Title: Latvian Agricultural Cooperatives Association and cooperatives in Latvia
1Latvian Agricultural Cooperatives Association
and cooperatives in Latvia
- Aelita Runce
- Latvian Agricultural
- Cooperatives Association
2Information about Latvian Agricultural
Cooperatives Association (LACA)
- LACA was established in 2002
- LACA is nongovernmental organization which
associates agricultural cooperatives that are
giving the services for their members (producers
of agricultural products), but not produce the
products for themselves - at the moment LACA has 61 members
- finances of orgaization are composed of entrance
fee from LACA members, membership fee, incomes
from projects and national subsidies - LACA is the member of COGECA
- the highest judge of LACA is General meeting, but
executive of LACA is Direction
3LACA main activities (1)
- providing information to its members which are
important for decision-making, as well as for
daily work of cooperatives - organizing training and education of association
members - consulting members in all questions relevat to
cooperation and agricultural in general - reprezentation of its members and their
interesets to national government bodies
(especially Ministry of Agriculture) and other
4LACA main activities (2)
- forming farmers and the rest public understanding
about cooperation and cooperation privileges in
agriculture - cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture for
planning support and legislation of cooperatives
(rural development programme, national support
for next year) - performing statistical analyze of cooperatives
5Cooperatives in Latvia
- Before 1990 members of agricultural
cooperatives have common property farmland.
They collectively manage it. - After 1990 new cooperation trend
agricultural service cooperatives (serious
development of this cooperation form was starting
after 2000).
6Information about cooperatives in Latvia (1)
- main principle - focus on collective interests
- objective of the common activity more economic,
less social benifits - cooperatives are ruled by specific laws they
work in compliance with Law of Cooperation. - the minimal number of founders of agricultural
cooperative are three - each cooperative member in general meeting has
only one voice - agricultural service cooperatives offer to its
members a large number of services, ecpecially
sales and purchasing, as well as supply farms
with raw materials
7Information about cooperatives in Latvia (2)
- some of cooperatives are trying to set up
processing. In Latvia are three agriculture
services coperatives which are processing milk - cooperatives mostly are managed by their members.
There are positive examples in grain sector when
cooperatives are managed by person from outside - in other countries members are obliged to
deliver their whole production to the
cooperative. In Latvia it is not obligatoy
(question of statutes) - cooperation is more important for small farmers
- agriculture cooperatives ensure with working
place for about 600 people in Latvia
8State support the development of cooperatives
- they provide tehnical support to farmers to help
them progress and open up new economic outlets
for their products - they contribute to the maintenence of economic
activities in rural area
9Support policy of agricultural service
- national subsidies support for new cooperatives
and recognized agricultural service
cooperatives - national subsidies support for repayment of short
term and long term credit percents for recognized
agricultural service cooperatives - support for Producer groups from Rural
development programme - exemption of payment of enterprise income tax.
- European Union support from Rural development
programme under activities Adding value to
agricultural and forestry products and
Modernisation of agricultural holdings
10Statistical data of Latvian cooperatives
11Latvian agricultural service cooperatives common
turnover (prognosis)
12Amount of members in Latvian agricultural service
cooperatives (prognosis)
13Cooperatives division by branches
14Main factors that are bother the development of
- for large cooperatives there are problems to
ensure operative decision-making procedure
because of democracy principle of cooperative - some cooperatives are established only for
adopting national and European Union support - there are problems with finding good managers
because of law wages in agricultural sector, but
in cooperatives it is very important - small coperatives have problems to enchain bank
15Latvian cooperatives development vision in future
- grain and milk sector there are no requirement
for new agricultural cooperatives, other sectors
there are free places for new agricultural
cooperatives - cooperation (in field of experience, as well as
in realization of products et cetera) between
small and large cooperatives - cooperation from primary production till
realization of final product
16Actualities for agricultural cooperatives in
curent situation
- short-term / long term credit availability for
agriculture service cooperatives (there are
requirements for state guarantee) - equal European Union support for all member
states - flexibility in adoption of Latvian rural
development programme measures (there are
necessity to change conditions of measures) - support for export of agricultural production /
food commodities (for example, support for
product quality scheme in case of export of final
product) - agricultural cooperatives must buy/built milk
processing eterprise
17Thank you for attention!