Title: Efficient Contention Resolution Protocols for Selfish Agents
1Efficient Contention Resolution Protocols for
Selfish Agents
Amos Fiat, Joint work with Yishay Mansour and
Uri Nadav Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory, University
of Warwick, UK
Alright people, listen up. The harder you
push, the faster we will all get out of here.
Tax deadline
3Deadline Analysis 2 Symmetric Agents / 2 Time
slots / Service takes 1 time slot
- Both agents are aggressive with prob. q, and
polite with prob. 1-q
Slot 16
Slot 17
Bart is polite With probability q Lisa will
get service and depart
Bart is aggressive With probability 1-q Lisa
will be polite and Bart will be successful
42 agents 1 Slot before deadline
- And Samson said, "Let me die with the
Philistines!" - Judges 1630
- Let Lisa be polite with prob. q
- If Bart is
- polite - cost is 1
- aggressive - expected cost is q
Aggression is dominant strategy
Slot 17
5Solving with MATHEMATICA
- q20(t) Prob. of aggression when 20 agents are
pending as a function of the time t , in
Aggression Probability
Blocking no one gets served
6Solving with MATHEMATICA
- qk(4k) Aggression prob. when k agents are
pending before deadline in 4k time slots - (Deadline when lunch trays are removed at U.
Warwick, CS department)
7Deadline Cost Few slots
- Theorem In a symmetric equilibrium, whenever
there are more agents than time slots until
deadline,agents transmit (transmission
probability 1)
8Deadline non-blocking Equilibrium
- Theorem There exists a symmetric equilibrium,
such that whenever there are at least as many
time slots as agents, transmission probability is
less than 1
9Efficiency of a linear deadline
- Theorem
- There exists a symmetric equilibrium for
- D-deadline cost function such that
- if the deadline D gt 20n
- then, the probability that not all agents succeed
prior to the deadline is negligible (e-cD)
If there is enough time for everyone, a nice
10Switch Subject Broadcast Channel / Latency
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 3
Slot 4
- n agents (with a packet each) at time 0
- No arrivals
- Known number of agents
11Broadcast Channel
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 4
Transmission probability 1/n is not in equilibrium
- Symmetric solution every agent transmits with
probability 1/n, the expected waiting time is
O(n) slots. (Social optimum)
- If all others transmit with probability 1/n,
agent is better off transmitting all the time and
has constant latency
12Classical Results
- Maximizing the throughput
- Aloha (fixed probability) 0.37
- More advanced algorithms 0.48 MoH85
- Impossibility result 0.56 TsL88
13- Well established research.
- Mostly in the 80s
- To learn more
14Related Work Strategic MAC (Multiple Access
- Altman et al 04
- Incomplete information number of agents
- Stochastic arrival flow to each source
- Restricted to a single retransmission probability
- Shows the existence of an equilibrium
- Numerical results
- MacKenzie Wicker 03
- Multi-packet reception
- Transmission cost due to power loss
- Characterize the equilibrium and its stability
- Also Gang, Marbach Yuen
15Protocol in Equilibrium
- Agent utility Minimize latency
Agent strategy Transmission probability is a
function of the number of pending agents k and
current waiting time t
Protocol in equilibrium No incentive not to
follow protocol
Symmetry All agents are symmetric
16Broadcast Channel
Strategy Always transmit!
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
- Equilibrium
- The channel is blocked anyway
- Also in subgame perfect equilibrium
- Remark For at least 3 players
- Not quite what we look for
- Is this the only equilibrium?
17Summary of (Latency) Results
- All protocols where transmission probabilities do
not depend on the time have exponential latency - We give a time-dependent protocol where all
agents are successful in linear time
18Time-Independent Equilibrium
- Theorem There is a unique time-independent,
symmetric, non-blocking protocol in equilibrium
for latency cost with transmission probabilities
Very high Price of Anarchy
- Expected Delay of the first transmitted packet
- Probability even one agent successful within
polynomial time bound is negligible - Compare to social optimum
- All agents successful in linear time bound, with
high probability
19Latency Equilibrium
- Proof idea (assuming q qk qk-1)
- For the other k-1 agents
- ak-1 Prall silent (1-q)k-1
- ßk-1 Prsuccess q(k-1)(1-q)k-2
- Consider always Transmit
- Expected Cost 1/ak-1
- Consider Quiescence and then Transmit
- Expected cost 1/ßk-11/ak-2
20Latency Equilibrium
- Proof idea (assuming q qk qk-1)
- Equilibrium Equation
- 1/ak-1 1/ßk-11/ak-2
- Simplifying 1-q-(k-1)q20
- Solution q 1/vk
- A major simplification qk qk-1
21Translate Latency Minimization to Deadline
Effectively, no message gets through here
- Fight for every slot
- Cooperation is more important when trying to
avoid a large payment (deadline) - How can one create a sudden jump in cost?
