Title: Visual Optics I
1Visual Optics I
2How do we handle the optics of something this
- Dealing with the eye as an optical system
- Reducing the complexity of real eyes to
manageable schematic eyes - Representing ametropia with schematic eyes
4Schematic Eyes
Page 2.1
- Simplified paraxial representations of the optics
of real eyes
5Schematic Eyes
Page 2.1
- Simplified paraxial representation of the optics
of real eyes - Assume that all ocular surfaces are perfectly
centered (single optic axis)
6Centered Optical System
Non-centered Optical System
Optic Axis
7Schematic Eyes
Page 2.1
- Simplified paraxial representation of the optics
of real eyes - Assume that all ocular surfaces are perfectly
centered (single optic axis)
- To use paraxial optics, rays must be limited to
the paraxial region - Standard emmetropic schematic eyes are derived
from the average constants of large numbers of
real emmetropic eyes - Simulate ametropia (myopia, hyperopia,
astigmatism) by varying the constants of standard
emmetropic schematic eyes - Define three different schematic eyes, from
complex to very simple - Rule of thumb use the simplest schematic eye
that will adequately represent the task/problem
being considered
8Overview Optics of the Eye
9Define emmetropia
- A healthy eye needing no correction for distance
or near vision - A healthy eye needing no correction for distance
vision - An eye needing no correction for distance or near
vision - An eye needing no correction for distance vision
10Q1. Removal of which surface would make this eye
myopic (near-sighted)?
- Anterior cornea
- Posterior cornea
- Anterior crystalline lens
- Posterior crystalline lens
11Q1. Removal of which surface would make this eye
myopic (near-sighted)?
- Anterior cornea
- Posterior cornea
- Anterior crystalline lens
- Posterior crystalline lens
The posterior cornea is the only negative
refracting surface in the eye
12Q2. Flattening (to plane) of which surface would
make the eye extremely hyperopic (far-sighted)?
- Anterior cornea
- Posterior cornea
- Anterior crystalline lens
- Posterior crystalline lens
13Q2. Flattening (to plane) of which surface would
make the eye extremely hyperopic (far-sighted)?
- Anterior cornea
- Posterior cornea
- Anterior crystalline lens
- Posterior crystalline lens
The anterior cornea carries about 2/3 of total
ocular power
14Q3. If anterior chamber depth was decreased (all
other parameters unchanged) the emmetropic eye
would become hyperopic
- True
- False
15Q3. If anterior chamber depth was decreased (all
other parameters unchanged) the emmetropic eye
would become hyperopic
- True
- False
Treating the eye as a thick lens with the cornea
as F1 and crystalline lens as F2
Decreasing anterior chamber depth, decreases the
value subtracted from (Fcornea Fcr lens)
16Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye
Page 2.2
most complex
17Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye
Six refracting surfaces, 4 different refractive
indices,separate anterior and posterior corneal
surfaces,separate crystalline lens cortex and
Page 2.2
Figure 2.1
18Exact Eye Thick Lens
19Exact Eye Equivalent Lens
20Exact Eye Thick Lens/Equivalent Lens
21Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye
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Figure 2.1
22Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye (Thick lens parameters)
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23Gullstrand 2 Simplified Schematic Eye
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24Gullstrand 2 Simplified Schematic Eye
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Three refracting surfaces, 2 different indices,
single corneal surface, single homogeneous
crystalline lens medium
Figure 2.2
25Gullstrand 2 Simplified Schematic Eye (Thick
lens parameters)
Page 2.2
26The Reduced Eye
Total ocular power reduced to a single
refracting surface
Page 2.5
Figure 2.3
27Reduced Eye Simplifications
Page 2.5
Figure 2.3
- Reduced surface represents the balance of power
between cornea and crystalline lens (balance
favors the cornea). - Because the reduced surface represents a power
balance, it sits about 1.67 mm behind the
(anterior) corneal plane - Pupil considered to coincide with the reduced
surface (in reality, it is 2 mm behind the
reduced surface)
28Reducing the Simplified Schematic Eye
Page 2.6
SS Eye
Reduced Eye
Figure 2.4
29Q4. In Visual Optics, three different schematic
eyes are used, varying in complexity from a
single refracting surface (reduced eye) to six
surfaces (exact eye). The reason for using three
schematic eyes instead of just one is
- Accuracy. Some situations require more accurate
representation of the optics of the eye than
others - Necessity. Emmetropic eyes can be accurately
represented by a single refracting surface, but
ametropic eyes can only be accurately represented
by multiple surfaces - Simplicity. It allows selection of the simplest
schematic eye to accurately represent each
situation - Complexity. Sometimes it is better to make an
optics problem more complex than it needs to be
30Q5. Phakometry (the study of the crystalline
lens and accommodation) makes use of the small
fraction of incident light that reflects from
each ocular surface. Much of what we know today
about accommodation comes from early phakometry
studies. The most appropriate schematic eye to
use to measure size and brightness of the
reflected images in phakometry is
- the Exact Eye
- the Simplified Schematic Eye (SSE)
- The Reduced Eye
- None of the above
31Gullstrand 1 Exact Eye
Page 2.2
Figure 2.1
32Visual Optics
- The Human Eye Axes and Angles
33Why Define Axes and Angles?
