Title: Basic Business Valuation Principles
1Basic Business Valuation Principles
2Income Statement
3(No Transcript)
4IAS 18
- Significant risks and rewards transferred
- Seller retains no control
- Revenue can be measured
- Economic benefits will probably flow to the
seller - Costs can be measured
- Stage of completion can be measured (applicable
to services only).
5Problem of Revenue Recognition
- Warranties
- Premium
- Vouchers
- Subscriptions
- Loyalty reward
- Services guarantee
6Research and DevelopmentIAS 38
- Research phase -original and planned
investigation undertaken with prospect of gaining
new scientific or technical knowledge - All of the costs associated should be written off
as incurred
- Development phase the application of research
findings or other knowledge to improve or
substantially develop company products, services
or processes - Development costs must be capitalized if
- The project is technically feasible.
- There is an intention to complete the intangible
asset and use or sell it. - The enterprise has the ability to sue or sell the
asset. - It must be clear how the intangible can be used
or how it could be sold. - The company has adequate resources to complete
the project. - The expenditure associated with the intangible
asset can be reliably measured.
7(No Transcript)
8Foreign Exchange Gains
- Gains on trading transactions are reported as
reductions in operating expenditures - Gains on financing transactions are reported as
part of finance charges.
9Government Grants
- Revenue grants treated as income when related
expense is incurred - Capital grants treated as deferred credit.
10Leasing Accounting Treatment
- Capital Leases immediate recognition of total
sale value of assets under lease based on the
revenue receivable
- Operating Lease recognizing rental receipts
over lease term as profit
11Criteria for Finance Leases IAS 17
- Criteria
- Ownership is transferred at the end of the lease
or - There is a bargain purchase option
- Leases term is for the major part of the assets
economic life - Present value of minimum leases payments is
substantially all of the fair value of the leased
asset - Assets are of a specialized nature
- Residual value fluctuations belong to the lessee
- Lessee can extend the lease at a below market
- Comment
- This would effectively be payment by installments
- If the asset can be bought below its fair value
then it is a bargain - Typically 75 of the assets life is the
benchmark - Fair value can be read as cash price.
Substantially all normally equates to 90 - If only the lessee can use them its the lessees
asset - This would be an indicator of where the economic
risks and rewards lie - The secondary period brings the lessee closer to
economic ownership
12All leases are a form of debt (irrespective of
accounting treatment)
- Add back the existing rental to EBIT (and adjust
taxes if appropriate) - Capitalize the rental as an obligation (debt) and
an asset - Charge interest on the debt
- Charge depreciation on the capitalized asset
13Signs of Trouble relating to Revenues
- Unexpected changes in revenues
- Increasing disparity between profit and cash
- Unexpected ballooning of accounts receivable
- Change in segment mix, especially unexpected
and/or inconsistent with strategy - Significant revenues or increasing proportion
coming from a related party.
- Nick Antill and Kenneth Lee,
- Company Valuation under IFRS Interpreting and
Forecasting Accounts Using International
Financial Reporting Standards, - Harriman House, 2005
15(No Transcript)
16Given Company A and Company B are identical in
all respects except that Company A owns its fixed
assets while Company B leases its fixed assets
17Different rates of return because of risk
18Valuation is different because risk is different
19Basic Principles in Business Valuation
20Value is Based on Prospects
21Operational decisions drive the price and margin
positioning of the companys products (services)
- Investment decisions involve the companys use of
both current and capital assets.
Financial decisions determine the companys
financial leverage and dividend policy
22Factors to be considered in business valuation
- Nature and history of the business is it an
asset holding company or an operating business?
Is there any prior transactions? - Industry and types of company Is it a growth
business? Is the business cyclical/ what is the
competition? What is the economic outlook that
may affect the subject business? - Level of Sales and profit margin
- Financial strength/ tangible asset backings
- Management strength and weakness
- Distribution networks
- Liability issues are there identifiable or
contingent liabilities? Are there proposed
changes in safety or environmental regulations
that may affect the industry?
