Title: Energy-Efficient Multicast Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
1Energy-Efficient Multicast Protocols in Wireless
Ad Hoc Networks
- Sandeep K. S. Gupta
- Computer Science and Engineering Department
- Arizona State University
- Tempe, AZ, USA
- Sandeep.Gupta_at_asu.edu
- Multicasting
- Techniques for Conserving Energy Wireless Network
- Multicasting in Wireless Network
- Node Metric and Cost Models
- Protocols for Constructing Energy-Efficient
Multicast Trees - A Framework for Energy-Efficient Multicasting
- Conclusions
- Allow one entity to send messages to multiple
entities residing in a subset of the nodes in the
network - Why multi-destination delivery in a single
message? - Transparency Efficiency Concurrency
- Applications
- distributed database, distributed games,
4Techniques for Conserving Energy in Wireless
- Turn-off non-used transceivers
- Scheduling transmission among nodes
- Reduce communication overhead, such as defer
transmission when channel conditions are poor - Transmission Power Control
5Why Multicasting is different in Wireless
- Wireless medium is broadcast medium (Wireless
multicast Advantage) - One time local transmission can possibly reach
all the neighbors
6Why Multicasting is different in Wireless
- Power control allows a node to determine who are
its neighbors. - More power used ?
- more interference
- Reduces simultaneous transmissions (thrput)
- Consumes energy at a faster rate ? node can die
faster leading to disconnections.
7Why Not Single-Hop Multicast?
- Single source multicast reach a subset of nodes
from a given source s - s increases its transmission range to such an
extent that it can reach all the group members - Increased interference and power wastage
- source may have limited transmission range
8Multi-hop Approach
- Multi-hop Solution ? Problem of constructing
multicast tree - What is a link?
- Depends on power level
- Using maximum transmission power results in too
many links - link weight?
- 1. 2. ? Link-based view not appropriate!
- Node-based view construct tree with
minimum/maximum summation of node cost
9Energy Metric
- Two Criteria of Energy Optimization
- Total Energy Consumption (TEC)
- System Lifetime (SL)
- Node Cost
- Node Energy Cost
- Lifetime of a Node
- Type of Multicast Trees
- Source-based (this talk is restricted to
source-based trees) - Group-shared
10Energy Metric
Initial battery energy at nodes 1, 2, and 3 are
200 EU
Minimum Energy Multicast Tree
Maximum Lifetime Multicast Tree
11Nodes Energy Cost
- Energy consumed (per bit) at node i in
source-based multicast tree T
where and are energy cost (per
bit) of transmission processing and reception
processing, is maximum energy cost (per
bit) of the link between node i and is children.
12Nodes Energy Cost
- Energy cost (per bit) of node i for reliable
multicast in source-based multicast tree T
where is the error rate for node i to
forward the multicast packet to all of node is
children reliably, and is the error
rate of node is parent to forward the packet to
all of its own children.
13Nodes Energy Cost
- Nodes energy cost in group-shared Tree
- Tree Links attach to the node
- Direction of Message coming from
- Incorporate message generation rates of all the
multicast sources in the tree.
Assume message generation rates of nodes 1 and 3
are 7pck/second and 13 packets/second. Average
energy cost of node 2
14Nodes Lifetime
- Node is lifetime maximum number of multicast
packets that may be forwarded by the node
iwhere Ri(t) is remaining battery energy of
node i at time t.
15Cost of Multicast Tree
- The Total Energy Cost (TEC) of a multicast tree T
- The minimum TEC multicast tree T iswhere
TG is the set of all possible multicast trees for
the multicast group G in a given graph o. - NP-Complete Problem
- Minimizing TEC of multicast tree ? Minimizing sum
energy cost of all the tree nodes.
16Cost of Multicast Tree
- Lifetime of Multicast tree T is
- The maximum lifetime multicast tree T
iswhere TG is the set of all possible
multicast trees for the multicast group G in a
given graph o. - NP-Complete Problem
- Maximizing multicast tree lifetime ? Maximizing
the lifetime of trees bottleneck node
17Protocols for Constructing Energy-Efficient
Multicast Trees
- Centralized Protocols
- Needs global knowledge (High Overhead) Not
scalable! - Adaptivity Expensive to adapt to dynamic
changes, such as remaining battery at nodes
Offline Approach. - Distributed Protocols
- Local knowledge (Low Overhead) Scalable
- Adapt to dynamic changes Online approach
18BIP/MIP Algorithm
- Constructing minimum TEC source-based broadcast
tree T. - Centralized ApproachU is the set of all nodes in
the networkEi,j is the minimum energy cost of i
to cover node j as a child.
