Title: The National Household
1The National Household Travel Survey
Heather Contrino US Department of
Transportation Federal Highway Administration Offi
ce of Highway Policy Information
2Outline of Todays Presentation
- About the NHTS
- Methods and Data
- Data Applications
- NHTS Products and Tools
3About the NHTS
4About the NHTS
- Only national data source on travel demand and
travel behavior of the American public. - Measures travel by US households for all modes
and all purposes - Survey conducted since 1969
5The NHTS obtains information on the publics use
of the transportation system
Highway Statistics, 2001
6The NHTS Program Two Components
- National Study
- Serves the department, congress, and
administration - Sample size of 25,000 households
- Add-On Program
- Allows States and MPOs to purchase additional
samples for their local area - Program participation has doubled every survey
year - (Sample size of 125,000 households for 2008)
7NHTS Program Structure
NHTS Program
Add-On Program n 125,000 List Assisted
RDD Some Additional Questions
National Study n 25,000 List Assisted RDD
Cell Only n 1,250 National coverage
82008 Add-On Program Participants
125,000 Add-On Samples
Vermont DOT
Wisconsin DOT
South Dakota DOT
New York State DOT
Cedar Rapids, IA
Iowa DOT
Indiana DOT
Omaha, Nebraska
California DOT
Virginia DOT
North Carolina DOT
Tennessee DOT
Piedmont Region
Maricopa, AZ
South Carolina DOT
Pima, AZ
Georgia DOT
Texas DOT
Florida DOT
9NHTS Add-On Program Benefits
- What We Get
- Leadership in household travel survey data
- Larger program, visibility, stakeholders and
users - Greater analysis power
- What They Get
- Administrative Functions (program management,
contracting, and quality assurance) - Comparability
- Legitimacy
- Partnership
10NHTS Program Features
- Adding questions each Add-On allowed five
additional questions - Sample plan area specific sample plans (within
the constraints of overall sample methodology) - Quality Assurance On-line access to status
reports and monthly progress reports to Add-Ons
11Study Design and Data
12Study Design
- National list assisted RDD with CATI
- Population of interest - US Households with
telephones - Advance letter with incentives
- Multi-stage design
Travel Data Retrieval
Diary Mailing
Advance Letter
Household Recruitment
13Study Design (continued)
- Single day travel period for all household
members age 5 - All trips by all modes of travel, including walk
and bike and access and egress modes - NHTS covers all days of the year with day of week
and month of year balance
14Study Design - New for 2008
- Minimum State samples (n250)
- Cell Phone only sample
- Add-On specific questionnaire content
- New data items for national study
- Improvements in weighting and adjustments
15NHTS uses a classic travel diary as a memory
16And obtains trips from one address to another by
all modes
17NHTS links households, people, vehicles, and
18NHTS Core Data Content
- Households
- Income, composition, location
- Persons
- Age, sex, race, ethnicity, worker and student
status, citizenship, education - Geography
- High level geography urban, rural, suburban,
state and national analyses - Vehicles
- Make, model, year, mileage, alternative fuels,
commercially licensed - Trips
- Mode, time of day, purpose, vehicle occupancy,
distance, trip length
Major Contribution Linkage between people,
travel and vehicles
19New 2008 NHTS Content
- Congestion
- Interstate use and tolling
- Telecommuting opportunity and frequency
- Work arrival time and flexibility
- Safety
- Safe Travel to School
- Travel impacts of disability
- Energy and Environment
- Shopping by Internet and deliveries to the
household - Hybrid/Alternative fuel vehicles
- Fuel costs by vehicle type and travel behavior
- Vehicle age, odometer reading, and annual mileage
- Alternative Modes
- Access (to transit) travel party size
- Frequency of walk and bike
- Motorcycle ownership and use
20Data Applications
21Trend Data - There has been amazing growth in