23Industry x Competitive Position Profitability
- Two things determine a company's
profitability-the industry in which it competes
and its strategic position in the industry
(Michael E. Porter)
Michael E. Porter is a leading authority on
competitive strategy and the competitiveness and
economic development of nations, states, and
regions. He is the Bishop William Lawrence
University Professor, based at Harvard Business
24Industry Analysis Competitive Strategy
Aims to establish a profitable and sustainable
position relative to industry competitors.
255 competitive forces that determine industry
attractiveness through their collective effect on
prices, costs, and required investment
26- Entry of new competitors barriers of entry,
economies of scale, product differentials, brand
identity, capital requirements, access to
distribution channels, switching cost to buyers,
government policy, cost advantages. - Threat of substitutes relative price and
performance, switching costs to buyers - Bargaining power of buyers buyer concentration,
buyer volume, buyer information, available
substitutes, switching costs, price sensitivity - Bargaining power of suppliers differentiation
of inputs, presence of substitute inputs,
supplier concentration, importance of volume to
supplier, threat of forward integration - Rivalry among existing competitors industry
growth, fixed-Variable costs, value added,
product differences, brand identity, diversity of
competitors, exit barriers, informational
- Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy The Core
Concepts, Free Press, New York, 1985, 1998 - Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage, Free
Press, New York, 1985
28The Need for Financial Statement Analysis
29Earnings quality is of paramount importance
- While accounts are prepared in accordance with
the generally accepted accounting principles,
distortion can arise because many of the entries
are subject to management decision or discretions
that may prove to be inaccurate or they may be
misleading. -
- The companys operations themselves are never
completely smooth and often contain one-time
events which may not recur in the future.
30Three goals of financial analysis and adjustment
- Understanding of the relationships existing in
the profit and loss statement and the balance
sheet, including trends over time, to assess the
risk inherent in the business operations and the
prospects for future performance. - Comparison with similar businesses to assesses
risk and value parameters. - Adjustment of historical financial statements to
estimate the economic abilities of and prospects
for the business
31Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRS)
- Effective from 1 January 2005
32Effect of IFRS on Reported Earnings in HK
- IASBs shift
- Income Statement Balance Sheet
- Measure Assets and Liabilities with Fair
Value - More one-off items on Income Statement
- Change in Fair Value of Investment Properties on
Income Statement - Impairment of Goodwill
33Net Income Cannot be Taken at Face Value
- Recurring earnings
- Can be used in year-to-year comparison
- Can be used in calculating P/E ratio
- Transitory earnings
- Restructuring charges
- Acquisition expenses
- Asset sale gain/loss
- Realized Investment gain/loss
- Litigation charges
- Goodwill amortization
- Tax adjustment
34Financial Misreporting The Seven Shenanigans
- Recording revenue before it is earned
- Inventing revenue
- Boosting profits with nonrecurring items
- Shifting expenses to later periods
- Failing to disclose and/or record liabilities
- Shifting income to later periods
- Shifting expense to earlier periods
35Red flags warning of an impending decline in
earnings quality
- Adoption of less conservative accounting
practices, such as using a longer life for
depreciation purposes. - One-time transactions to generate gains, such as
tax deals or asset sales. - Operating actions designed to accelerate the
recognition earnings, such as speeding up
shipments to customer. - Inclusion of past profits in the current period.
- Early adoption of new accounting standards that
boost earnings - Reduction of managed costs, such as Research and
Development, maintenance, or advertising. - Not fully allowing for bad debts, warranty
obligations, returns, and other future costs of
current sales. - An increasing receivables period, i.e. the time
between the recording a sale and the subsequent
collection cash from the customer. - An increasing reliance upon sources of earning
outside the companys core business. - Capitalizing types of expenses that were
previously recognized when they were incurred. - A major acquisition with inadequate disclosure,
making comparisons difficult. - Write-off of investments soon after they are
made. - An increasing amount of financial leverage
- A slowdown in inventory turnover.
