Title: 5 Keys to HOT! Recreation Programming
15 Keys to HOT!Recreation Programming
- CPRS Conference
- March 16, 2006
- Anne T. Nixon, CPRP
- PIVOT Recreation Resources
2The Center of Clayton
3(No Transcript)
4The Lodge Des Peres
5The Lodge
6Only in Japan
7Only in Hawaii
8Only in India
9Only in Texas
10Only In Thailand
11AT Last
12Only In America
- Taxes v Program revenues
- New understanding of urgency
- Applies to all programming
- Getting programming staff on same page
- Understanding consumer needs
- Program design with those expectations
- Effectively costing then pricing the product
- Promotions
- Programming with creativity
- Sell, sell, sell
- Getting programming staff on same page
- Understanding consumer needs
- Program design with those expectations
- Effectively costing then pricing the product
- Promotions
- Programming with creativity
- Sell, sell, sell
155 Keys
- Planning
- Memorable Experiences
- Marketing
- Program Lifecycles
- Change
16Creating Memorable Experiences
- If it doesnt go wow, it doesnt go!
- Relationship between the customers preconceived
expectations and the service received. Goal is
to exceed the customers expectations. - Pay attention to details. Inspect what you
17Understanding the Market
- Generational Differences
- Demographics
- Market Segments
18Generational Differences
- Lifetime expectancy is up 30 years form 1900
- The older adult market spans four/five
generations - Depression Era 1900-1939
- Stage 1 1900 1929 76 years and older
- Stage 2 1930 1939 66 75
20Market Segments
21Capacity Management
- Two types of capacity
- Load Capability
- Use
22Capacity Management
- How to fill capacity
- Prime time
- Non-prime time
- Skill level with significant differences in
23(No Transcript)
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25Facility Use Programming
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28Evolution of Program Stages
- Purpose of tracking program stages
29Participant Lifecycle - Basketball
30Program Lifecycle
31Boston Consulting Group ModelInventory Portfolio
- Cash Cows
- Stars
- Question Marks
- Dogs
32Changes in Current Programming
33Good to Great
34Interview Questions
- How do you keep up with your continuing
education? - What does success mean to you and how do you
evaluate it? - What computer knowledge do you have?
- How would you approach meeting a client for the
first time? - You are matched with a client that you just cant
connect with and find yourself dreading each
appointment. What do you do?
35Values Matrix
36Audition Tools
- The instructor introduces her/himself to new
participants. - YES NO
- 3 0
- The instructor has a warm-up section of the class
that includes stretching. - YES NO
- 3 0
- The instructor gives corrective feedback to
participants on form to ensure the safest and
most effective workout. - YES NO
- 3 0
37 Champions!!!
- Staff Training
- Art instructors
- Sports coaches
- Personal trainers
- Group Exercise Instructors
- Clearly defined expectations
- Problem solving / empowerment
- Performance standards
- Image
38Shaping The Vision
- Image/Names/Logos
- Communication
- Fish, Cheese and Pickles
39Program Inventory
- Develop inventory according to market mix
- For example,
40Fall Program Mix
41Winter/Spring Program Mix
42Summer Program Mix
43Participant Lifecycles
- Age Differentiation
- Develop program plan based on market
- For example,
44- How can we be entrepreneurial progressive with
our programming plans? - Core service
- Quality brings repeat business
- Increase the likelihood of success
- Loyalty vs. customer satisfaction
- Create standards used agency wide
- High degree of quality
- Consistency
45Purpose of a Revenue Policy
- Provides guidance to staff
- Is a reference and descriptive
- Describes action or purpose to consumers
- Planning tool
- Supports fees and charges philosophy
- Helps to define differences between policy and
463 Types of Programs
- Public-FREE (special events, community services)
- Merit-Pay to play. (swimming lessons, basketball
leagues) - Private-Specialized service to generate revenue
(golf/tennis pros, personal trainers)
47Pricing Strategies
- Price to value
- Menu price
- Pay per visit
- Multiple visit discounts
- Primetime versus off-peak
- Early registration discounts
- Monthly dues versus session fees
- Preferred customer discounts
- How can you create these opportunities?
