Title: Dr Claes Wilhelmsson
1Dr Claes Wilhelmsson
Innovation and the life sciences
- Executive Director Research Development
2The challenges of new treatment paradigms
Increasing safety and delivery convenience Individ
ualised, coupled to diagnosis
3Tailored Treatment
The Ultimate Therapy Prevention or Cure
41. Proteins 2. Antibodies 3. Gene therapy 4.
Xenotransplantation 5. Antisense 6. Vaccines
7. Natural products 8. Low molecular weight
synthetic drugs
5Multi-disciplincary teamworking - our key to
6Future scenario
- Increased need for drugs in 2000
- Increased elderly population è Cancer,
Alzheimer, CV etc. - Life style changes è Obesity, Diabetes, COPD etc.
- Treatment paradigms
- General è Individualised coupled to diagnostic
- Symptomatic è Disease modifying
- Established disease è Disease prevention
- Life threatening disease è Improved health and
well-being - Safety Delivery flexibility è Increasing
Safety demands delivery convenience
7Capture more value from in vivo and in vitro
Towards in silico RD
Data integration mining
8Discovery Development
Develop-ment for launch
Target Identification validation
Concept testing
Compound optimization
Compound Identification
Stringent Quality Criteria
Candidate Drug (CD)
9Guiding principles for RD organisation design
- Therapy Area led
- Project driven
- One RD organisation managed globally
- Critical mass to be leading in our chosen areas
- Strong portfolio management
- Team oriented culture
- Build and continuously improve Discovery
10AstraZeneca Global Discovery
Recruiting and investing
11Integrating Discovery, Development TAs
12AZ exploitation of the genomic revolution
- Great opportunities to understand disease
mechanisms and to identify new drug targets - Maximise internal activities with exploitation of
genome collaborations - Incyte, Affymetrix, Procardis/Oxagen, SNP
consortium etc. - Focus on building Target Validation strengths
- Genomics information widely deployed to AZ
bioscientists via e-lab
13AZ way to external collaborations
- gt 300 collaborations with leading universities
and Biotechs - Clever use and timely adoption of breaking
science technology - Internal expertise to identify and closely
monitor opportunities - Full integration into drug-hunting
14Research Area collaborations - examples
15Technology Platforms - major alliance examples
High Throughput Screening
Chemical Libraries
- Incyte
- Oxford University
- GenomeTherapeutics
- OxaGen/Procardis
- Amersham Pharmacia Biotech
- SNP Consortium
- Affymetrix
- Molecular Dynamics/Nycomed Amersham
- Incyte
- EuropeanBio-informatics Institute
- Entelos
- Pharmacopeia
- Cambridge Combinatorial
- Griffith University, Brisbane
- AmershamPharmacia Biotech
- Cellomics
- Biosignal
16Exploiting AZ Bioinformatics e-lab
- Genome annotation and mining
User-friendly accessand capturing value from
complex databases
17Balancing the risk in drug discovery
Do-ability of Target Classes
18AZ sources of chemical leads
19AZ natural product screening and isolation
- Many of top pharmaceuticals have natural product
origin - Exceptional chemical diversity - meet target
explosion - Unique Australian collection of rainforest
plants, marine organisms, fungi, venoms etc.
20AstraZeneca Global Development
6 major Development sites
21Global Development
Global Regulatory
Global PRD
Global PARD
Global Clinical
22Organisation structure
Head of RD
February 1999
Cardiovascular Oncology Respiratory
Gastrointestinal CNS Pain Infection
23Up-front operating model decisions
- Complex balance between projects, functions, and
24RD Therapy Areas
Therapy Area
VP and TA Head
- Cardiovascular Hamish Cameron
- Respiratory Inflammation Colin Reddrop
- CNS Bill Bastain
- Pain Control Anders Ekblom
- Oncology Brent Vose
- Infection Aileen Allsop
- Gastrointestinal Hans Glise (reports to Head of
GI Franchise)
25Global Product Team structure
26Activity phases
27Therapy Areas
- Organisation established functioning
- TAMT, TA Advisory Boards, GPTs and most
cross-functional interfaces - Close working relationship with PSL established
- TAs strategic plans prepared identifying areas of
unmet medical need with commercial opportunities - Brand strategies developed for all major products
- Alignment of TA RA strategy/opportunities
- TA project prioritisation body in place and
28High Therapy Area growth ambitions
Market position within 10 years
- Gastrointestinal 1
- Cardiovascular 1
- Respiratory Inflammation 2
- Oncology 1
- Pain Control 1
- CNS 10 share
- Infection Top 10
29Product Portfolio Management, key roles
Across TA strategic direction, business
objectives and resource allocation
Portfolio Management Committee
Portfolio Management Team
TA Management Teams
Therapy Area Leadership
Global Brand(s)/Product(s) Leadership
Local Brand(s)/Product(s) Leadership
Marketing Company Product Teams
30Portfolio Shape - NCE Projects
NCE Projects (SPMT2)
Project Phase
- CD Pre-nomination 6
- Concept Testing 40
- Development for Launch 5
- Launch Phase 1
Total individual projects 153
31Distribution of projects - by priority
No of Projects
Priority 1
Project delay due to lack of resources not
Source data Q1 Review, 2001
Priority 2
Resourced to deliver to plan
Priority 3
Project receive resources after availability
Priority 4
- Special priority for early projects
- From CD pre-nomination to Proof of Principle as
defined by TA/GPT - Handled by functions as Prio 2
- Resources by Tollgate
32Portfolio management
- The Challenge is to Balance ...
against finite resources
33Quantitative targets
Contribute to doubling the value of the portfolio
RD Strategy
34AstraZeneca RD Culture Values
35To lead and not to lead.
Leading is more than Managing.
36Personal Leadership reflections
- Management by culture rather than by rules
- The managers role is of critical importance
- Open communication
- Strong empowerment and personal autonomy
- A number of policies define the corporate
37Leadership through Corporate culture is
- More efficient
- More flexible
- Faster
- Less expensive
- More fun
- (than the alternatives)
38AstraZeneca RD Culture Values
- Create high levels of employee loyalty and
motivation, and provide the company with
structure and controls without the need for an
innovation stifling rigid bureaucracy