Title: Part four : Product Strategy
1Part four Product Strategy
2 - What Is Product? (P.276)
- ProductAnything that can be offered to a market
for attention,acquisition,use,or consumption that
might satisfy a wants and needs . - Service Any activity or benefit that one party
can offer to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in the ownership
of anything.
3 - Tree Lever of Product (P.279)
product -
Actual product -
Core product
Brand name
Core benefit
Delivery and credit
After sale service
Quality lever
4 Potential product
Augmented product
Expected product
Basic product
Core benefit
Five product levels
5Product Classification (P.280)
Industrial Products
Materials and parts
Convenience Products
Shopping Products
Capital items
Specialty products
Unsought products
Supplies and services
6Individual Product Decisions (P.283)
Product attributes
Product support services
7 - Product Attributes (P.284)
Product quality
Product attributes
Product features
Product Style Design
8 - Product line Product Mix Decisions
- Product line (P.289)
- A group of products that are closely
related because they function in a similar
manner,are sold to the same customer groups, are
marketed through the same types of outlets, or
fall within given price ranges. - Product mix (P.290)
- the set of all product lines and items
that a particular seller offers for sale.
9 Product Items (depth)
Product Line A
A1 A2 A3
Product Line B
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
C1 C2
Product Line C
10 - Branding (P.285)
- Brand A name ,term,sign,symbol,or design,or a
combination of these intended to identify the
goods or services of sellers ,and to
differentiate them from those of competitors.
11 Attributes
The meaning of brand
12(No Transcript)
13 - Major branding decisions (P.292)
Brand development
Brand sponsorship
Brand name selection
Brand positioning
Line extensions Brand extensions Multi
brand New brand
Manufacturers Brand Private brand Licensing Co
Manufacturers Brand Private brand Licensing Co
Attributes Benefits Beliefs and values
14 - Brand Sponsor (P.293)
- Manufacturers brand(Natio0nal brand)
- A brand created and owned by the
producer of a product or service . - Private brand (or middleman,distributor,or
- store brand)
- A brand created and owned by a reseller
of a product or service.
15 - Brand Sponsor (P.294-295)
- Licensing to be licensed brand previously
created by other manufacturers or the well-known
names and symbols owner. - Co-brand the practice of using the established
brand names of tow different companies on the
same product.
16 - Brand Strategy(P.296)
Product Category -
Existing New -
- Existing
- Brand
- name
- New
Line extension
Brand extension
New brand
17 - Services marketing
- Characteristics of a service (P.299)
Intangibility(???) Services cannot be
seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled before
Inseparability(????) Services cannot
be separated from their providers
Variability(???) Quality of service
depends on who provides them and When,where ,and
Perishability(???) Services cannot be
stored For later sales or use.
18 - Service marketing strategies mix
Product strategy
Pricing strategy
Placing strategy
Promotion strategy
Physical evidence
19 - Types of marketing in service industries
Internal marketing
External marketing
Interactive marketing
20The New-product Development Process (316)
Marketing Strategy develop- ment
Idea Generation
Concept Development and Testing
Idea Screening
Test marketing
Business Analysis
Commer- cialization
Product Development
21 Internal Sources
Distributors Others
22 - Product Life Cycle (P.330)
- Sales
- Profit
Sales -
Profit - Product
- Development Introduction Growth Maturity
23 - The Strategies in The Product Life Cycle
- Introduction Stage
High price
Low promotion
High promotion
Low price
24 - The Strategies in The Product Life Cycle
- Growth Stage
High current profit
High market share
25 - The Strategies in The Product Life Cycle
- Maturity Stage
Modifying the Market
Modifying the Product
Modifying the Marketing Mix
26 - The Strategies in The Product Life Cycle
- Decline Stage
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