36Further Reference
- Howard Schilit, Financial Shenanigans, 2nd
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002 - Martin Fridson and Fernando Alvarez, Financial
Statement Analysis A Practitioners Guide, 3rd
Edition, Wiley, New York, 2002
37Common Size Analysis
- A technique that enables Valuer to determine the
component makeup of a companys balance sheet and
income statement in relation to a critical
component (total assts or total sales). - When this technique is used in conjunction with a
balance sheet, all balance sheet items will be
represented as a percentage of net sales or
revenues. - As the name of the method goes, common size
analysis can be used to compare companies of
different sizes.
38Common-size analysis can either be vertical or
- In vertical analysis for a given year, all
balance sheet items are expressed as a percentage
of total assets and all income statement items as
a percentage of net sales. - Horizontal analysis develops trends in balance
sheet or income statement percentages over time.
A particular year is designated the base year and
percentage changes in subsequent years are
39Financial Ratio Analysis
40Earning power the Return of Equity
- net profit margin x asset turnover x equity
multiplier - Net Income x Sales x Assets
- Sales Assets Equity (Book Value)
- (the DuPont formula)
41Other financial ratios
- Liquidity ratios demonstrate the companys
ability to meet its current (short-term)
obligations. - Current Raito Current assets
- Current liabilities
- Quick Ratio Current Assets Inventories
- (Acid-Test) Current Liabilities
42Other financial ratios
- Asset Management or Activity Ratios measures how
effectively a company manages its assets. - Accounts Receivable Turnover Sales
- Accounts Receivable
- or Average Collection Period (Days)
365 - Accounts Receivable Turnover
- Inventory Turnover Cost of Goods Sold
- Inventories
- or Average Days Inventory 365
- Inventory Turnover
- A slow (low) inventory turnover means a long
average holding period. It would put a strain on
the companys liquidity and may indicate obsolete
or otherwise undesirable inventory. A too fast
(high) inventory turnover may indicate that sales
are being lost due to insufficient inventory on
43Other financial ratios
- Cash Conversion Cycle
- Days in inventory Days in accounts receivable
Days in accounts payable - The cash conversion cycle is a rough measure of
the time it takes for a companys operations to
produce cash, beginning with the initial
inventory investment. - Working Capital Turnover Sales
- Working Capital
- If a companys current ratio, accounts receivable
collection period, and inventory turnover remain
constant as sales go up, the working capital must
rise, because the company will have to carry more
receivables and inventory to support the
increased sales level. A high ratio of sales to
net working capital results from a favourable
turnover of accounts receivable and inventory and
indicates efficient use of current assets. But a
high sales-to-net-working-capital ratio also can
indicate risk arising from possibly inadequate
short-term liquidity.
44Other financial ratios
- Debt Management Ratios
- Cash Flow Coverage
- Cash Flow from Operations
- Total Debt
- Interest Coverage
- Earnings before Interest and Tax (EBIT)
- Interest Expense
45Further Reference
- Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy, and Victor L.
Bernard, Business Analysis Valuation Using
Financial Statements, 3rd Edition, South-Western
College Publishing, 2003
46Further Adjustments
- Non-operating Items
- Redundant assets
- Depreciation
- Management Compensation and Perquisites
- Occupancy Costs
- Discretionary items
47Financial statement adjustments are made for the
purpose of assisting the Valuer in reaching a
valuation conclusion.
- Adjustments made should be fully described and
supported. - If the Valuer is acting as a consultant to either
the buyer or seller in a proposed transaction,
the adjustments should be understood by the
48Financial Statement Forecasting
49, the careful estimates of security analysts
(based on industry studies, plant visits, etc.)
do little better than those that would be
obtained by simple extrapolation of past trends,
- Burton G. Malkiel,
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street, W.W. Norton
Company, - Revised and Updated Edition, 2003
- The Park Company runs a retail chain.
