Title: Insufficient Evidence
1Insufficient Evidence?
- Jimmy Klemis, MD
- Cardiology/CT Surgery Conference
2Case Presentation
- 49 WM sent for transplant evaluation from local
cardiologist - HPI DOE x 6mos-1year, insidious onset, also
with L sided Chest tightness when tired/stressed
and occasionally awakens him at night, last
1-2hrs and relieved with anxiolytics. Occasional
lightheadedness after taking Coreg. Denies PND,
Orthopnea, cough, pre/syncope. Former maintenance
worker, now on medical leave. Pt states trying to
remain active (walking/ swimming) but limited by
3Case Presentation
- PMHx
- Chronic LBP
- Obesity
- Depression/Anxiety
- Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Social
- no alcohol, cocaine, tobacco or drugs married
with 1 teenage son - Meds (at presentation)
- Carvedilol 50 bid, Celebrex, Lasix, ASA,
anxiolytic, hydrocodone, Combivent MDI
4Case Presentation
- PE HR 65 BP 170/67
- HNT jvp est 10cm,
- CV nl S1/2, S3, no S4 PMI displaced
laterally to ant ax 3/6 diastolic decrescendo m
USB - Resp basilar rales
- Abd obese, no ascites/masses
- Ext tr edema, distal pulses brisk
5Case Presentation
- Lab
- Chem 142 \ 110 / 14 H/H 16.6/ 46
- 4.4 / 27 \ 1.4
- TSH, LFT, FLP, WBC/PPC, Coags nl
- ECG NSR, PRWP, nl axis, no ischemia
6Previous workup
- April 2001
- ETT-Sesta 9.2 METS, (-) ischemia, EF 24
- ECHO dilated LV, conc LVH, EF 40
- sclerotic AV, AVA 1.7, minimal AI
- June 2001
- R/L Cath nl coronaries
- CI 1.9 L/min
- RA 21/15 RV 76/27 PA 67/25 PCWP 32
- PVR 1.0 Wood Units SVR 2812
- Nipride PA systolic 67?47?40
- July 2001 VA consult NP clinic
- Carvedilol refilled, sent back to
7Clinical Course
- July 2001
- Cardiologist recommends transplant for
idiopathic dilated CMP - September 2001
- 2nd opinion referral to VAMC
- NYHA Class IV, exam with AI admitted
- carvedilol, cox-2 d/ced ACEI/diuresis
initiated - November 2001
- NYHA Class II, symptomatic improvement
- January 2001
- NYHA Class III despite maximal med Rx
- Cath nl coronaries, Ao Root 3 AI
8Serial ECHO/clinical findings
9 Chronic Aortic Insufficiency
- Etiology
- Pathophysiology
- History / Physical Findings
- Natural History
- Diagnosis
- Management
- Aortic Root
- Age related dilatation
- Medial degeneration/ Marfans
- Dissection
- Other ( osteogenesis imperfecta, Reiters,
syphilitic aortitis, Bechet, psoriatic arthritis,
relapsing polychondritis, UC arthritis, AS, giant
cell arteritis - Aortic Valve
- Rheumatic
- Calcific degeneration
- Congenital (Bicuspid, VSD)
- Myxomatous degeneration
- Endocarditis
- Structural degeneration of Bioprosthetic valve
- Other (SLE, AS, Takayasu, Whipple, Crohns)
11Anatomy / Pathology
Braunwauld 6th ed
12 Chronic AI - Pathophysiology
- increased LV EDV
- addition of new sarcomeres in series/ elongation
of myocytes and myocardial fibers (Eccentric
Hypertrophy) - enlarged chamber/ increased wall stress is
stimulus for concentric hypertrophy - dilatation and hypertrophy with resultant
recruitment of preload reserve allow compensation
and maintenance of LV systolic function - may be asymptomatic for decades until
decompensated state develops, wall thickening
unable to keep pace with hemodynamic load,
increased interstitial fibrosis and decreased
compliance ? symptoms of CHF ensue
13Pressure Volume Relationships in Chronic AI
CO at rest may approach 25 L/min in severe AI
with little increase in EDP very large EDV (Cor
Braunwald 6th ed
Braunwauld 6th ed
15Hemodynamic/ Auscultory
Braunwauld 6th ed
- DOE, Orthopnea, PND
- usually after 4th / 5th decade and significant
cardiomegaly and LV dysfxn - Angina pectoris
- develops later, nocturnal sxs prominent often
with diaphoresis due to HR slowing with arterial
DBP falling to low levels - Palpitations / Head pounding
- especially in supine position, pounding of heart
against chest wall - tachycardia from stress/exertion may precipitate
and cause extreme discomfort for pt
From Braunwauld. Cardiovascular Dz, 6th ed.