1 Strabismus (ocular misalignment)
Which eye is deviating?
Which eye is deviating?
34Why Define Axes and Angles?
Where are the eyes looking? Where are the light
reflexes relative to the centers of the pupils?
35A note on Entrance and Exit Pupils
When you look at someones eye, do you see their
actual pupil?
36Entrance and Exit Pupils
37Path of the Chief (Pupil) Ray through the Eye
38The Human Eye Axes (and angles) Near Vision
Page 2.7
39The Human Eye Axes (and angles) Near Vision
Page 2.7
Optic Axis a line through the optical centers of
the eyes refracting surfaces (ONN'O')
Figure 2.5
40The Human Eye Axes (and angles) Near Vision
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Figure 2.5
41The Human Eye Axes (and angles) Near Vision
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Figure 2.5
42The Human Eye Axes (and angles) Near Vision
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Figure 2.5
43Fixation Axis used in BV Eye Movements
Where is the eye looking as it rotates?
44The Human Eye Axes Distance Vision
Page 2.8
The visual axis, PLS and fixation axis are all
parallel outside the eye in distance vision
(parallel incident ray paths from the distant
object of regard)
Figure 2.6
45The Human Eye Pupillary Axis
Page 2.9
Line traveling into object space through the
center of the pupil (EnP) normal to the cornea
Standing in front of a patient viewing normal
to their cornea at the center of the (entrance)
pupil, you are aligned with their pupillary axis
Figure 2.7
46The Human Eye Angles Near Vision
Page 2.8
- - angle between optic and visual axis (5?)
- - angle between optic and fixation axis
- - angle between pupillary axis and PLS
- ? - angle between pupillary and visual axis
Figure 2.5
47The Human Eye Axes Distance Vision
Page 2.8
In distance vision, angle ? ? angle between
optic axis and PLS
Figure 2.6
48Page 2.11
Introduction to Ametropia
49Demographic question (no wrong answer) What is
your refractive error (ametropia)?
- Hyperopia (far-sighted)
- Emmetropia (no error)
- Low myopia (lt ?5 D)
- High myopia (gt ?5 D)
50Introduction to Ametropia
- Are you near-sighted or far-sighted?
- Near-sighted (myopic)
- high or low?
- high
- How do you know how myopic you are?
