Optics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Speed of light in glass is less than 2 x 108 m/s. ... Chromatic Aberration is corrected by adding a second lens made from a different kind of glass. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Optics

Chapter 6
  • Optics
  • and
  • Telescopes

Optical telescopes
  • Two types
  • refractors (use lenses)
  • reflectors (use mirrors)
  • Both focus light from a large opening to a
    smaller opening (eyepiece), with magnification.

Refracting telescopes
  • The first telescope ( a refractor) was invented
    in early 17th century.
  • Refracting telescopes makes use of a lens to
    collect light.
  • All lenses make use of a physical phenomena
    called Refraction.
  • Light travels at a slower speed in a dense
  • Speed of light in a vacuum is 3.0 x 108 m/s.
  • Speed of light in glass is less than 2 x 108 m/s.
  • Therefore, when light travels from a rare medium
    to a denser medium, light bends!
  • The study of Light is Optics

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Refraction and Lenses
  • Previous figure showed the refraction (or
    bending) of a beam of parallel light passing from
    a vacuum to a glass.
  • The amount of bending depends on the speed of
    light in glass.
  • If the glass is curved instead of flat..
  • When parallel rays of light falls on a convex
    (glass) lens, refraction cause all the rays to
    converge at a point called the focal point.
  • The distance from the lens to the focal point is
    called the focal length.

Refraction and Lenses
When a beam of parallel light rays pass through a
convex lens, refraction causes the rays to
converge to a point - focal point.
Image from a Lens
  • Light rays from a point source radiate in all
  • If the lens is at a great distance from the
    source, the rays arriving are essentially
  • The rays will then converge onto the focal point
    giving rise to an image at this point.

Image of an extended object
  • Consider an extended object - an object with a
    larger angular size.
  • Light rays from each point of the object is
    brought to focus at its individual point on the
    focal plane of the lens - a plane that includes
    the focal point.
  • An extended image will form on the focal plane.

Uses of Lenses Camera
Focal plane
Photographic film
Focal length
  • Light rays from a distant object fall parallel
    onto the lens.
  • Then the rays will converge onto the focal
  • If you keep a photographic film at the focal
    plane, an image of the object will form on the

Uses of Lenses Refracting Telescope
  • Instead of getting the image on a film, if you
    want to observe the image with your eyes, you
    would use another lens to magnify the image
    formed at the focal plane.
  • This arrangement of two lenses is called a
    refracting telescope.

Uses of Lenses Refracting Telescope
  • The larger lens at the front is called the
    Objective lens - Large Diameter, Longer Focal
  • The smaller lens at the back is called the
    Eyepiece lens - Smaller diameter, shorter Focal
  • Place the eyepiece at a distance from the focal
    plane of the objective that is equal to the focal
    length of the eyepiece.

Uses of Lenses Refracting Telescope
A Refracting Telescope
40-in refractor at Yerkes Observatory near
Magnifying power (m)
Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
  • Telescopes magnify distant objects.
  • Moons angular diameter when observed with your
    naked eyes 0.50
  • When observed by Galileo through his telescope
    the angular diameter of the Moon 100 .
  • He saw craters, valleys, mountain ranges, etc.

Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
Magnifying power (m)
  • Definition of magnification or magnifying power
  • Example Galileos telescope
  • m 100 / 0.50 20 times or 20X

Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
Magnifying power (m)
  • What determines the magnification of a telescope
  • the focal lengths of the lenses!
  • In order to increase magnification
  • increase the focal length of the objective
  • decrease the focal length of the eyepiece

Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
Light Gathering Power
  • Larger diameter lenses capture more light
    produces brighter images.
  • It is important for astronomers that telescopes
    have large diameter objective lenses.
  • light-gathering power ? area of the objective
  • ? (Diameter of objective)2
  • If you double the diameter, the light gathering
    power increase by a factor 22 2 x 2 4

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Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
Light Gathering Power
  • Light gathering power is so important that
    telescopes are described by the diameter of the
  • Example 90-cm refractor on Mount Hamilton in
  • This telescope has 900 time the light gathering
    power as Galileos 3-cm refracting telescope!

Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
Light Gathering Power
  • For astronomers magnifying power is not the most
    important factor in a telescope.
  • The light gathering power is more important.
  • The reason is that there is a limit to how sharp
    sharp an image can be.
  • for Earth base telescopes this is determined by
    the atmospheric disturbances.
  • Magnifying a blurred image gives a bigger, but
    still a blurred image.

