Title: Barbados 10 Mauritius 05
1Barbados10Mauritius 05
- http//portal.unesco.org/islandsBplus10
2UNESCOs contributions to MIM
- Plenary Panel on Culture
- Youth Visioning special event
- Small Islands Voice side event
- Ocean and Coastal Management partnership event
- Civil Society Forum support
- Lest We Forget exhibition
- Media coverage
- Information materials
3Plenary PanelRole of Culture in the Sustainable
Development of SIDS
- To examine broad, holistic definition of culture
embraced by UNESCO review its importance for
sustainable development of SIDS
- Strong support for recognition of culture as
essential and all-pervading dimension of human
living and development
- Culture identified as fourth pillar of
sustainable (island) development
- Areas for priority action include
- - Involving communities in policy-making and
safe guarding cultural heritage
- - Improving management of natural and cultural
heritage sites
- - Invest in cultural industries to generate new
and indigenous forms of employment and
- - Teach and transmit traditional community
values and associated local and indigenous
knowledge in basic education
- ,
4Youth Visioning for Island Living
- 96 young people from 31 SIDS and six island
territories with other affiliations
- Discussing their perceptions and aspirations for
the future of their islands
- Supported by various host country, regional and
international partners, besides UNESCO
- video on CD web
5Youth commitments for follow-up work
- Life and Love in Islands island lifestyles and
cultures (17 projects)
- My Island Home safeguarding island environments
(15 projects)
- Money in my pocket economic and employment
opportunities (11 projects)
6Small Islands Voice (SIV) Side Events
- Island memories - Preserving and promoting island
- Connecting islands via the internet
- Eco-friendly practices for sustainable living in
small islands
- Community visioning in small islands
7Outcomes of Mauritius MeetingMauritius
Declaration Mauritius Strategy (MS) - reaffirm
Barbados Programme of Action (BPOA) remains blue
print, and call for action in
- Original priority areas of BPOA
- - Climate change and sea-level rise
- - Natural environmental disasters
- - Management of wastes
- - Coastal marine resources
- - Freshwater, Land, Energy res.
- - Tourism, Biodiversity resources
- - Transport communication
- - Science technology
- New Emerging Issues
- - Sust. capacity dev. ESD
- - Sust. production consumption
- - Health (HIV/AIDS)
- - Culture
- - Trade globalization liberalization
- - National and regional enabling env.
- - Knowledge management information for decision
8UN-NY follow-up
- Resolution on the MIM to be adopted by UN Gen.
Assembly, Sept.2005
- Main elements include
- Articulate plan for implementing MS by relevant
UN bodies, specialised agencies, regional
commissions and other UN system organisations
- Support regional SIDS meetings in 2005-06 with
relevant regional organisations and stakeholders
for follow-up MS implementation
- Encourage Member States to contribute to SIDS
Trust Fund
- Strengthen SIDS Unit in Dept. Economic Social
Affairs (DESA)
- Relevant UN agencies to further mainstream the MS
in their programmes and establish SIDS focal
- Intersectoral Information meeting for Perm.
Delegations (16 March) - with Group of SIDS
Ambassadors led by Mauritius Ambassador
- Preliminary indications on proposed follow-up by
Programme Sectors and through Youth Visioning
- Six-part approach with Mauritius Strategy as
essential reference
10UNESCO follow-up
- 1. Generating relevant inputs from Natural
Sciences Sector
- 2. Generating Inputs from other Programme
- 3. Taking into account Participation Programme
activities in SIDS
- 4. Dedicated Web Section on UNESCO response to
the MS
- 5. Elaboration of new activities as specific
responses to the MS
- - SIV planning meeting
- - Documenting Pacific Island responses to SD
challenges UNESCO role in furthering SD in
Pacific Islands
- - Input UN operationalization plan, e.g. Culture,
Youth Visioning
- 6. House-wide follow-up via SIDS Working Group
- Work ongoing with respect to above items
11UNESCO follow-upSelected activity areas in the
Mauritius Strategy
- Climate Change Sea-level rise
- Ocean Carbon Programme monitoring and assessing
oceans role as carbon sink
- Global ocean observations to monitor climate
variability and change (IOC/GOOS)
- Impact of climate change on rainfall, snowfall
and glaciers (IHP/WCP)
12Knowledge Management and Information for Decision
- 150 media development projects since the 1980s
through International Programme for Development
of Communications (IPDC)
- In 2004-05, 19 new media projects approved for
SIDS, totalling US497,000.
