Title: Personal Web Pages for Non-Geeks
1Personal Web Pages for Non-Geeks
- Demystify the process of creating a web site
2Why a personal web page?
- To promote your career
- Having a web page shows youre with it
- Provides assurance that you can keep up with the
times - Provides a way to market yourself
- Prospective employers can get a glimpse of who
you are - Before calling you
- Following an interview
3Why a personal web page?
- Augment your formal resume
- Expand on professional activities
- Show who you are outside work
- Just for fun
- Share photos and events with family friends
- Share your space to support others
4What should be on a page?
- Examples
- http//www.scottkane.com/
- http//members.aol.com/beilers/
- http//www.jreilers.org/
- http//www.eilers.org/
5Scotts web page is all business. Its sole
intent is to project professionalism to those who
may hire him.
6Professional stuff emphasized
Other stuff here also
7Important stuff
This page is mostly for fun. It also provides a
way for family to see whats happening at our
8My nephew Aaron has a technically more
sophisticated web page. Multiple levels. Aaron
likely developed his page by writing code. His
father and Uncle Jim most certainly did not. We
used non-geek tools to do the job.
- You will need
- A service to host you page
- Many ISPs (Internet Service Provider) offer
hosting - AOL
- ATTBI used to bet Comcast does also
- If you use a small provider, check with them
- Independent hosting services
- More about these later
- You will need
- A means to develop/edit your page
- Some providers offer templates
- Some offer development tools
- There are development tools available elsewhere,
some free on the WWW others for sale on the web
or in stores - Tools range from simple to very sophisticated
- You will need
- A means to upload your page from your home/office
PC to your host - If using ISP templates, this may be automatic
- If not automatic, it may just require a mouse
click - Some upload tools might require a setup for first
12Getting Started
- Select a method that fits you
- We will examine two options
- Hosting service with cookie-cutter templates
- Free web hosting
- There are /- for each
- You get what you pay for
13Method 1
- A No-Brainer, but with a price
14A No-Brainer
- Gray Hair Management page
- http//www.grayhairmanagement.com/
- 250.00 one-time charge
- Page templates provided
- Includes two-year domain registration
(www.scottkane.com) - Domain registrar will bill for renewal
- Domain fees are currently about 10 a year
15Some Notes on Domains
- scottkane.com/
- Scotts domain is his first and last name
- eilers.org/
- Domains are first come/ first served
- My nephew Aaron beat me the punch
- jreilers.org/
- I found that my two initials last name was
available - members.aol.com/beilers/
- Brother Bruce doesnt have his own domain
16Some Notes on Domains
- How do you know if a domain name is available?
- http//www.checkdomain.com
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18Domain Cautions
- Owning a domain may raise some privacy issues
- It is possible to search for a domains owner
- May learn name, address, phone, email
- May yield some email SPAM
- Personally, I have not found this burdensome
- But Im rather tolerant
19Method 2
- Free web page
- Nothing is completely free
- Free pages are supported by the hosts selling
20Free Web Page
- http//www.geocities.com/jameseilers/
- http//geocities.yahoo.com/
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23Fill out the forms as required
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25Lets try it!
26Editing your page
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29Select Edit existing page Choose your page from
the pull down list
30Editing your page
- The Wizard will lead you through the same steps
used to create the page.
31Editing your page
- Ready to graduate from the Wizard?
- Small caution
- If you step up, you may not return to the Wizard
for editing
32When youre ready for the next level, you can
customize your page with Yahoo PageBuilder
33Editing Your Page
- If there is interest from the group we will have
a second session covering PageBuilder and other
more advanced editing tools.
- James R. Eilers, CPIM
- 740 South Ardmore
- Villa Park, IL 60181
- 630/833-6664
- james.eilers_at_jreilers.org
- http//jreilers.org