Title: The Evolution of Living Things
1Chapter 7
- The Evolution of Living Things
2Diatryma and the Rooster
- Diatryma weighed about 400 pounds (182 kg.)
- Flightless
- Cenozoic Era (57-35) million years ago
- Over 6 feet tall
- Enormous Beak
- Sharp Claws
- Distant relative of the chicken
3Frog Crazy
- Adaptation a characteristic that helps an
organism survive and reproduce in its environment - Adaptations Include Structures and Behaviors
for - 1) finding food
- 2) protection
- 3) moving from place to place
- Species a group of organisms that can mate with
one another to produce fertile offspring
6Do Species Change over Time?
- Millions of different species occupy the Earth,
ranging from bacteria to fungi to plants and
animals. - Have these same species always existed on Earth?
7The Earth is 4.6 Billion Years Old
- Over that period of time the Earth has changed
Human existence is less than a hairs width at the
end of the diagram
8How do we estimate the age of the Earth?
- Radioactive Decay of Earths Rocks
- Moon Rocks
- Meteorites
9- Radiometric Dating of Earths Rocks- The ages
of Earth rocks are measured by the decay of
long-lived radioactive isotopes of elements that
occur naturally in rocks and minerals and that
decay with half lives of 700 million to more than
100 billion years to stable isotopes of other
elements. Used to measure the last time that the
rock being dated was melted.
10 Moon Dating
- The Moon is a more primitive planet than Earth
because it has not been disturbed by plate
tectonics thus, some of its more ancient rocks
are more plentiful. Only a small number of rocks
were returned to Earth by the six Apollo and
three Luna missions. These rocks vary greatly in
age, a reflection of their different ages of
formation and their subsequent histories. The
oldest dated moon rocks, however, have ages
between 4.4 and 4.5 billion years and provide a
minimum age for the formation of our nearest
planetary neighbor.
11Meteorite Dating
- Thousands of meteorites, which are fragments of
asteroids that fall to Earth, have been
recovered. These primitive objects provide the
best ages for the time of formation of the Solar
System. There are more than 70 meteorites, of
different types, whose ages have been measured
using radiometric dating techniques. The results
show that the meteorites, and therefore the Solar
System, formed between 4.53 and 4.58 billion
years ago. - The best age for the Earth comes not from dating
individual rocks but by considering the Earth and
meteorites as part of the same evolving system
12Evidence for an old universe Absence of short
lived stars from star clusters 14-18 Ga1 Length
it takes light to get to the earth from the most
distant objects in the universe (10 Ga)2 Hubble
expansion of the universe 7 - 20 Ga1
Evidence for an old solar system Age of
meteorites 4.4-4.6 Ga (isochron method)1 Age of
moon 4.5 Ga (radiometric)1 Earth-meteorite
system 4.54 Ga (lead isotope age)1 Evidence for
an old earth Earths oldest rocks 3.8-3.9 Ga
13 Evolution
- Evolution the process by which populations
accumulate inherited changes over time. - Because of evolution scientists think that all
living things and once living things, from
daisies to crocodiles to humans share a common
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15The Evidence for Evolution
- Comparative Anatomy comparing similar
structures in different organisms. - Fossils the solidified remains or imprints of
once living organisms. - Embryonic Anatomy
- Vestigial Structures
- The fossil record provides a historical sequence
of evolution and life.
- Paleontology - the study of the past through the
study of fossils. - The fossil is a rock - Often the remains of
preserved organisms are not of the organism
itself but instead of minerals deposited where,
especially, hard parts of the organism previously
Soft parts tend not to fossilize because they
usually decay prior to mineralization. However,
soft parts, under the right conditions, can also
make impressions. Included among such imprints
are those made during the act of locomotion such
as fossil foot prints or various invertebrate
17The organism is quickly covered in sediment
A once living organism
The organism dies
The soft parts decay
The hard parts make a mold (hollow
impression) which is replaced by minerals
18- There are six ways that organisms can turn into
fossils, including - 1) unaltered preservation (like insects or plant
parts trapped in amber, a hardened form of tree
sap) - 2) permineralizationpetrification (in which
rock-like minerals seep in slowly and replace the
original organic tissues, forming a rock-like
fossil - can preserve hard and soft parts - most
bone and wood fossils are permineralized) - 3) replacement (An organism's hard parts dissolve
and are replaced by other minerals. - 4) carbonizationcoalification
- 5) recrystalization
- 6) authigenic preservation
Most animals did not fossilize they simply
decayed and were lost from the fossil record.
Paleontologists estimate that only a small
percentage of the dinosaur genera that ever lived
have been or will be found as fossils.
19Ways of Dating Fossils
- Relative Dating
- Direct Dating
20- Relative dating
- Uses sediment
- positional information
- the relative positions
- of layers of sediment
- determine the age of the
- fossils found within them.
- Crucial assumptions
- older layers are buried beneath younger layers
(unless the rock itself has been flipped by
geologic forces) - fossils are found within the layer that formed
contemporaneously with the death of the
fossilized organism (an assumption which is
obviously not necessarily true for organisms
which tend to burrow in sediment)
21Direct dating
- Radioisotope clocks
- Carbon 14 dating
- Non-radioisotope methods of direct dating
- Other methods of direct dating include
- tree ring comparisons
- magnetic alignment with the earth's magnetic pole
(which tends to switch from North to South from
time to time known as paleomagnitism)
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