Title: By
1Inequality and Growth in Asia Pacific
- Try to address two questions
- What are the patterns of growth across Asia
- Is inequality increasing?
- If so, what can we do about it?
- Some areas to consider
3Diversity in Asia Pacific
- Home to 37 countries and over 40 different
national languages
- The two most populated countries are in Asia
China and India with four others in the top 10
- The three least populated countries are also in
Asia Pacific Nauru, Palau, and Tuvalu
- China 4000-year history of self-governance
- Timor-Leste one of the youngest countries in the
- What about diversity in Growth?
4Asia Fastest Growing Region!
- Aggregate Growth Rates
- Regional aggregates can mask significant
5Inequality Rising Lack of Inclusive Growth
- Inequality Increasing Across Countries
- Inequality Increasing Within Countries
6Pattern of Growth Agriculture Lags Behind
East Asia Pacific
South Asia
7GDP Value-Added by Sector(2006)
8Structure of Employment in Asia(excluding
9Structural Shift in Economy?
- Sectors
- Agriculture Manufacturing Services
- Geography
- Rural Urban
- Employment
- Unskilled Labor Skilled Labor
- Factors of Production
- Labor Intensive Capital Intensive
10One Billion Poor in Asia
But where do they Live and Work?
11Taking Stock
- Diverging growth rates across countries
- Increasing inequality across countries
- High levels of growth in manufacturing and
- Contributes over 80 of GDP
- Low levels of growth in agriculture
- Contributes less than 20 of GDP
- However over 50 employed in agriculture!
- Increasing inequality within countries
12Managing Inclusive Growth Some Areas to Consider
- In the short-run?
- Rural Sector Development Agriculture,
infrastructure, quick impact projects, local
technology, social capital, financial services,
off-farm sector - Social Cohesion Safety Nets Provision of
public goods (education, health-care, food),
skills training, employment schemes
- Institutions Decentralization, regional
cooperation South-South solutions, responsive
institutions, local solutions, management of
urban migration, trust
13Managing Inclusive Growth Some Areas to think
- In the medium-run?
- Education
- Employment
- Urban Sustainability
14Managing Inclusive Growth Some Areas to think
- In the long-run?
- We all know the answer to that
- Thank you