- It started its operation 3 years ago by opening
on average 3 new stores per year. - After this 3-year growth, Park Company plans to
just open 2 more new stores in the coming four
years only. - The opening costs for a new store, excluding
fixed assets, are approximately 35,000. - It appears that a new store takes one year to
mature. - Park Company has shown the following results from
51Unscrupulous Projection
52Suggested answer
Analysis Year 1 3 immature stores produced
30 Year 2 3 mature stores and 3 immature
stores produced 90 i.e. 3 mature stores
produced 60 Year 3 6 mature stores and 3
immature stores produced 150 i.e. 6 mature
stores produced 120 Year 4 9 mature stores and
2 immature stores will produce 180 20
53If Park Company opens no new store in Year 5
Year 5 11 mature stores will produce 220 Year
6 If no new store come forth, the net income
before tax will still be 220 assuming
everything remains the same
54Actual Performance
55Product Life Cycle
Product Life Cycle
56Percent-of-sales method
- Once the sales have been forecasted, the Valuer
should try to develop a pro forma income
statement and balance sheet. - The most commonly used technique is the
percent-of-sales method, which is to express
income statement and balance sheet items as a
percentage of future sales. - This method is viable when variable costs as well
as most current assets and liabilities vary
directly with sales.
57The percent-of-sales method follows a simple
three-step process
- Forecast the future periods sales.
- Determine which financial statement items have
varied directly with sales in the past. This will
be a good indication of whether those same
accounts will vary with sales in the future. - Forecast all income statement and balance sheet
items that vary directly with sales. Obtain
independent forecasts of those items that do not
vary with sales.
58Typical Forecasting Techniques for Financial
59Forecasting growth
- The above shows the forecasted sales of a
business for eight years. - The eight-year period is called the explicit
forecast period, with the eighth year being the
forecast horizon. - The initial forecasted growth rate is 10, but
high growth attracts competition and eventually
the market becomes saturated. - Therefore, population growth and inflation
determine the long-term sustainable growth rate
for most companies that have no international
market sales.
60Then, the forecasted financial statement of the
coming year is presented as follows
61Business Valuation Approaches
The concepts, processes, and methods applied in
the valuation of businesses are the same as those
for other types of valuations
62Asset-based business valuation approach
- The asset-based approach should be considered in
valuations of controlling interests in business
entities that involve one or more of the
following - An investment or holding business, such as a
property business or a farming business - A business valued on a basis other than as a
going concern
63Asset-based business valuation approach (contd)
- Like the cost approach in the valuation of real
property, the asset-based approach should not be
the sole valuation approach used in assignments
relating to operating businesses appraised as
going concerns because it cannot be easily
applied to intangible assets. - This approach is generally considered to be a
floor value for a company being valued as a
going concern.
64Asset-based business valuation approach (contd)
- For this reason, the asset-based approach is
generally not used for the following types of
business valuation assignments - Service businesses
- Asset-light businesses
- Operating companies with intangible value
- Minority interest, which have no control over he
sale of the assets (because the minority
shareholder does not have the ability to
liquidate the assets.)
65Income approach to business valuation
66(Direct) capitalization of income
- A representative income level is divided by a
capitalization rate or multiplied by an income
multiple to convert the income into value. - This method is most appropriate to valuation of a
business that is not too asset intensive.
67(Direct) capitalization of income (contd)
- Income can be a variety of definitions of income
and cash flow. Some of the more common
definitions include - Net income after tax
- Net income before taxes (pretax income)
- Cash flow (gross or net)
- Debt-free income
- Debt-free cash flow (gross or net)
- Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
- Earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes
68Earning or Cash Flow?
- Investors are generally less interested in net
profit on an accounting basis, and more
interested in the amount of cash generated by a
particular business which will be available to
them for discretionary spending and investment. - Free cash flow to equity may also be viewed as
being less prone to manipulation by management
than earnings.
69Earning or Cash Flow? (Contd)
- Value is created when it is earned, even on
accounting basis, rather than when cash is
collected. - Anyway, earnings and cash flow are highly
correlated, particularly over the long run.
