Title: UMKC The EU, its Institutions and Competences
1UMKC - The EU, its Institutions and Competences
2World War II ends 1945.
- Mainland Europe in ruins
- Jean Monnet and Paul Schuman
- plan to remove sovereign control over war
production material (coal and steel)
3Creation of supranational institutions with
exclusive competence
- European Coal Steel Community (1953)
- Euratom (Euratom (1957)
- European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome,
4European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome, 1957)
- European Commission (Brussels)
- European Council of Ministers (Brussels)
- European Court of Justice (Luxembourg)
- European Court of Auditors (Luxembourg)
- European Parliament (Strasbourg Brussels)
5EEC Treaty
- Four Freedoms
- Free Movement of Goods
- Free Movement of Workers
- Freedom of Services Establishment
- Freedom of Capital
6Free Movement of Goods
- Member States to -
- abolish customs duties (arts 23-25)
- abolish quantitative restrictions (arts 28-30)
- abolish discriminatory internal taxation (art
7Free Movement of Workers
- Member States to abolish discrimination against
workers based on nationality (except for
official authority jobs) (art 39)
- Family of worker given residence rights,
educational and social rights without
8Freedom of Services Establishment
- Member States cannot discriminate against
temporary service providers from other M/Ss on
grounds of nationality
- Members States cannot discriminate against
corporations from other M/S who wish to set up
permanent operations in M/S
9Freedom of Capital
- Restrictions on currency movements lifted in 70s
- Treaty of Maastricht (1991) - created basis for
Economic Monetary Union
- European Central Bank (1999 - sets interest
- Euro Single Currency in most M/Ss (2002)
10Expansion of Community competences since 1957
- Anti-Trust Enforcement
- Environmental Policy
- International Trade Negotiations
- Asylum Immigration Policy
- Social Policy / Equality Policies
- Financial Services
- Police Judicial Co-Operation (JHA)
- Common Foreign Security Policy (CFSP)
11Integration leading from EEC, to EC, to EU
- 1957 - E.E.C. .four freedoms
- 1986 - E.C. .four freedoms plus Internal Market
programme (Single European Act Treaty)
- 1991 - EU.Maastricht Treaty E.C. C.F.S.P.
121. The European Commission
- Commissioners (Brussels) appointed by each M/S
- Commission initiates all legislative proposals
for EU legislation
- Commission is Guardian of the Treaties
- Commission takes enforcement actions against M/Ss
132. The Council of Ministers
- Consists of National M/S Ministers, supported by
permanent secretariat (COREPER, Brussels)
- Council takes Commission initiatives for
legislation, and legislates initiatives into law
for all M/Ss (Regulations, Directives,
Decisions) - Council has to interact with European Parliament
143. European Parliament
- Directly elected by peoples of Europe since 1977
- Depending on type of Council legislation
proposed, Council Parliament must either
- consult / co-operate / co-decide
- Parliaments veto powers growing in last ten years
154. European Court of Justice
- Each M/S appoints a Member (or perhaps an
Advocate General) (Luxembourg)
- Only court which can interpret the Treaties
- Power to sanction both M/Ss, EU Institutions or
private parties for breach of EU law
- Engages in Judicial Dialogue with National Courts
165 European Court of First Instance.
- Luxembourg (1989)
- Anti-trust
- Staff cases
- Competences now being expanded by Treaty of Nice
176. European Court of Auditors
- To ensure that Community budget is properly
- Luxembourg
- Each M/S appoint Member
18What is the EU today?
- Common Market (Customs Union with common external
trade policy)
- Harmonised legislation in key areas
- Led by Supranational institutions with own system
of law and enforcement
19Are National Parliaments and Constitutions
- No
- many areas of competence still outside scope of
EU Treaties
- many national laws are now taken up with
implementing EU laws and policies
20Where is the EU going?
- where is integration heading towards?
- Constitution for Europe.national ratification
process required.