17Physical Findings
- de Musset sign head bobbing with heartbeat
- Corrigan pulse water hammer pulse
- Bisferiens pulse brach/ fem arteries
- Hill sign popliteal gt brachial by 60mmHg
- Traube sign pistol shot sounds over fem
artery - Duroziez sign sys m when femoral artery
compressed proximally and diastolic m when
compressed distally - Quincke sign capillary pulsations
- Apical impulse - diffuse, hyperdynamic and
displaced inf/lat - systolic thrill base/suprasternal notch /
carotid arteries
18Physical Findings
- Diastolic murmur
- high frequency, sitting up, leaning forward
- duration gt intensity correlates with severity
- mild AR early diastole, hi pitched blowing
- severe AR holodiastolic, rough
- musical (cooing dove) eversion/perforation
of Ao cusp - Primary valve dz heard best LSB 3-4
intercostal - Ao Root dz heard best RSB
- Austin Flint murmur
- mid-late diastolic apical rumble severe AR
- Wide Pulse Pressure
- Systolic flow murmur (/thrill)
19Natural History
Mortality rate for severe AICHF sxs gt 20-50/yr2
2Aronow , et a. Am J Cardiol 1994 74 286. l
Bonow, et al. JACC Nov 1988
- 2D/ M-Mode
- AV/ Ao Root anatomic abnormalities
- LV dimension / sphericity
- AMVL fluttering, reverse doming
- increased EPSS
- Doppler
- Color Flow Mapping
- Continuous Wave
- Flow reversal in desc Ao (100 sens 97 spec for
severe AI) - Limitations What is severe AI?
22AMVL fluttering
Color Flow top mild, bottom moderate
23 Continuous Wave Doppler
Chronic AI
Acute AI
24Cardiac Catheterization
25Medical Management
- Vasodilators
- goal is to reduce SBP, improve forward SV,
reduce regurgitant volume - Uses
- severe AR sxs/ LV dysfxn
- short term hemodynamic improvement in pt with
symptomatic AR before AVR - prolong compensated phase of asymptomatic
patients - No indication for asymptomatic pt with mild AI
and normal LV fxn - Studied in AI
- Nifedipine, Hydralizine, ACEI, Nipride, Prazosin
- Children/ severe AR ACEI reversed LV
dilatation/wall stress - avoid (-) inotrope in LV dysfxn
26Effect of Nifedipine in pt with severe
asymptomatic AR and nl LV fxn
Scognamiglio, et al. NEJM 1994331689-694
27Medical Management
- Rx CHF diuretics, aldactone, dig
- avoid vigorous exertion if symptomatic AI
- control diastolic BP (increases regurg)
- avoid BB - prolong diastole, increase AR
28Paradigm Shifts
29Timing of Surgery
- Goal is to intervene before irreversible LV
systolic dysfxn ensues - initially reversible, mainly due to afterload
excess full recovery in LV size/fxn possible - with progressive chamber dilatation, decreased
myocardial contractility gtgt afterload excess as
cause of LV dysfxn. - associated with worse recovery of LV fxn and
increased mortality
30Surgical Therapy
- Indications for AVR (Severe AR)1
- Sxs (NYHA III-IV) regardless of LV fxn
- Sxs (NYHA II) with evidence of progressing LV
dysfxn ( LV ESD 55, LV EF lt50-55) - Angina (CHA Class II or higher) w or w/o CAD
- mild-mod LV dysfxn (EF 25-49) regardless of sxs
- mod-sev AR and undergoing CABG or other valvular
surgery - Predictors of Postoperative Prognosis
- LV systolic function
- LV End Systolic Size ( LV ESD)
1 Bonow, et al. Circulation 1998981949-84
31Bonow, et al. JACC Nov 1998
32Postoperative Mortality
- Operative Mortality Rate 3-8 - Late Mortality
5-10/yr in survivors with preop marked
cardiomegaly and /or prolonged preop LV dysfxn
Braunwauld 6th ed
33Summary of Surgical Timing
- Asymptomatic, nl LV size/fxn
- Asymptomatic, ESD gt55 EF lt 50-55
- serial exam/ measurements q 2-4 mos
- Symptomatic, mild-mod LV dysfxn
- Symptomatic, severe LV dysfxn
- Hi surgical risk, but worse with med Rx
(mortality 20-50) - individualize
34Post Operative Considerations
- Preload kept high immediate postop period to
fill dilated LV - temporary IABP use may be necessary until LV fxn
improves early post op
35Surgical Options
- Ao Root disease
- annuloplasty or other valve sparing surgery
possible if pure Ao Root dz - Primary AV disease
- valve replacement
36AV sparing conduit
Figure 46-42 Repair of the aortic valve in
patient with severe AR. Conduit tailoring in the
supravalvular position. The conduit is cut to
replace three (left), two (middle), or one
(right) individual sinuses. The aortic aneurysm
is replaced and the valve is spared. (From David
TE, Feindel CM, Bos J Repair of the aortic valve
in patients with aortic insufficiency and aortic
root aneurysm. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 109345,
Braunwauld 6th ed
37Figure 29-16 A. Carpentier-Edwards Supra- annular
porcine bioprosthesis. B. Hancock II porcine
bioprosthesis. C. Hancock modified orifice
porcine bioprosthesis. D. St. Jude Medical
Bioimplant porcine bioprosthesis.
Figure 29-15 A. Björk-Shiley Monostrut
mechanical prosthesis. B. Sorin Allcarbon
monoleaflet mechanical prosthesis. C.
Medtronic-Hall mechanical prosthesis. D.
Omnicarbon mechanical prosthesis.
Edmunds. Cardiac Surgery in the Adult. Ch 29
38Key Points
- Severe AR is clinical dx
- murmur, pulse pressure, etc
- ECHO flow reversal desc Ao
- Serial clinical/ noninvasive followup
- Med Rx ACEI/Vasodilator avoid exertion/BB
- Predictors of worse prognosis in Severe AR 55
rule - LV ESD gt55mm
- LV EF lt 50-55
- Mortality HF/Severe AR 20-50 1yr
- Individualize therapy and tailor to pt
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