Title: In 1953, legendary writer Arthur Miller
1In 1953, legendary writer Arthur Miller depicted
a story based on actual facts facts which remain
horrifying even to this day, despite being based
on events which took place over 300 years
ago.The story is a terrifying depiction of how
the accusations of a group of children stirred
up such fear in their small community that it
led to persecution and hangings. But, what makes
the story so touching even till this day is that
it applies to all witchhunts yes, witch
hunts taking place every day.
2Ladies and Gentlemen
to the story of
3Why Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible Arthur
Miller, one of Americas most famous playwrights,
lived during the 1950s and experienced the
Communist hysteria of the era. People thought
their were Commies everywhere, and one man,
Senator Joseph McCarthy, made it his personal
mission to find Communists and destroy their
lives by bringing them before something called
4Senator McCarthy accused many people actors,
writers, people in media, people in the military
of being Communists. He held hearings where
people were commanded to give names of other
Communists in order for leniency. People were
afraid they might be named as Communists, and it
was called the Red Scare. (Red was a word used
for a Communist.)
5The Crucible was Arthur Millers way of
protesting the House Unamerican Activities
Committee hearings. He compared the Communist
hearings to the witch hunts of Salem, where
gossip, rumors, and fear were evidence enough to
convict people. The term witch hunt now
applies to any activity where people are looking
for a scapegoat or where they are using
accusations to get revenge or to get personal
gain or attention.
6The one, the only
John Proctor
7The Crucible Court
What did they see?
10Elizabeth Proctor
11John and Elizabeth
12But, what really makes The Crucible so special
even to this day, is that the story applies to
the events that we witness right before our own
eyes. Yes, we have allowed witch hunts to
continually take place, proving that we have yet
to correct the mistakes that were made over 300
years ago.
13In our day...
The End