Title: UN Comtrade
1UN ServiceTrade database Data collection,
processing and disseminationReport byUnited
Nations Statistics Division
2UN ServiceTrade database
- In 2001, call for worldwide collection of trade
in services statistics (UN Stat Commission)
- In 2005, UNSD starts development of UN
ServiceTrade database
- In 2006, UNSD starts worldwide collection of
trade in services statistics
- MoU with Eurostat
- No duplication with OECD
- In 2008, UNSD receives basic datasets from 100
countries, of which 46 with partners
- (includes 33 datasets from Eurostat)
3(No Transcript)
4Countries (areas) with EBOPS by Partner data
Bhutan Korea Republic of Russian Federation Sw
aziland Tunisia Australia Belarus Canada H
ong Kong SAR China Moldova Republic of New Zeala
nd Puerto Rico Singapore Ukraine
5Countries with EBOPS only (from NSO)
Kyrgyzstan Malawi Marshall Islands Peru Phil
ippines Rwanda Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Senegal Tuvalu
6Countries with EBOPS only (from Central Bank)
Jamaica Qatar Solomon Islands Jordan (Hashemite
Kingdom of) South Africa Kazakhstan Swaziland S
yrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Mauritius Thaila
nd Mexico Trinidad and Tobago Mongolia Montenegr
o Kuwait Uganda Mozambique Uruguay Nicaragua V
enezuela Pakistan
7UN ServiceTrade database
- To facilitate calculations of regional and world
totals for trade in services by main service
categories, UNSD added IMFs BOP service
components to UN ServiceTrade for non-reporting
countries. - UNSD will discuss with IMF the possibility of
including BOP service data early in the most
recent year and then replace these data when more
detailed EBOPS data become available. This would
make UN ServiceTrade more timely.
8Thank youfor your attention