- The Ohio State University
- Ohio State University is responsible for four
primary tasks - Developing regional-scale geophysical data sets
from satellite data - Developing new techniques for measuring the
physical properties of - firn and ice
- Extending glaciological theory that incorporates
new observations - of the glacier bed provided by CReSIS
- Develop new, web-based courses in Polar Science
- OSU will also work closely with KU engineers to
identify science requirements - and engineering requirements that drive system
development. OSU - will also help design field experiments that
validate system performance. - Along with developing new courses in Polar
Science, OSU is working - With local industry to develop outreach
Analysis of Surface Velocity Fields
- Current Research
Personnel - K. Jezek, task leader and Cresis OSU P.I.
- E. Mosley-Thompson, Ice core analysis and
interpretation - C. J. van der Veen, Glacial theory, education
and outreach - L. Thompson, Climate from ice cores
- Carol Landis, Education
- D. Bromwich, Polar meteorology
- V. Zagorodnov, Firn sampling technology
- B. Csatho, DEM preparation, optical map
products - P.-N. Lin, ice core stable isotopes / chemistry
- K. Farness, SAR analysis
- 2 undergraduates funded by CReSIS
- 3 graduate students
- Schedule
- (Detailed schedules are
provided with each task) - Year 1 Objectives
- Data compilation
- Science requirements on radar and in situ
technologies - Web cast lectures to team members and visit to
ECSU - Year 1 Accomplishments
- Contributed to requirements documents
- Data sets made available on web
- Firn sampling instrumentation development
started - Multiple satellite data acquisitions initiated
- Paper submitted on distribution of melt under
ice stream shear margins - Two papers accepted on trimline and lichen
mapping from spectral data - Year 2 Objectives
- Engineering requirements refinement
- Prepare derived products (for example, surface
velocity maps)
2 Analysis of Surface Velocity Field and
Velocity Gradients The Ohio State
University This task will measure and compile the
surface velocity fields for the polar ice
sheets. Velocity fields are already available
for portions of the Antarctic from the MAMM
project. Additional Radarsat InSAR data were
for interior Antarctica during AMM-1 and new
data about the perimeter have been collected
through 2005. Velocity gradients and derived
field will be analyzed using a proposed variant
of the conventional force budget technique.
The results will be used in comparison with
CReSIS imaging radar data to investigate
properties of the glacial bed. In addition, the
task will develop maps of Cresis study
sites using optical satellite imagery and
satellite altimeter systems. As part of this
task, the PI will visit ECSU to give
presentations on Polar Science and to interact
with students and staff. Two web-based Polar
Science Seminars will also be offered.
Analysis of Surface Velocity Fields
- Current Research
Personnel - K. Jezek, task leader and Cresis OSU P.I.
- B. Csatho, DEM preparation and site maps
creation - K. Farness, InSAR processing
- 2, CReSIS fundeded undergraduate students
involved with - feature retracking velocities and data
rescue (K. Leibfacher, S. Westfall) - 1 grad student (J. Wuite)
- Schedule
- Year 1 Objectives
- Assemble available SAR Data and available
derived velocities - Assemble available DEM Data (Ekholm, Bamber,
IceSAT) - Develop complete 3-d force theory
- Invited talk at ECSU
- Year 1 Accomplishments
- Two undergraduates involved in research
- SAR data products available on web site
- Envisat data acquisitions submitted and data
being received - TerraSAR X data acquisition request approved
- Radarsat Greenland data scheduled to be
delivered in June - Envisat upgrade to procesing software installed
- Several DEMs received, compared and integrated
- Net forces computed on several glaciers
- Paper submitted on melt beneath shear margins
- Year 2 Objectives
- Complete integrated 200 m DEM of Greenland
- Create SAR mosaics and begin InSAR processing
3High Resolution Analysis of the Physical and
Chemical Properties of Snow and Firn using
Multiple Technologies The Ohio State
University Ice Core Paleoclimate Group
High resolution, in situ measurements of the
physical and chemical properties of firn and ice,
along with annual snow accumulation are essential
for correct interpretation of airborne and
satellite-borne remote sensing data. Density is
one of the most difficult properties to measure
and is best evaluated in situ. At least three
different tools will be constructed, tested, and
deployed to measure density with high vertical
resolution and increased precision over current
methods. Near-surface densities that change
rapidly with depth will be given special
attention. Ideally the speedograph will be
calibrated so that many shallow (lt 20 meter)
profiles can be measured quickly in a region.
