Title: Learn Martial Arts In Perth From GS Karate
1GS Karate
A Short Presentation
2Who We Are
GSK provides a specialized training program to
develop strength, flexibility, balance, speed and
power, incorporating numerous traditional and
contemporary methods to help you get fit and keep
3Why Us
GSK offers a range of exciting activities,
designed to make training and club membership
very enjoyable and challenging for all
Activities include beach and park training/BBQ's,
games for junior members, intra-club
competitions, physically and technically hard
training for advanced students, and social
activities outside the dojo at restaurants and
members homes.
4Martial Arts Perth
GSK encourages karate/martial arts training for
all ages. As the saying goes 'a family that plays
(trains) together stays together'. We strongly
encourage good character and ethics in all our
students, and good role-modeling by all training
The club offers incentives for the more
committed students and discounts for more than
two members of the same family. This means a
whole family can get fit and stay fit together.
5Contact Us
Mount Hawthorn Western Australia 6915
PO Box 214
Phone (08) 9444 3737
Email admin_at_gskarate.com