr,conn)
- SqlDataReader reader cmd.ExecuteReader()
- while (reader.Read())
- listBox1.Items.Add(reader1.ToString())
- conn.Close()
- Connection String
- string connstr "serverSERVERNAMEuidUSERIDpwd
PASSWORDrdatabaseDBNAME" - string connstr "serverrainnyseauidtestuserpw
dtestuserdatabaseTeststd" - MS-Acess
- string connstr "ProviderProviderNameVersionDa
ta SourceFileNameOnServer" - string connstr "ProviderMicrosoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
Data SourceD\\cs440\\Test\\data\\xyz.mdb"
- database connections are an important resource
and you should explicitly close the connection . - conn SqlConnection(ConnString)
- try
- // open the connection to the database
- conn.Open()
- // do something with the database
- catch (Exception e)
- // report error
- finally
- conn.Close( )
- Â
8Execute Method on the Command
ExecuteNonQuery( ) used when no records are expected in the output e.g., insert or update sql commands.
ExecuteReader( ) returns a connected DataReader (actually DataReader interface)
ExceuteScalar( ) returns a single row, useful when verifying login for a particular user.
ExecuteXmlReader( ) returns an XML reader.
9Command(1) ExecuteScalar()
- ExecuteScalar()
- SqlCommand cmd
- new SqlCommand(qry, this.con )
- Object obj cmd.ExecuteScalar()
- // returns one row
10Command(2) ExecuteReader()
- ExecuteReader()
- SqlCommand cmd
- new SqlCommand(sql,conn)
- SqlDataReader reader cmd.ExecuteReader()
11Command(3) ExecuteNonQuery()
- ExecuteNonQuery()
- SqlCommand cmd
- new SqlCommand(sql,conn)
- int cntrows cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
12Data Stored Object(1)
DataReader It present a forward-only stream of data to the application.
DataSet It is an in-memory representation of a collection of related data tables. It can be generated using the help of a DataAdapter or filled dynamically by the application
DataAdapter A class that is used to fill DataSet object from a data source.
13Data Stored Object(2)
14What is Data Set?
- A Dataset is a disconnected object that can
potentially contain all or part of the database
including tables, constraints and their
relationships. Thus for using databases in web
applications, Dataset can provide a much higher
performance for mostly read-only type of data. - The DataSet class can further use DataTable,
DataRow, DataColumn, DataRelation and Constraint
classes to define its offline data.
15What is ths Data Adapter?
- DataAdapter class acts as the communication point
between the DataSet And tha database. - This object is created much the same way as the
Command object. - Fill() method fills DataSet with data obtained
from SQL query.
- DataSet DS new DataSet()
- SqlDataAdapter Adapter
- new SqlDataAdapter(qry, conn)
- Adapter.Fill(DS, tblName)
17DataGrid Control(1)
- displays data in a series of rows and columns.
- displaying either a single table or the
hierarchical relationships between a set of
tables. - update the data in the bound DataSet, the
DataGrid control reflects the changes.
18DataGrid Control(2)
- dataGrid.DataSource
- dataset.DefaultViewManager
- dataGrid.DataSource
- dataset.Tablestablename".DefaultView
19DataGrid Control(2)
- dataset.Relations.Add
- ("CategoryProducts",
- ds.Tables"category".Columns"catID",
- ds.Tables"product".Columns"catID")
- //(relationship name,
- Parent column name,
- Child column name)
20Parameterized query(1)
- Construct the SqlCommand command string with
parameters. - Declare a SqlParameter object, assigning values
as appropriate. - Assign the SqlParameter object to the SqlCommand
object's Parameters property.
21Parameterized query(2)
- str "update tblCategory
- set catdesc _at_newname
- where catdesc _at_oldname"
- SqlCommand cmd
- new SqlCommand(str, Conn())
- cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("_at_newname",new
22Stored Procedure(1)
- A pre-defined, reusable routine that is stored in
a database. - Accept input parameters and return multiple
values. - Reduced client/server traffic.
23Stored Procedure(2)
- procedure_name(_at_parameter_name
- as datatype)
AS - Insert into tblcategory(catdesc)
- values(_at_catDesc)
- // SQL Query
- GO
24Stored Procedure(3)
- create a command object identifying the stored
procedure. - set the command object so it knows to execute a
stored procedure. - add parameter to command, which will be passed to
the stored procedure.
25Stored Procedure(4)
- SqlCommand cmd
- new SqlCommand("cateIns", Conn() )
- cmd.CommandType
- CommandType.StoredProcedure
- cmd.Parameters.Add
- (new sqlParameter("_at_catDesc",
- SqlDbType.VarChar,50,"catDesc"))
- cmd.Parameters0.Value newname