This is critical as density can be highly
variable over small distances, especially in
regions where the snow facies are not dry and the
degree of melt and refreezing is laterally
Speedograph penetration is a function of density
- Year 1 Objectives and Accomplishments Design,
Fabrication, Testing - ICAS (Ice Core Analysis System) for high
resolution profiling of - density, grain size, and electrical
conductivity ECM - design is complete and drawings are 35
complete - 40 of parts have been acquired or
fabricated - Fabrication of the Speedograph (in situ,
continuous density profiling) - design is complete and technical drawings
are 20 complete - 10 of parts have been acquired or
fabricated - - Conventional density measurements (for
calibration) - design is complete and technical drawings
are 10 complete - 10 of parts have been acquired or
fabricated - Year 2 Objectives Continue Fabrication and
Testing - Testing all three devices with firn cores on
hand at OSU - Density calibration and Inter-lab comparison
(Japan or AWI) - Year 3 Objectives field testing and equipment
modification - - Field test ICAS and Speedograph Greenland
- Make required refinements identified by field
tests - Analyze selected core sections by conventional
methods to validate ICAS - observations and confirm annual layer (net
accumulation) interpretations
Research Personnel
Ellen Mosley-Thompson Victor Zagorodnov Lonnie G.
Thompson Ping-nan Lin 1 graduate student who
will analyze the physical properties of
firn / ice (calibration studies) anticipated
to start Sept 2006
4To place ongoing changes on Greenland outlet
Glaciers in a broader historical perspective,
we will be measuring trimline elevations of
selected outlet glaciers and estimate the volume
of ice lost since the Little Ice Age
maximum. To gain better understanding of the
bed characteristics under fast-moving ice
streams, we will develop DEMs of paleo ice
streams on the Canadian shield, and compare these
with bed topography of modern active ice
Geomorphology mapping from satellite imagery and
aerial photographs
- Schedule
- Year 1 Objectives
- Produce 3D map of the trimline in Jakobshavn
Isfjord based on existing aerial photographs - Identify regions on the Canadian shield suitable
for the study of paleo ice streams and collect
satellite data images (Aster, IceSAT) - Year 1 Accomplishments
- Create land-cover map from Landsat ETM and ASTER
imagery, Jakobshavn Glacier - Assess accuracy of land-cover maps by comparison
with aerial photographs, geomorphologic maps and
field observations (two publications in press) - Create DEM from ASTER and assess its accuracy by
aerial photogrammetry measurements, Jakobshavn
Glacier - Evaluate effect of subglacial topography on
geothermal heat flux, paper in preparation - Year 2 Objectives
- Compare Aster DEM with those derived from aerial
photogrammetry - Produce 3D map of the trimline of Jakobshavn and
Kangerlussuaq glaciers, estimate volume loss
since LIA - Produce DEM of paleo ice stream
- Assess importance of geology on the occurrence of
ice streams (sediment availability, erodibility
of bedrock, geothermal heat flow)
- Research Personnel
- Kees van der Veen
- Bea Csatho
- Toni Schenk
- Student Personnel
- Kyung In Huh
- Yushin Ahn
- 1 potential graduate student
5Our vision is to educate students about the
fundamental principles of earth science and the
unique role of the polar regions in earth
systems. Our objective is to train students who
will be able to critically and creatively apply
these principles in their chosen careers. CReSIS
outreach will be integrated into regular
BPRC activities that include annual visits by
primary and secondary school students from
Central Ohio. BPRC also hosts student groups
from local colleges and teacher organizations.
BPRC is working with McGraw Hill Company to
increase access to polar science information.
Education and Outreach
Schedule - Year 1 Objectives
- ECSU presentations
- Continue discussions with McGraw Hill and
production of K-12 material - Proposal to establish UG/G track in cryospheric
science at OSU - Lonnie Thompson web-cast lecture
- Year 1 Accomplishments
- 2 undergraduate students hired into RSL
- ECSU/Haskell presentations
- Discussions with McGraw Hill
- Lonnie Thompson web-cast lecture
- Numerious visits by K-12 students, teachers,
parents, college - students and teachers
- Submitted a proposal to Batelle to host 3
day-long climate change sessions - (k-12, grad/undergrad and grad, general
public) - Submit proposal to GLOBE RFP (energy budget
focus) - Year 2 Objectives
- Lonnie Thompson participation in Dole Center
Workshop - Polar Science Seminar
- C. Landis
- All Senior OSU Faculty and Staff
- BPRC Administrative Staff
- Jan Wuite Grad Student, glacier dynamics using
feature retracking and InSAR velocities (NASA
Fellow) - Kyung In Huh Grad Student, glacier
geomorphology (NASA Fellow) - Karl Leibfacher senior velocity from AMM-1 and
MAMM feature retracking (CReSIS funded) - Stacey Westfall senior data rescue/reformatting
of ERS/JERS SAR InSAR data (CReSIS funded) - Two graduate student admitted for fall and
nominated for OSU Presidential Fellowship
(acceptance TBD).
