Title: Arthur Lawida - A Dynamic and Visionary Leader
1Arthur Lawida
President at commercetools, Inc Consultant at
Yawp Advisory Services
2Aleksey Mendez has a commendable,
well-diversified portfolio that speaks volume. He
has an impeccable experience in Behavior-Based
Safety, Workers Compensation Claim Management,
EMR oversight and Root Cause Analysis and
investigation of events leading to work injuries.
3Arthur Lawida after graduating from Duke
University with a degree in Political Science
worked in different companies and gained a lot of
4Arthur Lawidas main set of expertise lies in
technology and ecommerce that he gained by
working for years in the sector of software
development and business groups by the deployment
of on-demand businesses. Not just this but he
also specialises in early to mid-stage software
firms and companies guiding them through the
various phases of development.
5Moreover, Arthur Lawida also has experience in
dealing with investors, clients and staff by
balancing their needs.
6The best part is that he manages his time very
well, between spending time on running his
bussiness in a successful and prosperous
direction and coachong people so they can alos
generate exceptional results, by understanding
the problem and the ways through which it can be
7Apart from this, Arthur Lawida has also developed
numerous skills that keeps him at the top of his
game like solution selling, Hybris, cloud
computing, strategic planning and even executive
Find out more about him at his official site