48HOT Programs
49- As Staff, why is it important to view this
differently? - Differing philosophies among us
- Competition for the leisure dollar, consumer
choices - Experience planning heightens consumer
expectations - Complex
- Plan with confidence
- Strive for the extraordinary
- Experience Loyalty Revenue
50- Who are noted experience planners/recreation
- What elements are incorporated in this
activity that make the experience?
- What makes it extraordinary?
- How do I become an outstanding programmer and a
facilitator of ideas? - As an extraordinary organizer who makes it
possible for others - Make it work economically
- Know when to say No
- Constantly thinking about how to improve-systems,
programs, staffing, marketing, etc.
52- Experience Programming means you become a
significant facilitator of experiences for your
customers - An Eye for the facility/experience
- Snapshot evaluations
- The pick-it-up gene
- An Ear with the public
- 2 way communication
- Open door policy
53Considerations in the Planning Cycle
- Communication
- Community Mining
- Defining Needs
- Surveys-written or verbal
- Capacity Management
- Internal understanding
- Hiring
- Negotiating contracts
- Training/Certification requirements
- Communication
- External
- Internal
- Market Mix
- Who are the customers?
- Promotions (Selling)
- How do we communicate?
- Development of experience principles
- Costing / Pricing strategies
- Partnerships
- Program
- Asset Partners
55Marketing Strategies
- Pulling all information together
- Setting goals, strategies and tactics
- Goals are tied to performance
- Adjust quickly to market
- Marketing the Brand
- Features, advantages, and benefits
- Factors that influence customers
- Solves a problem/makes them feel good
- Benefits, not features
- Promises kept
- Credibility and reliability
- Ease of access
- Guarantees
57Promotions Mix
- Advertising
- Personal Selling
- Publicity
- Sales Promotions
58Promotions Development Includes
- Brochures, newsletters, advertising campaigns,
newspaper articles, and television - Who reads or sees the material?
- How is the information positioned?
- How is the message presented?
- How much is staff involved in sales- If they are
not excited about the product how can they sell
it? - Is it consistent?
- How does the information look and feel?
- Is the IMAGE clean and clear?
59Media Use
- What methods are you using?
- News releases
- P.S.A.s
- Video
- TV
- Feature articles
- Radio, talk shows
- How effective are each at getting the medias
60Sales Promotional Tools
- Special events
- Promotional items
- Coupons
- Sampling of classes, bundling services
- Cross Selling
- Discounts
- Use of sponsorships, themes
- Free classes
- Register a friend
- Differential pricing, menu pricing
61More Distribution Tools
- Internal paychecks
- Use of other agencies as distribution points such
as, - Libraries
- Schools
- Restaurants/bars
- Museums
- Movie theaters
- Drug stores
- Grocery Stores
- Staffing
- Right people on the bus
- Revenue Policy
- Public, Merit, Private Program mix
- Measurements
- Standards
- Performance expectations
- Effective Costing
64(No Transcript)
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66Costing Model - Programs
67Programming Revenue According to Rick Adler,
founder of The Senior Network, an older consumer
marketing and research company
"Simply based on population growth trends, if a
product is marketed to the 50-plus audience and
maintains its market share, it should increase in
sales by 35 to 50 percent in the next 20 years.
Conversely, a brand targeted at the zero to 50
age groups will be flat in sales."
68Programming Diversity
- Get 50-plus customers involved in your sales and
marketing. - Sell experience, not age. Emphasize that the
people who will most benefit from your program
are those with "experience in..."
69Programming Diversity
- Choose your words carefully. The words "mature"
or "prime" are viewed in a much more positive
light than senior and older. Inspire people
to buy, rather than trying to scare them into
doing so. - Be prepared to spend more time with this segment,
they put a priority on the atmosphere and
70Programming Types
- Wellness
- 33 of fitness center membership is represented
by people over 50 - Adventure travel programs, not necessarily
tourist travel - Sport programs
- Performing and visual arts
- Endless opportunities!
715 Keys
- Planning
- Memorable Experiences
- Marketing
- Program Lifecycles
- Change
72Reading List
- Good To Great,
- By Jim Collins
- Fish!,
- By Stephen Lundin, Harry Paul, and John
Christensen - Give em The Pickle,
- Training Video
- www.cprs.org
735 Keys to HOT!Recreation Programming
- CPRS Conference
- March 16, 2006
- Anne T. Nixon, CPRP
- PIVOT Recreation Resources