AMM-1/MAMM Feature retracking
7CReSIS Partners Talks
- Haskell Feb. 23 (Jezek)
- ECSU March 06 (Jezek)
- CRESiS Seminar presentation March 9, 2006. In
preparation. (Zagorodnov V., E. Mosley-Thompson) - Dole Center Workshop April 06 (
- L. Thompson)
8(No Transcript)
9CReSIS Related Publications
Mosley-Thompson, E., C. R. Readinger, P.
Craigmile, L. G. Thompson, and C. A. Calder.
2005. Regional sensitivity of Greenland
precipitation to NAO variability, Geophysical
Research Letters, 32, L24707, doi10.1029/2005GL02
4776. Raymond, C.F., G.A. Catania, N. Nereson,
and C.J. van der Veen, Bed radar reflectivity
across the north margin of Whillans Ice Stream
and implications for margin processes. Journal
of Glaciology, in press. Van der Veen, C.J.,
K.C. Jezek, and L. Stearns, Shear measurements
on three West Antarctic ice streams 1. Whillans
Ice Stream. Journal of Glaciology,
submitted. Van der Veen, C.J. and B. Csatho,
accepted. Spectral characteristics of Greenland
lichens, Geographie et Physique Quaternaire.
Csatho, B., C.J. van der Veen and C. Tremper,
accepted. Trimline mapping from multispectral
Landsat ETM imagery. Geographie et Physique
Quaternaire Zagorodnov V., O. Nagornov and L.G.
Thompson. 2006. Influence of air temperature on a
glaciers active layer temperature. Annals of
Glaciology (Accepted for publication)
Leibfacher, K., S. Mather, K. Farness, and K.
Jezek, 2006. Minimosaic Offset Investigation.
BPRC Technical Report, 196 p.
10CReSISOSU Remote Sensing
Surface Flow Field Belgica Mts., Radarsat InSAR
11Digital Elevation Models
- GEOSAT and ERS radar altimeter DEMS obtained from
GSFC - IceSAT DEMS obtained from GSFC
- Shape from shading DEM obtained from NSIDC
- Shape from shading has the fewest outliers and
has been resampled to a 1 km grid - DEMs will be merged to create the best available
surface topography
12Accuracy Assessment of Merged DEMs
- Available DEMs
- (A) Ekholm/Bamber DEM, created from ERS-1 and
Geosat satellite radar altimetry, airborne laser
altimetry (ATM, PARCA), photogrammetry, InfSAR,
digitized maps (Bamber, J.L., S. Ekholm, W.B.
Krabill, 2001. A new, high-resolution digital
elevation model of Greenland fully validated with
airborne laser data. JGR, 106(B4), 6733-6745) - (B) Scambos DEM created from the Ekholm/Bamber
DEM by adding details from AVHRR imagery by using
shape from shading technique (Scambos, T.A. and
T. Harran, An image-enhanced DEM of the Greenland
ice sheet. Annals of Glaciology, 34, 291-298) - New DEM
- (C) OSU-06 DEMs created from (A) and (B) grids by
adding a correction grid derived from ICESat
13Rationale for Creating Merged Products from
Existing DEMs and ICESat
- Accuracy issues and processing uncertainties
related to the ERS-1 and ERS-2 data have been
identified. Therefore beging to develop merged
products by combining existing DEMs with ICESat
data and postpone the generation of a DEM from
the point data sets (airborne and spaceborne
lidar and satellite radar altimetry) until radar
altimetry corrections are fully understood and
accuracy studies are finished. So far all
experiments suggest that the accuracy of the
OSU-06 (C) product (existing DEMs with
corrections derived from ICESat) will meet the
criteria given for this project for most of the
ice sheet except the marginal zone.
