Title: Growing Strategy
1Growing Strategy
- Buy in finished material
- Ready to sell
- Manage your space
- Meet demands
2Growing Strategy
- Greenhouse space
- Types of facilities
- Labor for transplanting
- Quality of plugs available
- Other crops being grown
3Growing Strategy Ex. Petunia
Seedlings to a 4 pot
4 wks
14 wks
Plugs (512s)
6 wks
8 wks
8 wks
5 - 6 wks
4Scheduling The Target Date??
- For sale when spring breaks
- - Sequential plantings
- Fate determined by weekends
- Large number of turns
- Quick turns
5TurnsMultiple use of same space
- Example 3,000 s.f. in impatiens finished in 608
flats 2,160 flats - Production period Feb. 1 to June 1
- Decide between two plug sizes
- 512s or 288s??
6Maximum Turns with 512 Plugs
512s Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4
Plant 2/1 3/15 NA NA
Ship 3/15 4/26 NA NA
Total flats 2,160 4,320 NA NA
Profit/flat 1.11 1.11 NA NA
7Maximum Turns with 288 Plugs
288s Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4
Plant 2/1 3/1 3/29 4/26
Ship 3/1 3/29 4/26 5/24
Total flats 2,160 4,320 6,480 8,640
Profit/flat 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67
8Impatiens -- Net Profit??
- 512s
- 4,320 flats at 1.11 4,795.20
- 288s
- 8,640 flats at 0.67 5,788.80
- Examine your market
- Calculate your costs
- Ohio Florist Association TIPS Guides
- Bedding Plants
- Geraniums
- Garden mums
- Specialty potted crops
- http//www.ofa.org
- OFA 1-614-487-1117
10Cut Flowers
- Long term
- Constant care
- Scheduling
11Flowering Potted Crops
- Long term
- Flowering
- Scheduling
- Growing plant out of its natural season
- Must know and apply proper triggers
- Crops manipulated near season
- Poinsettias, bedding plants, garden mums
- Crops forced year round
- Pot mums, azaleas, roses, cut flowers
13Chrysanthemum Production
14Pot Mum Production -- General
- Year-round sales
- 1997 Production
- 27.7 million pots
- 82.8 million
- wholesale value
- 3 month crop
- Many flower types and colors
- Many plant forms
15Plant production
- Propagation
- Terminal cuttings
- Rooted and unrooted cuttings
- Environment
- High humidity
- Bottom heat
- 1500 ppm IBA
- Root in 2 wk
W. Fonteno