Title: Iraq
Link to syllabus
Link to chronology
Link to Encyclopedia of the Orient
Link to https//ctools.umich.edu/portal
2Map of 19th Century Middle East
3Iraq cities and roads
4Iraq Topographical map
5Iraq Population by Religion Ethnicity 2000.
(millions, and )
Source Encyclopedia of the Orient
6Iraq by Provinces
Source Juan Coles blog
Iraq has 18 provinces. The three Kurdistan
provinces and Kirkuk will not be participating in
Jan. elections. That leaves 14, four of them
largely Sunni Arab and 10 with Shiite majorities.
7Arabian Family Trees
8King Faisal I
1885-1933 King 1921-33 Born in Mecca,
worked with British and T.E. Lawrence against
Ottomans. Rivalry with his brother
Abdullah. Unsuccessful in earlier attempt at
gaining control of Syria.
9Gertrude Bell, 1868-1927
Born into one of the wealthiest families of
England. Received History degree from Oxford, in
two years. Soon after she visited uncle, who was
mayor of Tehran. Knew seven languages, including
Arabic, Turkish, Persian. Traveled widely.
Archeologist. Worked in intelligence for British
government. Was central influence in drawing map
of Iraq, keeping control from Kurds and Shias.
Supported Faisal as its first leader. Active
suffragette. Never married.
10King Ghazi I
1912- 39 King 1933-39 Born in Mecca.
Becomes King on death of his father Faisal. Dies
in an auto crash, under unusual
circumstances. Was popular among Iraqis for his
anti-British nationalism. Upon his death, Iraq is
ruled by a regent until Faisal II comes of age.
11King Faisal 2
1935-1958 King 1953-58 Kingdom was ruled in his
name by his Uncle, the Regent. Died in a
military coup.
12Saddam Hussein
Born 1937 (or 39) to a modest family in a
village near Tikrit, 100 miles to the north of
Baghdad. Entered the military. Joined Baath in
1956. Becomes President in 1979. Iraq-Iran war
1980-88. Iraq-Kuwait 1990/91 US-led invasion
March 2003. Hussein was captured in late 2003,
and executed in late 2006.
13Iran-Iraq War 1979-1987
Flashing sections indicate limits of occupation
of enemy territory
14Saddam Hussein and Donald Rumsfeld
When Rumsfeld visited Iraq in 1983 to strengthen
that country in its war against Iran.
Juan Cole on the background of this visit
Video of the handshake (National Security
Archives). http//www.gwu.edu/nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NS
15Iraqi Government, Post-US Invasion (2003)
- Coalition Provisional Authority
- Interim Iraqi Government 2004 led to elections
- in Jan. 2005 President Jalal Talabani
(Kurd), - Prime Minister was Ibrahim al-Jaafari, (pushed
out because of weakness towards Kurds) succeeded
by Nuri al-Maliki (both of the Dawa party,
described as Shia Islamist).
16Link to mts Intro Description of Iraq War
Link Iraq War.doc
Total cost to US 700 billion currently 10
billion/month US Troops have been 150,000.
Surge involved 30,000. From other countries
initially was 25,000, now zero. US troop deaths
4,300. Estimates of Iraqi deaths 100,000 to
Link to summary of other countries positions on
the Iraq War
Link to Brookings Institutions Iraq Index
http//www.brookings.edu/iraqindex (numerous
statistical measures relating to the war in Iraq
and its consequences) Cost of the Iraq and
Afghanistan wars (costofwar.com)
17Appropriations for Operation Freedom
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
18Displaced Iraqis
Source New York Times December 8, 2006
19Iraqi Refugees, BBC, Feb., 2007
20Ethnic Cleansing inBaghdad.
21Ethnic Cleansing in Baghdad
Ultimate source is, I believe, New York Times
22Shia Shrines in Iraq Iran
23Nouri al-Maliki, 1950 -
Educated in Baghdad, has an MA in Arabic
Literature. His grandfather was Minister of Educ.
under King Faisal I. Prime Minister since 2006,
replacing Ibrahim al-Jaafari. Had long opposed
Saddam Hussein. Leader of the Islamic Dawa Party,
which is part of the United Iraqi Alliance,
predominantly Shia. As Prime Minister, he has
exceeded most observers expectations.
24Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani. 1930-
Born in Mashhad, Iran into a family of religious
scholars. He came to Iraq to study in Najaf
under Ayatollah Abul- Qassim Khoei. He was
accorded the senior rank of ijtehad in 1961, and
was recognized as the pre-eminent Shia cleric in
Iraq in 1992. His office oversees the spending
of hundreds of millions of dollars for education
and charities.
25Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, 1950 - 2009
Born and raised in Najaf (Iraq) into a family of
prominent Shia religious figures. Seven of
his brothers have been killed, six of them by
order of Saddam Hussein. While in exile in Iran
in 1980, he helped establish SIIC, whose
military wing is Badr Organization. Is the
leader of the United Iraqi Alliance. Visited
George W. in December, 2006.
26Moqtada al-Sadr 1973 -
Born in Baghdad into a prominent family of Shia
religious figures, some of whom are Lebanese. He
himself lacks the religious training to be
considered a senior religious scholar (mujtahid).
The leader of the Sadrist movement, which
is strongest among poor Shii in Baghdad and
southern Iraq. This movement had a low presence
in the 2009 municipal elections. Why?
Sadrist defeat by Iraqi army in 2008? tactical
withdrawal, waiting for departure of US
27Polls Has security situation improved?
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
28Availability of Essential Services
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
29Polls Are things getting better?
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
30Poll Approval rating for Al-Maliki
Total 43 33
40 55
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
31Poll Feel safe in neighborhood?
Aggregate 26 26
37 59
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
32Iraq GDP/capita
Source WDI (WDI is currently (late 2009)
providing minimal data)
33Estimated GDP
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
34Exports and Imports, 2000-07
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
35Debt owed by Iraq 2003-2009
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
36Govt Budget, 2005-09
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
37Govt Spending
38Marketing Melons in Baghdad, 1932
Source The Photography of Kamil Chadirji
39Marsh girls. Near Baghdad, 1931
Source The Photography of Kamil Chadirji
40Iraqi Marshes, 1940s
41Iraq marshes map
42Bringing the marshes back
Source NYT March 8, 2005
43Struggling to Reclaim the Wetlands
Source NYT March 8, 2005
44Marshes 1
45Marshes 2
46Marshes 3
47Marshes 4
48Marshes 4.5
49Marshes 5
50Marshes 6
51Marshes 7
52(No Transcript)
53Iraqi Benchmarks
Source NYT Sept 5, 2007
54Iraqi Benchmarks II
55Iraq Land Use
56Iraq Ag Output
57Deaths in Iraq Since 2004
Source NYT December 19, 2006
58Doctors in Iraq
Source Brookings Institution, Iraq Index.
Downloaded November, 2009
59Cobbler. Baghdad, 1928
Source The Photography of Kamil Chadirji