70MillerModigliani Theorem
- In a world of no tax and default, the value of a
firm is independent of its capital structure,
i.e. the capital structure or financial mix
should have no effect on the firm value.
71The Use of EBIT or EBDIT
- Because of the MillerModigliani Theorem, broader
measures of income, like EBIT or EBDIT can be
more appropriate as measure of firms value
though the firm may have varying capital
Modigliani won the Nobel prize in economics in
1985 and Miller in 1990.
72VL VU TD (PV of expected costs of financial
distress) (PV of agency cost)
- The addition of financial distress and agency
costs results in a trade-off. - The optimal capital structure can be visualized
as a trade-off between the benefit of debt (the
interest tax shelter) and the costs of debt
(financial distress and agency costs).
73Value of a Firm is partially a function of
Value of Firm V
Pure MM value of Firm VL VU TD
Present Value of Tax Shield TD
PV of Financial Distress and Agency Costs
Value of Levered Firm VL
74The Trade-off Model
- The trade-off models enable us to make three
statements about leverage - Firms with more business risk ought to use less
debt than lower-risk firms, other things being
equal, because the greater the business risk, the
greater the probability of financial distress at
any level of debt, hence the greater the expected
costs of distress. Thus, firms with lower
business risk can borrow more before the expected
costs of distress offset the tax advantages of
borrowing (Point B). - Firms that have tangible, readily marketable
assets such as real estate can use more debt than
firms whose value is derived primarily from
intangible assets such as patents and goodwill.
The costs of financial distress depend not only
on the probability of incurring distress but also
on what happens if distress occurs. Specialized
assets and intangible assets are more likely to
lose value if financial distress occurs than are
standardized, tangible assets. - Firms that are currently paying taxes at the
highest rate, and that are likely to do so in the
future, should use more debt than firms with
lower tax rates. High corporate taxes lead to
greater benefits from debt, other factors held
constant, so more debt can be used before the tax
shield is offset by financial distress and agency
75The Trade-off Model (Contd)
- According to this trade-off models, each firm
should set its target capital structure such that
the costs and benefits of leverage are balanced
at the margin, because such a structure will
maximize its value. - If this is correct, firms within a given
industry should have similar capital structure
because such firms should have roughly the same
types of assets, business risk, and profitability.
76Consistency is more important
- No matter which income base is adopted, the
capitalization rate used must be appropriate for
the definition of income used.
77Discounted cash flow analysis
- Cash receipts are estimated for each of several
future periods. - These receipts are converted to value by the
application of a discount rate using present
value techniques. - The timing of cash inflows and cash outlays are
important as well as the amount of the receipts. - The discount rate must be appropriate for the
definition of cash flow used. -
- where P0 present value or market price
- r investors required rate of return
- C1, C2, C3 expected income flows in
periods 1, 2, 3
78(No Transcript)
79Example Using the Discounted Future Income
Method to Estimate the Value of a Business
Terminal Value Estimate
80Example Using the Discounted Future Income
Method to Estimate the Value of a Business
Terminal Value Estimate Assuming discounted rate
at 25
81Principal difficulties with the discounted cash
flow technique
- Long-term cash flow projections are subject to
substantial error. - The choice of the discounting horizon, the point
of competitive equilibrium, is also uncertain. - The terminal value, which often accounts for 70
of the final valuation, is subject to the highest
82Discretionary earnings
- Net Operating Profit
- Gross sales Cost of goods sold Operating
expense - or
- Net Income (after-tax)
- Income tax
- Interest Expenses
- Depreciation
- One-time, nonrecurring expenses
- All owners compensation and perquisites
83Sustainable Capital Reinvestments
- The capital outlays required on an annual basis
to maintain or sustain the existing business
volume, competitive abilities etc. - They are the non-discretionary cash flow that
must be deducted from the net income because the
investors return comes only from the balance of
the cash flow (or the discretionary portion of
the cash flow). - They may be estimated by
- reviewing the fixed asset additions for a number
of years to determine the amount that has been
spent historically on maintaining existing
capacity - examination of the budget of the business and
- discussion with senior management
84Capitalization Rates or Discount Rates?
