Common Stock Valuation: The Inputs

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Common Stock Valuation: The Inputs


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Common Stock Valuation: The Inputs

  • Common Stock Valuation The Inputs

Valuation Inputs
  • Now that we have an understanding of the models
    used, we are going to focus on developing
    estimates for the inputs the models require.

DCF Model Cash Flow
  • In the cash flow valuation models, there are
    three cash flows we can use to determine value
    dividends, free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) and
    free cash flow to equity (FCFE).
  • Using dividends as the cash flow is restrictive
    because we would not be able to value
    non-dividend paying or low dividend paying firms.
  • The cash flow that we will use is the Free Cash
    Flow to the Firm. This represents the cash flow
    available to ALL the investors of the firm,
    including equity holders and debt holders.
  • Valuing the firm using FCFF and FCFE are

DCF Model Calculating Current FCFF
  • Free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) can be
    calculated in the following way
  • Where
  • EBIT Earnings Before Interest and taxes
    (Income statement)
  • t marginal tax rate (assumed to be 35)
  • NCC non-cash charges (such as depreciation)
    (statement of cash flows)
  • FCInv Investment in fixed capital (statement
    of cash flows)
  • WCInv Investment in working capital (balance

DCF Model Calculating Current FCFF
  • In general, working capital is defined as current
    assets minus current liabilities.
  • However, for valuation purposes, working capital
    should exclude cash and cash equivalents and
    short term debt, which can be notes payable or
    the current portion of long-term debt.
  • Our focus is on calculating a value for operating
    working capital.
  • Investment in working capital in year t then is
  • WCInv WC(t) WC(t-1)

DCF Model Discount Rate
  • The discount rate used in any valuation model
    should reflect the return required by the
    investors that are to receive the cash flows.
  • In the DCF model, with FCFF, since the cash flow
    is to all investors of the firm, we have to
    determine the required return for the debt
    holders and equity holders.
  • The weighted average of these required returns is
    referred to as the weighted average cost of
    capital (WACC)

DCF Model Discount Rate
  • The WACC (k) is calculated as
  • Where ke required rate of return for equity
    holders (cost of equity)
  • kd required rate of return for debt
    holders (cost of debt)
  • MVe market value of equity
  • MVd market value of debt
  • t marginal tax rate

DCF Model Discount Rate Cost of Equity
  • The cost of equity for a stock can be estimated
    using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM ).
  • We will discuss the CAPM in a later chapter.
  • However, we can estimate the discount rate for a
    stock using this formula
  • Cost of equity (ke) risk-free rate risk
  • T-bond yield (stock beta x stock
    market risk premium)

T-bond yield return on 30-yr U.S. T-bonds
Stock Beta risk relative to an average stock
Stock Market Risk Premium risk premium for an average stock (Long-term geometric average)
DCF Model Discount Rate Cost of Debt
  • Just like with equity, the cost of debt or the
    required rate of return for debt holders can be
    stated as
  • Cost of debt (kd) risk-free rate risk premium
  • The risk premium here represents the extra return
    that investors require to compensate them for the
    possibility that the firm may default on their
    debt obligation.
  • The cost of debt (kd) can be estimated in one of
    two ways
  • Look for prices and yields of bonds outstanding
  • Estimate the cost of debt from the firms credit

DCF Model Discount Rate Cost of Debt
  • If the firm has bonds outstanding, and the bonds
    are traded, the yield to maturity (YTM) on a
    long-term, straight (no special features) bond
    can be used as the before tax cost of debt.
  • The YTM incorporates the risk-free rate and
    firm-specific default risk.
  • Sources
  • Look at the Corporate Bond excerpt in the WSJ or
    other publications
  • Yahoo may also have this information
  • kd YTM (1-t)

DCF Model Discount Rate Cost of Debt
  • Rating agencies, such as Standard and Poors and
    Moodys provide ratings for companys debt. This
    rating is an indication of the riskiness of the
  • Standard and Poors ratings can be found at
  • If the firm is rated, use the credit rating and a
    typical default spread on bonds with that rating
    to estimate the cost of debt.
  • Default spreads represent the risk premium.
  • Default spreads can be found at (premium service) OR inferred
    from bond spreads of other bonds with the same
  • kd (30-yr. T-bond yield default spread)

DCF Model Discount Rate Market Value of Equity
  • The market value of equity (MVe) is the market
    capitalization of the firm
  • Market Cap Shares outstanding current stock

DCF Model Discount Rate Market Value of Debt
  • The market value of debt (MVd) consists of two
  • The value of long-term debt
  • The value of operating leases (off-balance sheet)
  • The market value of long-term debt can be
    approximated using the book value of long-term
    debt which can be found on the firms balance

DCF Model Discount Rate Market Value of Debt
  • Operating leases represent payments for things
    such as leasing a building, etc.
  • These leases do not show up on the balance sheet.
  • The debt value of leases is the present value
    of the lease payments, at a rate that reflects
    their risk.
  • In general, this rate will be close to or equal
    to the rate at which the company can borrow,
    i.e., pre-tax cost of debt.

  • One of the very attractive properties of the RIM
    is that apart from the discount rate and the
    growth rate, all the other inputs can be taken
    directly from the firms financial statements.
  • Book value of equity Total shareholders equity
    Preferred Stock
  • ROE Net Income / Book value of equity

RIM Discount Rate
  • The cash flows used in the RIM is the earnings
    per share. This represents a cash flow to the
    equity holders only.
  • Therefore, the discount rate should reflect a
    required rate of return to the equity holders.
  • This rate is the cost of equity (ke).

  • Reserve Material
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