Ekholm/Bamber DEM Statistics of difference
between ICESat elevations and DEM Number of
values 19904 Minimum -30.83 m Maximum 22.18
m Mean 0.18 m Standard deviation 6.67
m Accuracy agrees well with quoted accuracy of
DEM (Bamber et al., 2001)
Ekholm/Bamber with IceSAT Tracks
15Residual between ICESat elevations and
Ekholm/Bamber DEM(obtained by Kriging
interpolation of residual)
16Ekholm/Bamber DEM interpolated ICESat
residuals Interpolation Kriging No
filtering Statistics of difference between
ICESat elevations and DEM elevations after
interpolated residuals are added Number of
values 19904 Minimum -15.28 m Maximum 8.58 m
Mean -0.02 m Standard deviation 1.48 m
17Ekholm/Bamber DEM interpolated ICESat
residuals Interpolation Kriging Filtering of
residual grid to remove artifacts using a 11 by
11 Gaussian filter Statistics of difference
between ICESat elevations and DEM elevations
after interpolated residuals are added Number of
values 19904 Minimum -25.00 m Maximum 13.92
m Mean 0.11 m Standard deviation 3.95 m This
is not real accuracy measure, since ICESat data
were used to create the improved DEM. Accuracy
assessment with ATM data is ongoing. Same applies
for subsequent examples
18Scambos photoclinometry DEM Statistics of
difference between ICESat elevations and
DEM Number of values 19904 Minimum -20.32
m Maximum 17.60 m Mean -0.96 m Standard
deviation 5.81 m
19Scambos photoclinometry DEM interpolated ICESat
residuals Interpolation Kriging No
filtering Statistics of difference between
ICESat elevations and DEM elevations after
interpolated residuals are added Number of
values 19904 Minimum -16.99 m Maximum 10.27
m Mean 0.02 m Standard deviation 1.36 m -
20Scambos photoclinometry DEM interpolated ICESat
residuals Interpolation Kriging Filtering 11
by 11 Gaussian filter Statistics of difference
between ICESat elevations and DEM elevations
after interpolated residuals are added Number of
values 19904 Minimum -19.82 m Maximum 13.56
m Mean 0.02 m Standard deviation 3.42 m
21Ekholm/Bamber DEM Photoclinometry
DEM Mean /- standard deviation of difference
between ICESat elevations and DEMs
Original Interpolated, smoothed ICESat
residual added Interpolated ICESat residual
0.18/-6.67 m 0.11/-3.95 m -0.02/-1.4
8 m
-0.96/-5.81 m 0.02/-3.42
m 0.02/-1.36 m
Recommended approach to developing OSU 06 DEM
22SAR/InSAR Data
- MAMM Radarsat data on order from ASF
- ENVISAT data acquisitions planned and requests
submitted - Cycle 1 Envisat data being received at OSU
- TerraSAR-X acquisitions approved
- Modified FOCUS/RAMS software available to process
23Approved Envisat Acquisitions
24TerraSAR-X Requested Coverage
25Data Products
- Data products including geocoded MODIS images are
available to the team at - www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/rsl
2006 Spectral characteristics of Greenland
lichens and Trimline mapping from multi-spectral
Landsat imagery
B. Csatho C.J. van der Veen C. Tremper
In Press, Geographie et Physique Quaternaire
27Classified Landsat Imagery
Melting ice, snow, firn
Supraglacial lakes, brash ice
Turbid water
Moderately turbid water
Slightly turbid water
Clear water, shadow
Lichen-dominated vegetation
Tundra-dominated vegetation
Dry sediment
Wet sediment
Trimzone, sediment, some vegetation
Trimzone, sediment, no vegetation
Debris-covered ice
28Trimline location from Landsat classification and
ground GPS survey
29Spectral properties of major landcovers
Lichen An association of a fungus and a photo
synthetic symbiont, resulting in a stable thallus
of specific structure
30Bare rocks
Lichen-covered rocks
31Intermittent retreat of Jakobshavns Isbræ since
the LIA maximum
32Elevation on WGS-84
Trimline Airborne laser
Date (year)
Surface elevation changes since the LIA dating
based on historical photographs, satellite
images, and lichenometry
33Firn Core Chemistry and Physics
Progress Report 2006
34Ice core processing schema
Split 60/40 with high speed horizontal band saw
Band saw design
Band saw in cold room
35Ice core processing schema (continued)
Conventional analysis
- density (calibration)
- grain size (calibration)
- stable isotopic ratios
- major ions
- microparticles (dust)
Milling spindle-motor
36Optical sensors sample section thickness
Two industrial proximity sensors Resolution
40 ?m
Snow-ice section 10 mm
Proximity sensors
37Optical high resolution density sensors (ice core
longitudinal scan) - light
absorption and scatter (?1),
- light scatter (?2)
Ref PbS detector
Signal PbS detector
Combiner for laser beams
Positioning slides with spindle motor and laser
sensors tested prototype device
1. Hot point drill - power, 1.0 Kw -
length, 0.8 m - weight, 5 kg - diameter, 35
mm - penetration rate 9-12 m/h 2. Winch, 50
m, 3. Controller, 4. PC data acquisition
- depth - penetration rate - bit
pressure - tip power -
temperature 5. Power generator, 6. Shelter
Encoder well
Load cell
Slip ring
Winch front view
Winch side view
Hot point drill