- Whats the difference between a 2 D myope and an
8 D myope? - Before we can quantify ametropia, we have to set
a standard for emmetropia
51Standard Emmetropic Reduced Eye
Page 2.11
52Emmetropia and Ametropia
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- A longer eye needs lower power to be emmetropic
53Emmetropia and Ametropia
Page 2.11
- A longer eye needs lower power to be emmetropic
54Defining Ametropia
Page 2.12
Define ametropia in terms of the lens power that
will correct it
55Correcting Ametropia - the Far Point
(A) In myopia, light from a distant object
focuses in front of the retina
Page 2.13
(B) In myopia, light from the Far Point focuses
on the retina
Figure 2.8
56Correcting Ametropia - the Far Point
Page 2.13
- The uncorrected myope readily identifies with the
Far Point - It is the furthest distance of clear vision
(uncorrected) - Objects beyond the Far Point appear blurred
- Objects at a range of distances inside the Far
Point can be focused by accommodation
Figure 2.8 (B)
57Quantifying Ametropia
Page 2.15
e.g. Far Point 50 cm in front of the eye
Far Point vergence is equal and opposite to the
myopic eyes power excess We correct an ametropic
eye with a lens equal and opposite to its power
excess ? LMR A (Ametropia). Taking an eye with
the standard 22.22 mm axial length
The eye has standard axial length, so we could
define this as ?2.00 D refractive ametropia
(indicating that it differs from the SERE in
refractive power only)
58Quantifying Ametropia (cont.)
Page 2.15
Another eye with ?2.00 D myopia Fe 61 D
This eye has ?1.00 D refractive myopia and ?1.00
D axial myopia
59Spectacle Correction and the Far Point
- Provided light reaches the eye with Far Point
vergence, a clear retinal image results
(unaccommodated eye) - It does not matter how Far Point vergence is
produced - by a real object at the Far Point
- by a spectacle lens that diverges light from a
distant object so that incident vergence at the
eye equals Far Point vergence - by a contact lens that produces Far Point
vergence fromlight
Page 2.13
Figure 2.8 (B)
60Equivalence of Far Point Vergence Ametropia
Page 2.16
Optically, the eye sees no difference between a
real object in the Far Point Plane and incident
light diverged by a spectacle lens to produce Far
Point vergence at the eye (reduced surface)
Negative spectacle lens producing far point
vergence at the plane of the eye (reduced surface)
Light incident at the eye with far point vergence
focuses at the retina (unaccommodated)
Figure 2.9
61Equivalence of Far Point Vergence Ametropia
Page 2.17
Light waves demonstrate the equivalence
between(A) divergence of light to produce Far
Point vergence at the eye, and (B) divergence at
the eye from a real object at the Far Point
Figure 2.10
62Spectacle vs. Contact Lens vs. Ocular Correction
Page 2.17
Figure 2.10
63Spectacle vs. Contact Lens vs. Ocular Correction
Page 2.17
Figure 2.10
64Spectacle vs. Ocular Correction Examples
Page 2.17
vertex distance
Figure 2.10
65Spectacle vs. Ocular Correction
Page 2.18
66Spectacle vs. Ocular Correction
Page 2.18
67Hyperopia and the Far Point
Page 2.19
Figure 2.11 The uncorrected hyperopic eye has
too little power, so parallel incident light
focuses behind the retina (or would focus there
if it were not for the presence of the retina).
Convergent incident light is therefore needed to
move the image forward to the retina.
68Page 2.20
Far Point Vergence in Hyperopia
Underpowered hyperopic eye requires convergent
incident light at the reduced surface to focus
the image on the retina (unaccommodated)
Convergent incident light (in air) is traveling
toward a virtual Far Point (object) Plane
Figure 2.12
69Spectacle Correction in Hyperopia
Page 2.21
Positive spectacle lens power converges
incident light toward the Far Point Plane (in air)
Figure 2.13
70Spectacle vs. Ocular Correction Examples
Page 2.21
71Spectacle vs. Ocular Correction
Page 2.21
72Far Point, Eye Movements Spectacle Lenses
Page 2.23
As the myopic eye rotates, the Far Point traces
out a spherical surface, the Far Point Sphere
Figure 2.14
73Far Point, Eye Movements Spectacle Lenses
Page 2.24
In the spectacle-corrected patient, we want the
image produced by the spectacle lens (from
incident light) to fall on the Far Point Sphere
for all directions of gaze This is one of the
tenets of corrected curve ophthalmiclens
Figure 2.15
74Recap Key Objectives - Ametropia
- Ametropia is a mismatching of ocular power and
axial length - The Far Point of any (uncorrected) eye is
conjugate to the retina for distance vision - Ametropia is corrected by placing the second
focus of the correcting lens at the Far Point