Characteristics of Refracting Telescopes
Light Gathering Power
Andromeda galaxy as seen from two telescopes. We
can see the effect of doubling the diameter of
the objective.
Characteristics of a Refracting Telescope
  • Passing of light through lenses causes several
  • chromatic aberration lens acts slightly like
  • The lens bends different color light by different
  • some light absorbed by glass.
  • UV absorbed by glass.
  • Chromatic Aberration is corrected by adding a
    second lens made from a different kind of glass.

Characteristics of a Refracting Telescope
Characteristics of a Refracting Telescope
  • It is impossible to produce a large lens that is
    entirely free of chromatic aberration.
  • Since you can only support a lens around its
    edge, the lens tends to sag under its own weight
    and distort the image.
  • Nowadays astronomers avoid these problems by
    building Reflecting telescopes that use mirrors
    to collect light.

Characteristics of reflecting telescopes
  • Incoming light reflected by several mirrors to
  • Light weight construction, since mirrors are
    lighter than lenses.
  • Reflection from mirror has several advantages
  • Light not absorbed.
  • UV not absorbed.
  • No chromatic aberration.
  • Can be fully supported.

Characteristics of a Reflecting Telescope
Principle of reflection
  • All modern telescopes form images using the
    principle of reflection.
  • If i and r are the angles that the incident
    reflected rays make with the perpendicular
  • i r

Flat mirror
Characteristics of a Reflecting Telescope
Reflection by a Concave Mirror
  • Parallel rays of light incident on a concave
    mirror reflect and converge at point - focal
  • The distance between the reflecting surface and
    the focus is the focal length.

Characteristics of reflecting telescopes
  • Because light reflects off the silver coated
    surface and does not pass through the glass, the
    defects in the glass does not effect the image.
  • No chromatic aberration (no refraction). All
    color light converge to the same focus.
  • The mirror can be supported by a bracket on its
    back since light does not pass through.

Characteristics of reflecting telescopes
Designs for reflecting telescopes
  • Problem Since the focal point is in front of the
    mirror how can you view the image?
  • Your head will block part of the light
  • To get around this problem in 1668 Newton placed
    a small mirror at a 450 angle in front of the
    focal point - Newtonian Focus.
  • For Reflecting telescopes the magnification is
    defined as
  • Magnification focal length of the primary
  • focal length of the eyepiece

Characteristics of reflecting telescopes
Designs for reflecting telescopes
  • Subsequently different designs of refracting
    telescopes were introduced.

Characteristics of reflecting telescopes
Designs for reflecting telescopes
  • Prime Focus Astronomers place their recording
    instruments at the prime focus.
  • Newtonian Focus Reflected light from the
    primary mirror is deflected by 900 by a secondary
    mirror, usually to an eyepiece at the side of the
  • Cassegrain Focus An astronomer wanting to place
    a heavy piece of instrument that is too big to be
    place at prime focus can use a Cassegrain where
    the light from the primary is reflected back.
  • Coude Focus A more complex cassegrain type
    that uses two secondary mirrors.

Reflecting Telescopes
  • At the moment there are 8 reflecting telescopes
    with primary mirrors of diameters greater than
    26.2 feet( 8meters)
  • Photograph shows the 10-m Keck I Telescope on
    Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
  • Hole in the middle of the primary is for the
    Cassegrain focus.

Characteristics of Reflecting Telescopes
Spherical Aberration
  • One problem with reflecting telescopes is
    Spherical Aberration.
  • Light from different parts of the mirror
    converge at different focal points due to the
    shape of the mirror.
  • This problem is corrected by two methods
  • Use a parabolic mirror instead of a spherical
  • Use a correcting lens in front of the mirror.

Characteristics of Reflecting Telescopes
Spherical Aberration
Characteristics of Telescopes
Resolving Power
  • Another advantage of large telescopes is their
    finer Angular Resolution.
  • The ability of the telescope to form, distinct,
    separate images of two objects that are close
    together, or small angular separation.

Characteristics of Telescopes
Resolving Power
  • Finer the resolution the more details we can
  • Angular Resolution
  • ? ? (wavelength of light) / (Diameter of
    the primary)
  • Larger the D, smaller the ang. resolution, and
    hence better.
  • However atmospheric turbulence makes it
    impossible for a telescope to have the desired
    angular resolution.
  • These effects are corrected by using a technique
    known as - Adaptive Optics.
  • mirror shape is corrected every few seconds.

