Title: Welcome to Computer Science 100
1Welcome to Computer Science 100
- Instructor Information Adam Parkinaparkin_at_uvic.
ca - ECS 621/ECS 615
- Office Hours MW 100-300
- (Other times by appointment)
- Website http//www.csc.uvic.ca/csc100
2Whats CSc 100 all about?
- Technology
- What would your life be like without computers
and technology? - Survey course
- Build skills with some practical software
2. Hardware
1. History of Computing
4. Graphics and Sound
5. Networks and the Internet
6. Computer Security
7. Artificial Intelligence
8. Computers and Society
5Software Tools
- The labs will provide you with experience with
- Word Processors
- Spreadsheets
- Databases
- Web page creation Stylesheets
- Javascript (simple programming)
Mondays Tuesdays Course topics Wednesdays Lab
introduction and theory See the course website
for topics, slides and readings
- "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound
they make as they fly by." - - Douglas Adams
7Important dates
- Assignments (5 each)
- May 25th, June 8th, June 19th, June 29th
- Project (10)
- June 25th
- Midterm (30)
- May 30th
- Final exam (40)
- Scheduled by the University
- You are strongly advised not to make travel
arrangements during the final exam period - REPEAT DO NOT MAKE PLANS UNTIL YOU KNOW WHEN
8Learning Objectives
- Key concepts
- Goals to focus on during class
- Useful for reviewing later
Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are
like a ship that has set sail with no
destination. - Fitzhugh Dodson
Textbook Computer Confluence Introduction with
Java Script George Beekman2nd UVic Custom
- What should I read?
- Relevant readings posted on schedule page
- Read it all if you want/need to
- My advice Its a resource read it selectively
if in doubt, read it.
- Active learning requires participation
- opportunity to practice concepts
- learn now less studying later
- insurance marks some activities will be
collected and counted
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I
do and I understand. - Confucius
11Activity 1
- How comfortable are you with computers?
- Why are you taking this course?
- If you could ask one question about computers,
what would it be?
12How to succeed in this course
13How to succeed in this course.
- Read the course outline
- Attend and participate in both the class and lab
- Do all the assignments
- Focus on the learning objectives
- Know where to find help (and do it EARLY)
- Instructor office hours
- Lab leader office hours
- During lab
- Consultants office
14Course website
- Website http//www.csc.uvic.ca/csc100
15 16Calvin Hobbes
Bill WatersonAugust 17, 1995