- Using external payments
- Agents go crazy everyone continuously
transmits - Time dependence
- Analyze step cost function (Deadline)
22Deadline Cost Function
D (Deadline)
- Deadline utility (scaled)
- Success before deadline cost 0
- Success after deadline cost 1
23Deadline vs. Repeated Prisoners Dilemma
- For finite horizon prisoners dilemma Defect on
last game. - Inductively, no cooperation on any game
Not our case successful agents leave
24Equilibrium Equations (Deadline, Latency, etc.)
Probability one of the other k-1 agents leaves
? ?(t1) (1- ? ) Ck,t1
? Ck-1,t1 (1 - ?) Ck,t1
Probability the other k-1 agents are silent
Ck,t expected cost of k agents at time
t ?(t) cost of leaving at time t
25Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
26Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
27Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
28Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
29Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
30Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
31Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
32Equilibrium Equations
?k,t(?(t1))(1- ?k,t )Ck,t1 ?k,t Ck-1,t1
(1- ?k,t ) Ck,t1
- ?k,t(?(t1)-Ck,t1) ?k,t(Ck-1,t1-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
(1-qk,t)k-1(?(t1)-Ck,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(
Ck-1,t1- ?(t1)?(t1)-Ck,t1)
(1-qk,t)k-1(Fk,t1) (k-1)qk,t(1-qk,t)k-2(Fk,t1-
(1-qk,t) Fk,t1 (k-1)qk,t (Fk,t1-Fk-1,t1)
33Transmission Probability in Equilibrium
- Lemma (Manipulating equilibrium equations)
Benefit from losing one agent
2/k gt
1/k lt
gt 1/2
- Observation
- Either transmission probability in 1/k,2/k
- Or, limited benefit from loosing one agent
Fk,t Ck,t - ?(t) expected future
cost Ck,t expected cost of k agents at
time t
34Analysis of Deadline utility
- We seek an upper bound for Cn,0 Fn,0
Fk,t ?Fk-1,t1 (1- ?) Fk,t1
- Observation
- Either transmission probability in 1/k,2/k
- Or, limited benefit from getting rid of one agent
Consider a tree of recursive computation for Fn,0
35Upper Bound on Cost
One descendant
Fn,t1 lt 2 Fn-1,t1
Transmission probability
(Fn,t1 gt 2 Fn-1,t1 )
lt 2
lt 0.8
lt 0.3
Fn,t ? Fn-1,t1 (1-?) Fn,t1
Fn,t lt Fn,t1 lt 2 Fn-1,t1
Good edges
Doubling edges
36Upper Bound on Cost
F17,D 1
37Upper Bound on Cost
- The weight of such a path
- At least D-n good edges
- Weight at most (1-ß)D-n2n
- Number of paths at most
Set D gt 20n to get an upper bound of e-c n on cost
38Protocol Design from Deadline to Latency
- Embed artificial deadline into deadline protocol
- Deadline Protocol
- Before time 20n transmission probability as in
equilibrium - If not transmitted until 20n
- Set transmission probability 1 (blocking)
- For exponential number of time slots
- Sub-game perfect equilibrium
- Social optimum achieved with high probability
- Unique non-blocking equilibrium for Aloha like
Protocols - Exponential latency
- Deadlines
- If enough (linear) time, equilibrium is
efficient - Protocol Design
- Make ill behaved latency cost act more polite
- Using virtual deadlines
- No monetary bribes or penalties
40Future Research
- General cost functions
- Does the time-independent equilibrium induces an
optimal expected latency? - Protocol in equilibrium for an arrival process
- Arrival times / duration in general congestion
games - Atomic traffic flow dont leave home until 900
AM and get to work earlier
41Two users Equilibrium
- Best response is to Quiescence
2-agents Eq. q ½, minimizes time to first
Notation Ck,t expected latency with k agents
at time t Fk,t Ck,t - t
42Two users Equilibrium
- Best response is to be quiescent
2-agents Eq. q ½, minimizes time to first
43Equilibrium Equations
Probability one of the other k-1 agents leaves
Probability the other k-1 agents are silent
In a strictly mixed Equilibrium, individual is
indifferent between Transmit and Quiescent
? Ck-1,t1
? ?(t1)
(1 - ?) Ck,t1
(1- ? ) Ck,t1
Ck,t expected cost of k agents at time
t ?(t) cost of leaving at time t
44Broadcast Channel
Transmission probability 1/n is not in equilibrium
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
- Symmetric solution every agent transmits with
probability 1/n, the expected waiting time is
O(n) slots. (Social optimum)
- If all others transmit with probability 1/n, I am
better off transmitting all the time, until
45Upper Bound on Cost
- The weight of such a path
- At least D-n good edges
- Weight at most (1-ß)D-n2n
- Number of paths at most
Set D gt 20n to get an upper bound of e-c n on cost
- Let D an, then total weight at most
- 2(1-ß)D-n2n anen 22e(1-ß)a-1an