- Capitalization rate is indeed a divisor used to
convert a constant stream of earnings or cash
flow to a capital amount or value. - It can be sometimes referred to as a multiplier
which mathematically, is simply the reciprocal of
a discount rate (without the projected long-term
growth rate of future income). - However, capitalization implicitly assumes that
the constant earnings stream to be infinite while
the discounting process may take into account the
definite period of cash flow. - Capitalization rates typically do not include an
inflation component as the indicated
earnings/cash flow are stated in constant
85Example Relationship Between Discount Rates and
Capitalization Rates
Terminal Value Estimate
86Example Relationship Between Discount Rates and
Capitalization Rates (contd)
Terminal Value Estimate Assuming discounted rate
at 25
Capitalization of income method assuming a 5
growth rate and 25 discount rate 100,000/(.25-
.05) 500,000
87A Function of Risk
- Both the capitalization rate and the discount
rate are reflections of perceived investment
risk. - Risk here means the degree of uncertainty as to
the realization of expected future returns.
88- High capitalization rates or low earnings
multiples are associated with highly risky or
uncertain earnings expectations. - Conversely, low capitalization rates or high
earnings multiples are associated with good
prospects for growth in earnings.
89The Efficient Frontier
Expected return
Volatility of Returns
90Estimating the Discount Rate
- Establishing the proper discount rate is one of
the most difficult and, at the same time,
critical parts of a valuation. - A cursory check of the rates of return and
dividend yields in terms of the selling prices of
corporate shares listed on the major exchanges
will give no ready or simple solution. - Wide variations will be found even for companies
in the same industry. - The ratio will fluctuate from year to year
depending upon the economic conditions.
91The Required Rate of Return
- In essence, the capitalization rate or discount
rate is a combination of the opportunity cost
plus a premium for risk associated with obtaining
the expected returns. - If you pay the market value, (provided that
markets are efficient), you must earn the cost of
capital on the investment. The expected economic
return equals the cost of capital.
92Cost of Capital an Opportunity Cost
- Cost of capital for a given investment is the
minimum risk-adjusted return required by
shareholders of the firm for undertaking that
investment - Unless the investment generates sufficient funds
to repay suppliers of capital, the firms value
will suffer - This return requirement is met only if the net
present value of future project cash flows, using
the projects cost of capital as the discount
rate, is positive.
93Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
- Cost of Equity x percentage of Capital in
Equity - Cost of Debt x percentage of Capital in Debt
D i.e. re ---------- rd (1-t) ---------------
D where E the total market value of the
companys equity D the total market value of
the companys debt re the cost of equity rd
the cost of debt t the companys effective
tax rate and re gt rd
95Cost of Equity
- The cost of equity is the rate used to capitalize
total corporate cash flows - It is the weighted average of the required rates
of return on the firms individual activities - It is a function of the riskiness of the
activities in which the firm engages - Thus, the cost of equity capital for the firm as
a whole may not be used as a measure of the
required return on equity investment in future
projects unless these projects are of a similar
nature to the average of those already being
undertaken by the firm.
96Capital Asset Pricing Model
- CAPM is a basic theory that relates risk and
return for any asset. - It is based on the concept that the required rate
of return for an asset is directly related to the
riskiness of the asset. - Risk here means the degree of uncertainty as to
the realization of expected future returns. CAPM
therefore measures risk in terms of the relative
volatility of the asset price. - Greater risk requires a higher rate of return.
- R Rf ß(ER) CS
- where
- R discount rate, Rf risk-free rate, ß
beta, ER equity risk premium, CS
company-specific risk factor
97Two Components of Risk
98Systematic Risk v. Unsystematic Risk
- Systematic risk, which is also known as the
market risk, is the uncertainty of future returns
due to the sensitivity of the return on the
subject investment to movements in the return for
the investment market as a whole.