travel since 1969Growth in Travel and Related
Issues, 1969 - 2001
Base NHTS series since 1969
22Travel Demand But in the last decade, total
trips have leveled off
Base NHTS data series, travelers 16
23Congestion - Non-work Travel Adds to Peak Period
24Mobility and impacts on access and travel options
This is the daily range of travel for a high
income African American
This is the daily range of travel for a
low-income African American
25NHTS is used to develop daytime populations for
security research
Number of workers at work, visitors, people in
motion and people at home 200 pm
Tuesday Memphis, TN
Source 2001 NHTS, Nate Erlbaum, NY DOT
26And for special studies (example Florida DOT)
- Hurricane Evacuation Planning
- Weekend and Holiday Travel Planning
- Seasonal Resident Impact
Broward County, Florida
Source ACS 1999-2002, U.S. Census Bureau
27Changes in population growth effect
transportation demand
Estimated on current VMT/person from NHTS and
Census population forecast
28The driving population is agingProjections
show a doubling of VMT by 2040 for drivers aged
65 and over
BaseCensus projections and VMT/person from NHTS
29Which has safety implications as older drivers
are more likely to be in a fatal accident
Base NHTS data on driver miles by age and FARS
30Reliable data on walk trips
31Which are used for Safety Planning
- Pedestrian Fatalities per Mile of Exposure
Source 2001 FARS pedestrian Fatalities and NHTS
2001 miles walked
32And to help understand the link between
transportation and health
Is increased vehicle use related to reduced
walking and biking?
Mode Share to Walk/Bike
VMT Per Driver
Source Matt Coogan
33Transit planners can use NHTS to understand who
uses transit
34And how transit is used(not just commuting)
Percent of Transit Trips by Purpose
35What if scenarios for climate change
Source McGuckins analysis based on NHTS 2001
36And cold and hot starts for air quality analysis
- Vehicle Starts, Trip Lengths by Time of Day and
Vehicle Utilization
Source 2001 NHTS, Nate Erlbaum, NY DOT
37We also include and track gas costs in our
38Which allows us a unique perspective on the
economics of travel
39NHTS Status and Schedule
402008 NHTS Schedule
- Data collection completed April 2009
- Final weighted data file October 2009
- Public Use file January 2010
- Methods Research (for next NHTS) and work for
reauthorization is ongoing
41Future Design Goals
- Methods
- Coverage and Response Rates
- Cellular phones and non-contacts
- Periodicity
- Real time reporting environment
- Continuous study design/annual reporting
- Relevant Content
- Establishing regular, reliable performance
measures - Maintaining trends while addressing new policy
and planning questions
42NHTS Program Goals
- Institutionalize the Study
- Specific program authorization and regular
funding cycle - Maintain Add-On Program
- Regular State and MPO participation federal,
local and community gains - Serve User Community
- Clear link to policy and planning questions
- National and State travel indicators
- On-line Analyses
- Annual reporting of Key Measures
- Modeling and data integration to provide annual
estimates - Annual/continuous data collection
- Feed into performance measurement, annual
reporting to Congress (CP), and other data
programs (e.g. FARS)
43NHTS Products and Tools
44NHTS Products
- State Profiles
- Policy Briefs
- Trends Database
- Transferability
- On-line Analysis Tool
- Risk Assessment Tool
- AAA Traffic Safety Foundation
45Policy Briefs
46State Profiles
47NHTS Website
48On-line Analysis Tools
49Table Designer Tool
50Local Area Estimation
51Accessing NHTS Products
Contact Heather Contrino, FHWA
- State Profiles
- Policy Briefs http//ornl.gov/publications.shtml
issueBriefs - Trends Database To be posted soon
- Local area estimation
- http//fmip.ornl.gov/nhts/
- Risk Assessment Tool
- http//www.aaafoundation.org/trafficSTATS/
- On-line Analysis Tool http//nhts.ornl.gov
- SAS Data Set http//nhts.ornl.gov/download.shtml
52 Thank You! Heather Contrino Heather.Contrino_at_dot.