Title: 7 Simple Tips to Save Money on Cleaning
17 Simple Tips to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies
2Replace Baking Soda with Coffee Grounds
- Why spend money on baking soda when leftover
coffee grounds will do just as nicely? - Simply place a bowl of leftover coffee. The
entire refrigerator will smell like delicious
coffee and you need to replace them only once in
every two months. - Coffee grounds can also be used to deter bugs
from your plants. Simple place some coffee
grounds around your garden plants.
3Buy Cleaning Supplies in Bulk
- Instead of buying one cleaning product, buy 10.
You will end up saving quite a bit. - Dont forget to look for discount coupons online.
You can easily save 10 to 15 on cleaning
supplies with discount codes. - On-going sale schemes are yet another way to save
big on cleaning supplies.
4Use Reusable Mops
- Disposable items can come in handy, but have a
draining effect on the budget. - Use reusable mops instead as they can be used
over and over again without adding on to your
budget. - We recommend using microfiber cloth. They can be
used for pretty much anything, be it scrubbing,
dusting or mopping.
5Use Old Rags Instead of Paper Towels
- Take paper towel out of the budget and you will
end up saving quite a bit. - Paper towels are expensive and environmentally
unsound. We recommend using old rags instead. - Rags are more absorbent, can be used multiple
times, eco-friendly and cheap! What more reason
do you want?
6Use Petroleum Jelly as a Polisher
- Beeswax can give the shine your furniture needs,
but not without burning a hole in your pocket. - Use a pinch of petroleum jelly to polish
furniture. It may not do as good a job as
beeswax, but it will give the furniture the sheen
it needs. - Next time you clean your furniture, add a few
drops of lemon juice to the cleaning solution. It
will give the furniture a nice aroma.
7Polish Cutting Board with Olive Oil
- If you want your cutting board to last longer,
without its surface getting chipped or
splintered, then polish it with olive oil. - Pour a few drops of olive oil over the surface.
Let it sit for a couple of minutes before wiping
off the excess. - With this simple tip, you wont need to splurge
on a new cutting board for a long time.
8If you put your creativity to work, you can find
many other ways to save money on your cleaning
supplies. For in-depth cleaning solutions, dont
forget to call an expert www.wowcleaningsolution