- Unsystematic risk is a function of
characteristics of the industry, the individual
company, and the type of investment interest.
99Importance of CAPM
- To the extent that the capital market theory
assumes investors can hold or have the ability to
hold common stocks in large, well-diversified
portfolios, the unsystematic risk or the
company-specific risk would be eliminated or
100Only Systematic Risk matters
- As a result, the only risk pertinent to a study
of capital asset pricing theory is systematic or
market risk, i.e. - E(Ri) Rf ßE(Rm) Rf
- which is sometimes called the Security Market
Line equation where - E(Ri) Estimated Cost of Equity
- Rf Risk-free Rate
- Rm Estimated market return
- ß Beta of the equity of the company
- Alternatively,s2i ß2i . s2m s2e
101Security Market Line
Rate of Return
Risk Premium
Risk (ß)
102Measure of Rf
- The risk-free rate (Rf) is the return on
risk-free investment. - The rates of US treasury bonds are often used as
standard risk free rates to be used in comparison
with other investments. - In Hong Kong, a popular choice is the Exchange
Fund Notes that are issued by the Hong Kong
Monetary Authority (HKMA). -
10-year HKMA Exchange Fund Notes were only
introduced in October 1996
103Yield Curve or the Term Structure of Interest
104Measure of ß
- The beta (ß) measures the amount of systematic
risk of the equity relative to the market. - It can be estimated by regressing the historic
returns of a stock against the corresponding
returns of a stock market index because - E(Ri) Rf ßE(Rm) Rf
- gt E(Ri) (1 - ß)Rf ßE(Rm)
105Alternative Computation of WACC
- WACC Expected return on the assets of the
company - because if a company wants to invest into new
assets, it must finance the purchase either by
debt or by equity, i.e. - WACC Rf ßaE(Rm) Rf
- where Rf Risk-free Rate
- Rm Estimated market return
- ßa Beta of the assets of the company
106Equity beta v. Asset beta
- Equity beta Asset beta (Asset beta x
Debt/equity ratio) - or if the issue of tax is considered
- D
- ße ßa ßa (1- t) ----
- E
- (1- t) D
- ßa 1 -----------
- E
- ße
- gt ßa ----------------- 1 (1- t)D/E
- where ße Beta of equity of the company
107Measurement of Market Risk Premium
Arithmetic Average R1 R2 .RT T
Geometric Average (1R1) (1 R2) .. (1
RT)1/T - 1
108Arithmetic Average v. Geometric Average
- Geometric average is usually less than Arithmetic
average - The larger the stock market return fluctuations,
the greater the difference between arithmetic and
geometric average - While geometric average is often used in
measuring the historical return realized in the
past, arithmetic average is more widely used in
estimating the expected return in the future.
109Past ? Future
- Market Risk Premium realised in the past may not
be what investors expect for the future
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113Dividend Growth Model (DGM)
- P0 __ D1__ __ D2_ _D3_ D4
. - (1k) (1k)2 (1k)3 (1k)4
- where P current stock price
- D dividends expected at the end of year 1
- k discount rate
- and D2 D1 (1g), D3 D1 (1g)2
- which may be expressed as
- P __ D1__
- k - g
- where g constant growth rate in the long-run.
114A Rate Interpreted from Market
115(No Transcript)
116A 1 rise in industry-forecasted earnings growth
cause a 5 to 8 boost in industrys
price-earnings ratio
- Steven A. Sharpe, How Does the Market Interpret
Analysts Long-Term Growth Forecasts? Finance
and Economics Discussion Paper Series 2002-7,
Federal Reserve Board, 2002
117Assumptions Underlying CAPM
- Investors are risk averse, only choosing between
different portfolios on the basis of expected
rates of return and the risk involved, risk being
defined as the variability of the expected rate
of return. - Rational investors seek to hold efficient
portfolios that is, portfolios that are fully
diversified. - All investors have identical investment time
horizons (i.e. expected holding periods). - All investors have identical expectations about
such variables as expected rates of return and
how capitalization rates are generated.
