What the Planning Department Does and Why???
Plan and provide for the future growth and
improvement of the unincorporated areas of
Cochise County in order to conserve and promote
the public health, safety, convenience and
general welfare of the citizens of this county.
- Enabling Legislation
- ARS Section 11
- Established in the 1970s
- Planning Zoning Commission in 1972
- Zoning Regulations Adopted in 1975
- Light Pollution Code in 1982
- Cochise County Comprehensive Plan Adopted in
1984 - Rural Addressing in 1989
5How Were Organized
- Planning Department Divisions
- Building (Linda Weiland)
- Planning (Judy Anderson)
- Rural addressing
- (Sally Snowball or
- Janet Smith)
6How it All Fits Together
- Comprehensive Plan
- Blueprint for County Growth
- Land Use Maps Goals Policies
- Light Pollution Code
- Hazard Abatement
- Clearing Ordinance
- Building Code
- Zoning
- Specifies land uses allowed in
- different districts
- Lists site development standards
- setbacks parking
- Development Review
- Subdivisions
- Building Permits
7Cochise County Comprehensive Plan
- This is the umbrella
- document that guides
- land use decisions and
- serves as the blueprint for the
- kinds of zoning to be expected in
- a particular area.
8Comprehensive Plan
9Comprehensive Plan Summary
- Growth Areas
- Category A - Intensive Growth Areas (Around SV)
- Category B - Urban Growth Areas - (Around cities
Sunsites, St. David etc.) - Category C - Rural Growth Areas (Small
- communities e.g. Elfrida,Naco)
- Category D - Rural Areas
- Designations
- Neighborhood Conservation - where people live
- Enterprise -clusters of business and industry
- Developing - An area that is changing
- Rural - Large residential lots agriculture
10Zoning Regulations
- Is my property zoned? Yes
- When was it zoned?
- Zoning was adopted in 1975 for all
- properties in the unincorporated parts
- of Cochise County.
- General agricultural, ranching, mining railroad
activities are exempt from County Zoning
Regulations ( other ordinances) by State law.
11Summary of Zoning Districts
- Rural Zoning Districts
- Approximately 90 of the unincorporated areas of
the County are zoned RU (Rural) - Rural districts allow residential uses on large
lots ranging from 2-36 acres in size - A wide range of commercial and
- industrial activities are also
- possible as Special Uses if
- approved by the Commission
12Residential Zoning Districts
- SR (Single-Household Residential)(Site Built
Homes) - - Only districts that excludes mobile
manufactured homes - - Lot sizes 9,000 square feet to 36 Acres
- SM (Single Household/Manufactured Home
Residential) - Excludes mobile homes (pre-1976)
- Lot sizes from 9,000 square feet to 36 Acres
- TR (Transitional- Residential) (All dwelling
units) - Lot sizes from 9,000 to 36,000 square feet.
13Multi-Residential Zoning Districts Contd
- MR-1 Single- and multiple-household dwellings
like apartments but does not allow mobile and
manufactured homes and recreational vehicles - MR-2 Single- and multiple-household dwellings
does allow mobile and manufactured homes and
parks and recreational vehicle parks - Smallest lot sizes allowed in
- residential districts
- Minimum lot size 3,600 sq.ft.
- per unit
- Used to be called Manufactured/Mobile Home
14Business Industrial Districts
- There are several districts established to
accommodate business and industrial uses ranging
from least to most intensive - NB (Neighborhood Business),
- GB (General Business),
- LI (Light Industry),
- HI (Heavy Industry).
- These districts allow
- a whole range of uses!
15Our County
- Mission Statement
- Provide a one-stop shop for permits, inspections,
enforcement and complaint resolution to the
Citizens of Cochise County.
17Building Division Functions
- Issue Residential Commercial Building Permits
- Perform Building and Zoning Inspections
- Enforce Zoning Regulations
- Abate Hazards
18What is a Permitted Use?
- A use that is allowed in the zoning district but
requires a permit from the Planning Department.
19To Permit or Not Permit
- A permit is required for new construction,
additions, installation of manufactured homes,
remodels and signs gt 500 outside of Building
Code Areas. - A permit is also required for a change of use,
such as when a different type of business is put
into an existing building. - Example When a furniture store is changed to a
restaurant, a permit is needed.
20Permit Application
- A complete application is the key to successful
and timely permit request. - Joint Permit Application
- Commercial Permit Questionnaire
- Hazardous Materials Questionnaire
- Proof of Valid Contractor Form
- A complete site plan
21Getting a Permit
- Residential permits take about 5 days to issue
- Non-residential take 15 days or more to issue
depending on the complexity - One Stop Shop
- The Planning Department sends the permit to the
Health and Highway and Floodplain Departments and
other interested agencies for review
22Enforcing Zoning Regulations
- Violations of the Zoning Regulations
- Fill out a violation form
- An inspector will investigate
- If determined a violation a letter is sent
- Owner given about 2 weeks to comply voluntarily
- If compliance is not achieved the violation is
cited to the hearing officer - Hearing officer can impose a fine of 750 up to
50 per day per violations - Process requires patience as it can be lengthy
23Our County
- Mission Statement
- Promote future growth of the County in
- an orderly, well-planned manner
- Assign physical addresses for establishment of a
countywide Enhanced 9-1-1 emergency response
25Planning Division Functions
- Issue Rural Addresses
- Process Rezoning Special Use Permits Master
Development Plans variances - Review Home Occupations
- Process Accessory Living Quarters
- Lot Modifications
- Update/amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Develop localized land use plans with communities
- Process Subdivisions
26Why an Address is Important
- The local fire department needs an address to
find your - home (Enhanced 911)
- Santa Claus cant find the house at RR2, or the
second house, past the 3rd big rock, after - the fork in the road
27Rural Addressing Questions
- Im west of Hway 92, why is my address east?