- Some examples
- Tonga Contributing to alleviation of poverty
through media for outlying islands
- Fiji Community broadcasting development project
- Fiji Women speaking to women in Fiji
- Solomon Islands Media training for peace and
- Mauritius Post-production and professional
training centre in East Africa
- Cape Verde Media law reform
- Bahamas Building community media capacity
environmental stewardship
13Freshwater resources
- World Water Assessment Programme
- Freshwater management issues in small islands
addressed in the second interagency World Water
Development Report
- Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy
(HELP) programme of the International
Hydrological Programme (IHP) established in the
Pacific - Regional training programme for hydrology
scientists and technicians and regional hydrology
networking in the Pacific
- Trinidad Tobago. Assessing the human watershed
aquifer through the establishment of an
experimental catchment
- Discussion on SIVglobal forum conservation and
sustainable management of water
- UN wide 2005-2015 International Decade
'Water for Life'
- Focusing Resources on Effective School Health
(FRESH) initiative - UNESCO other strategic
- Areas School health policies Water, sanitation
the environment Skills-based health education
School health services HIV/AIDS Food and
nutrition hygiene MalariaViolenceDrugs,
alcohol tobacco -
- Projects (Caribbean)
- - assessment of implications of HIV/AIDS for
early childhood schooling
- - developing methodology for estimating and
projecting the prevalence of HIV/AIDS within the
national educational sector
- - reinforcing cultural and communication
dimensions in combating HIV/AIDS
- - handbook for use by health workers
- In the framework of Youth Visioning
- Cape Verde Youth children against HIV/AIDS
- St. Lucia Raising awareness through youth and
for youth about HIV/AIDS
- UNAIDS - joint UN programme on HIV/AIDS
15Coastal and Marine Resources
- Development of Global Ocean Observation System
in SIDS regions
- Coastal zone management workshop, Barbados April
- Support to Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts
- Coral Reef Monitoring, Research Capacity
- Training course for young specialists Coastal,
island and wetland biosphere reserves Comoros,
Mauritius, Seychelles, Zanzibar
- Capacity building for mitigating coastal erosion
in Cuba
- Sandwatch activities in many SIDS
16Natural and Environmental disasters
- Scientific study and mitigation of natural
hazards earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions,
tsunamis, landslides and drought
- Launching of Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation System (June 2005)
- Inventory and assessment of biosphere reserves
damaged or destroyed during the earthquake
- Groundwater for Emergency Situations project
- Conservation and sustainable rehabilitation of
coastal ecosystems following the tsunami of
- Intangible Heritage SIDS to ratify the 2003
Convention (of 12 Member States that ratified
sofar, 2 are SIDS)
- Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of
Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions, to be
submitted to General Conference Oct.05
- Cultural industries (cinema, music, publishing,
etc.) through the Global Alliance for Cultural
Diversity, e.g. poverty reduction project planned
in Fiji and Trinidad Tobago, related projects
in Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica. -
- Assistance to develop cultural policies in SIDS
Comoros, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Tokelau
- Establishment of cultural diversity observatory
for Indian Ocean region based in Mauritius.
- Biodiversity - Cultural Diversity, Tourism and
Local Population seminar in Solomon Islands
- Museum partnerships in Indian Ocean SIDS
- Support to national World Heritage (WH) strategy
workshops in SIDS regions
18Sustainable Capacity Development Education for
Sustainable Development
- 1. Lead agency in the promotion of the Decade
on Education for Sustainable Development
- 2. Implementer of ESD - accelerating education
reforms and coordinating activities of multiple
stakeholders to implement ESD at international,
regional, and country levels - Developing public understanding and awareness of
sustainability inter-regional internet forum
with more than 20,000 individuals connected in
SIDS - Re-orientating existing education at all levels
to address sustainable development Sandwatch
- Incorporating local and indigenous knowledge into
ESD through formal and informal education
system, e.g. LINKS activities in Solomon Islands,
Vanuatu, Palau - learning by doing, SIV support for sustainable
development activities
- Support cooperation between small island national
and regional universities for combined
inter-regional training courses SIDS University
Consortium start-up through UNITWIN
19- UNESCO will
- Continue to mainstream the special needs of SIDS
in the Organizations programmes
- Continue holistic, integrated approaches to
sustainable living and development in SIDS
- Through nurturing intersectoral cooperation, with
intergenerational dimension, at interregional
level via proven platform approach and internet
forums -
- Continue interagency cooperation and partnerships
with IGOs and NGOs in the island regions