118Assumptions Underlying CAPM (contd)
- There are no transaction costs.
- There are no investment-related taxes (save for
the corporate income taxes). - All investors can borrow or lend an unlimited
amount at a given risk-free rate of interest.. - The market has perfect divisibility and liquidity
(i.e. investors can readily buy or sell any
desired fractional interest).
119Failure of CAPM
- The statistical distribution of returns is
unknowable a priori Market is not necessarily
efficient - Investors averse to downside risk, as opposed to
variance - Unsystematic variables like market cap, book
value of equity and P/E ratio prevail.
120Closely-Held Business v. Publicly Traded Company
- Small and mediumsize businesses which have
little, if any, prospects of going public are
difficult to compare with publicly traded
companies in the stock market because of the
following - Size of the company
- Depth of management
- Financial structure
- Product diversification
- Reliance on major customers
- Reliance on major suppliers
- Geographical diversity of customers
- Length of time in business
- Pattern of earnings
- Economic factors of special concern to the
121Decomposition of Risk
- E(Ri) Rf RPm RPs RPu
- where
- E(Ri) the required rate of return for cashflow
i - Rf the risk-free rate
- RPm Equity risk premium for the market
- RPs Risk premium for small size
- RPu Risk premium for specific company
- Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin
Allen, Principles of Corporate Finance, 8th ed.,
New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006 - Aswath Damodaran, Investment Valuation Tools and
Techniques for Determining the Value of Any
Asset, 2nd ed., New York John Wiley Sons,
Inc., 2002
123Example Using Comparable Public Companies to
Calculate a Discount Rate
Long-term treasury bond yield at valuation date
(RFR) 0.07 Equity risk premium per 1993 SBBI
(ER) Historical return on common stocks
0.124 Historical return on longterm govt.
bonds - 0.052 0.072 Company-specific
risk factor (CS) 0.07 Discount rate Rf
ß(ER) CS .07 1.5(.072) .07 0.248
Rounded to 0.25
124Matching the Discount Rate to the Income Stream
- For a growing business, net cash flow is
typically projected as follows - Net income (after tax)
- Non-cash charges (e.g. Depreciation and
amortization) - Cash needed for asset replacement
- - Increase in working capital needed as the
business grows - Increase in debt to finance business growth
125Matching the Discount Rate to the Income Stream
- Cash needed for asset replacement will generally
exceed depreciation and amortization. - Therefore, when net income is used as the income
stream, an upward adjustment should be made to
the discount or capitalization rate. - This adjustment should be proportionate to the
ratio of net income to net cash flow. - For example, assume net income is 60,000 and net
cash flow is 50,000. Also assume the net cash
flow discount rate is 20. The net income
discount rate would be 24 as follows - 60,000/50,000 1.2
- 20 x 1.2 24
- Other valuers feel the difference between net
cash flow and net income, in the long run, is
usually small and can generally be ignored or
included in the company-specific risk factor.
126Examples of inadequate valuations
- Valuation is out of date.
- Limited or no management interviews/analysis.
- Faulty or baseless assumptions
- Inadequate selection/analysis/explanation of data
- Inadequate support for valuation risks, multiples
or adjustments - Arbitrary application of discounts
- No mention of hypothetical buyer or seller
- Absence of discussion of asset composition or
earnings/revenues history - Absence of discussion of dividend history
- Data selected has little comparative elements or
are limited - Failed to use all applicable approaches/methods
or explain their absence of use
127Valuation Selecting Methods and Adjustments
Type of Technology
- Diachronic Techniques
- DCF at variant rate
- Diachronic multiples
- analysis
Established or mature
Life stage
Firm Size
- Unsystematic risk adjustments
- Size
- Control
- Illiquidity
Country risk adjustment
Developed or mature
Operating Condition
Asset-based approach
In liquidation
Going concern
Classical approaches
- Luis E. Pereiro, Valuation of Companies in
Emerging Markets A Practical Approach, New York
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2002