10, 1, 5, 1
Image processing in Astronomy
  • Instead of using photographic film to record
    images present day astronomers uses electronic
    detectors known as charge coupled devices (CCD).
  • Data is stored on a silicon wafer that is divided
    into a 2-dimensional array of elements (pixels).
  • CCDs are much more sensitive than film and
    therefore can detect much fainter objects.
  • These images are then read by a computer and

Image Processing
  • A CCD

Image processing
Photographic film vs. CCD a) Photographic film.
b) c) using a CCD with the same telescope.
Limitations of optical telescopes
  • Available sky
  • can only see part of sky at any time on
    particular night
  • Atmospheric distortion
  • blurring of image caused by atmospheric heat
    waves which cause image to shimmer
  • good seeing means less shimmering
  • Light pollution
  • growth of night time lights has distanced us from
    the night sky

Atmospheric distortion
Observing at other wavelengths
  • Light and radio (some infrared) are only ground
    based observations possible
  • rest must be space-based due to atmospheric

Radio Astronomy
  • Until the mid 20th century our view of the
    universe was based on visible light.
  • Since then astronomers have used other forms of
    electromagnetic waves to study the skies, and
    these observations have revealed startling
    aspects of the cosmos.
  • Radio telescopes were the first telescopes built
    that used non-visible part of the EM spectrum.

Radio Astronomy
  • The curved metal dish, usually made of wire mesh
    captures cosmic radio waves and reflect them to
    the focus.
  • A receiver at the focus collects the signals and
    directs them to a computer.

Radio Astronomy
  • Optical vs. Radio view of Saturn.
  • a) shows Saturn seen at 2-cm wavelength radio
    waves. This radio emission is caused by tiny
    charged dust particles moving in Saturns strong
    magnetic field. (Blue for weak and red for strong

Radio Astronomy

300-m Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico.
Earth orbiting telescopes
  • Our atmosphere is mostly transparent to two
    wavelength regions, the optical window and the
    radio window.
  • In order to observe the universe using other
    forms of light we have to place telescopes above
    the atmosphere.
  • These invisible astronomies opens up a whole new
    window on the universe.

Infrared Astronomy
  • Water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs most IR.
  • Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was
    launched in 1983 on a 9-month mission.
  • It mapped most of the sky.
  • Discovered the presence of dust-disks around
    nearby stars, presenting us with the first
    evidence of planets orbiting other stars.

Infrared Astronomy
  • Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was launched in
    1995 by ESA.
  • Made ground breaking discoveries of very distant

Ultraviolet Astronomy
  • Observing at UV wavelengths has given us valuable
    insight into hot stars, ionized clouds of gas
    between the stars and the Suns corona. All these
    emit a lot of UV radiation.
  • International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) launched
    in 1978 was the first UV orbiting telescope.
  • The Hubble (Optical) telescope is also a very
    good UV telescope.

The Hubble Space Telescope
The Hubble Space Telescope
  • The HST was placed in 600-km orbit by the space
    shuttle Discovery in 1990.
  • Has a 2.4 m (7.9-ft) primary mirror
  • Designed to observe from near-infrared through
    visible light and into the UV region.
  • better resolution in bigger telescopes
  • Uses a CCD to record images and radio them to

The Hubble Space Telescope
  • Soon after being placed in orbit astronomers
    found a big problem with HST
  • The primary mirror manufacturer had made a
    mistake and the mirror was suffering from
    Spherical Aberration
  • Images were blurred.
  • This problem was corrected by a 1993 space
    shuttle mission when the a set of correcting
    secondary mirrors were installed.

The Hubble Space Telescope
Images taken before and after repair of HST of
Galaxy M100
X-ray Astronomy
  • A series of X-ray observatories have been
    launched since 1970s.
  • The latest of these being NASAs Chandra X-Ray
    Observatory and ESAs XMM-Newton
  • These telescopes have observed X-ray bursts
    coming from heated gas around compact massive
    objects, possibly Black Holes.

Infrared Astronomy
Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton
Infrared Astronomy
The Compton Gamma ray Observatory (CGRO) launched
in 1991 by NASA
  • Observing with Gamma rays can give us insight
    into extremely high energy phenomena, such as
    Supernova Explosions.

Observing at other wavelengths
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