- Why cant I name my driveway?
- How are roads named?
- Why hasnt my road sign been installed?
- Can I put up my own numbers or do I have to use
the shiny green numbers the County provides? - Can I put my address numbers on the mailbox?
28Changing my Zoning Rezonings
- Rezoning changes the range of land uses permitted
on a property - For example a lot limited to homes can be changed
to allow businesses if a rezoning is approved - Neighbors are notified of the request
- The Planning Commission holds a public
- hearing and makes a recommendation
- to the Board of Supervisors
- The Board holds a public hearing
- and votes for approval, approval
- with conditions or disapproval
- Downzoning is a voluntary action by an individual
or group of landowners to decrease densities
and/or uses of an area through increased minimum
lot sizes - Increased buffers between neighboring parcels
- Decreased residential densities
- Increased overall open space
- Fewer offsite impacts
- Less infrastructure needed
- Preserves rural appearance
30What is a Special Use?
- Uses that are approved on a case by case basis by
the Planning Commission - Involve a public hearing with input from
31Special Uses in the RU Zoning Districts
- There are 43 Special uses in the Rural Zoning
Districts, for example - Auto Repair Services
- RV Parks
- Convenience Stores
- Shooting ranges
32Home Occupations
- Gaining permission to operate a small business in
your home is simple - Complete a short questionnaire
- Submit a hand-drawn sketch plan
- showing the area used for the business
- Typical home occupations are
- Internet consulting and sales
- mail-order accounting
- handicrafts for craft shows.
33Home Occupations Criteria
- Home still looks like a home, not a business
- No outdoor display, storage or activities
- except one small on-site unlit sign and vehicular
signs - No off-site impacts (noise,odors,dust,glare etc.)
- Business uses an area no greater than ΒΌ of the
- residences floor area
- Only 1 employee other than a resident
- Minimal traffic/all parking on site
- No retail sales from the property
34Accessory Living Quarters
- Needed if you want to care for your mom in a
small house next door or want a guest house - 750 square feet or 1/2 the size of your home
whichever is smaller - Permitted if the neighbors have no concerns
- Only for larger parcels
- RU, TR-36, SM-36, 87,174, 10-acres,
- 18-acres or 36-acres, or
- SR-43, 87,174, 10-acres,
- 18-acres or 36-acres.
35Lot Modification
- What if my lot cant quite meet the site
development standards for my zoning districts? - Some Site Development Standards may be eligible
for a reduction of up to 10 - Setbacks
- Site coverage
- Height
- Number of Parking spaces
- Site area may be reduced
- 5 for lots in a zoning district with a
- minimum site area of one acre or smaller
- 1 for lots in a zoning district with a minimum
site area of more than one acre. - Permitted if the neighbors have no concerns
- What if my lot still cant meet the site
development standards? - A variance can be reviewed by the Board of
Adjustment at a Public Hearing - Variances are granted if
- There are peculiar circumstances, surroundings or
conditions for which strict application of the
Zoning Regulations would result in practical
difficulties or unnecessary hardship
37What is a Community Plan?
- Gives local citizens a voice in how their
community grows - Once adopted, it is a commitment from the Board
of Supervisors to use the Plan as the basis of
land use change decisions such as - rezoning requests
- special use permits
- subdivisions
- Master development plans
38A Plan Does Not
- Affect existing zoning or
- Affect existing permitted land uses!
39How Big Parcels Shrink
- There are two ways that big parcels become small
parcels - Formal subdivision process
- (lots split all at once
- through a planned
- process)
- Unregulated splits (lots split 5 times by
different owners over time)
40Unregulated Splits
- State law regarding splitting parcels
- 360-acre parcel can be broken into ten
- 36-acre parcels so long as each lot is
36-acres or larger - Each 36-acre parcel can be split 5 more times by
subsequent owners if they meet the minimum lot
size for zoning - No one owner can split more than 5 times
41The Result
A 400-Acre parcel
42Becomes Ten 40 -Acre Parcels
40 acres
40 acres
40 acres
40 acres
40 acres
400 acres
40 acres
40 acres
40 acres
40 acres
40 acres
43New Owner Splits 5 Times
8 Acres
8 Acres
8 Acres
8 Acres
8 Acres
Each 40-acre parcel becomes five 8-acre parcels
44New Owner Splits Twice
Each 8-acre parcel becomes two 4-acre parcels
4 acres
4 acres
45End Result 100-Lots
100 -Lots
46Each With Own Home
4 acres
4 acres
16 acres
4 acres
4 acres
47Problems Resulting
- Unregulated splits happen without any planning or
oversight resulting in - Unmaintained, impassable roads
- Flooding during
- storms
- Parks, schools, or Sheriffs
- protection becoming overburdened or crowded
- The general taxpayers ends up paying for services
rather than those served
48Formal Subdivision Process
- Advantages of a formal subdivision process
- Applicant presents a planned development
- County reviews all lots at once
- Adequate roads, drainage, utilities, and accurate
lot boundaries - Once approved and improvements are
- constructed the original owner can
- put the lots on the market all at once
49Decision Making Bodies
- The Planning and Zoning Commission
- 9 Volunteer membersBoard of Supervisors appoints
- Recommends to the Board of Supervisors on
rezonings, regulation and plan amendments,
community plans - Make decisions on special uses
- The Boards of Adjustment
- 3 volunteer members Board of Supervisors
appoints - Decides variances to the Zoning site development
standards such as setbacks - Hear appeals of Planning Director interpretations
- Hearing Officer
- Judges violations to the Zoning Regulations
50Thank you for your time
- Any Questions or comments?