Title: God's Will, Our Future Acts 2:42
1God's Will, Our FutureActs 242
2biblical Christianityhow do we describe it?
3not pragmatic
4not politicalmy kingdom is not of this world
10what does a personal, powerful, penetrating
permeating and pratical faith look
like?Galatians 522-23
11Acts 242-47They devoted themselves to the
apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the
breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was
filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous
signs were done by the apostles. All the
believers were together and had everything in
common. Selling their possessions and goods, they
gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they
continued to meet together in the temple courts.
They broke bread in their homes and ate together
with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and
enjoying the favor of all the people. And the
Lord added to their number daily those who were
being saved.
12What stands out?44All the believers were
together and had everything in common. 45Selling
their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone
as he had need.
13What stands out?46Every day they continued to
meet together in the temple courts.
14What stands out?46They broke bread in their
homes and ate together with glad and sincere
15What stands out?47And the Lord added to their
number daily those who were being saved.
16A simple plan to become achurch aligned with
Gods truthActs 244 All the believers
17The value ofCongregational worshipCommunity
eventsCasual gatheringsCare and concern meetings
18Why do we meet?for worship?for social
events?for home groups?for spontaneous
19Lets go back to Acts 242-47I amI
regularlyI will