- MIP Algorithm Pruning all of the non-group nodes
which are leaf nodes in BIP tree.
19BIP Algorithm
- Limitations of BIP
- Performance depends on the order of adding nodes
in the tree. - View is limited by adding one node at a time.
Minimum TEC Tree
BIP Tree
3 EU/pck
2 EU/pck
2 EU/pck
2 EU/pck
TEC 4 EU/pck
TEC 3 EU/pck
20Distributed BIP
- Distributed Version of BIP
- Every node constructs BIP tree locally
- Dist-BIP-A Connect all the locally generated BIP
trees (one-hop neighbor information) - Dist-BIP-G Connect the locally generated BIP
tree by the gateway nodes (two-hop neighbor
21BIP/MIP Algorithm
- Combine energy cost and lifetime of a node as
node cost in BIP/MIP
- Limitations
- Minimizing
- Ci is not the lifetime of node i, even when ?1
- Node Cost is a function of time, so the tree
should be periodically refined - ??, BIP/MIP chooses higher remaining battery
nodes ?minimum TEC(T) or maximum LT(T)
22EWMA Algorithm
- EWMA Algorithm refine MST to minimum TEC
source-based broadcast tree (Centralized
Approach) - New Transmission Energy Selection Node i selects
a downstream node j. The incremental energy of
node i to cover js children isEnergy Gain is
- Selects the node j with highest positive Gain.
Increase node is transmission energy to cover
all of node js children and eliminate the
redundant transmissions which are already covered
by node i.
23EWMA Algorithm
- Limitations
- Greedy nature not suitable for multicast tree.
EWMA Multicast Tree
Minimum TEC Multicast Tree
8 EU/pck
4 EU/pck
7 EU/pck
2 EU/pck
2 EU/pck
TEC 8 EU/pck
TEC 6 EU/pck
24Distributed EWMA
- EWMA-Dist
- Two-hop neighbor information
- Using breadth first search, Parent tries to
reduce TEC by excluding childrens transmission ?
Shorter and Boarder tree
25REMiT Approach
- Refinement-based?- (Take an initial solution and
make it better) - Needed anyways because of dynamic changes in the
network - Interference
- S-REMiT Minimize TEC of source-based tree
- L-REMiT Maximize Lifetime of source-based tree
- G-REMiT Minimize TEC of group-shared tree
- How to distribute the computation?
26Refinement Operation Change
- Reduce TEC of the source-based tree by moving
node xs farthest child (say node i) to another
node (say node j)
27Refinement Criterion
28Oscillation Disconnection Avoidance
- Lemma 1 Nodes j and x are the only nodes in the
source-based multicast tree whose node cost may
be affected by . - Lemma 2 If j is not a descendant of node i in
tree T, then the tree remains connected after
29S-REMiT Algorithm
- Minimizing TEC of source-based multicast tree
- Two phases
- First Phase Build an initial tree
- Second Phase
- Every node starts local refinement
- Once node i hears its neighbor just made
refinement, it locks all of its neighbors. - Node i selects the new parent for itself with the
highest positive energy Gain, say node j. - Node i changes its parent from x to j. (Node x
may be pruned if it is leaf node and not in the
group.) - Node i unlocks its neighbors
30L-REMiT Algorithm
- Maximizing LT of source-based multicast tree
- Two phases
- First Phase Build an initial tree
- Second Phase
- Find bottleneck node x in the tree, node i is the
costliest node of node x. - Node i selects the new parent for itself with the
highest positive Lifetime LTGain, say node j. If
no such node j exists, terminate L-REMiT. - Node i changes its parent from x to j (Node x may
be pruned if it is leaf node and is not in the
group). - Recompute the bottleneck node, go to step 1.
31Performance Results
32Performance Results
33Performance Results
34A Framework for Energy-Efficient Multicast
Policies QoS Requirement
Protocol of Constructing/Maintenance
Energy-Efficient Multicasting Tree
Tree Cost Computation
Node Cost Computation
Energy Cost Model
Link layer parameters feedback (mobility, link
error rate, etc)
35A Framework for Energy-Efficient Multicast
- Energy Cost Model Nature of wireless
transceivers - long range
- short range radios
- Node Cost Computation QoS constraints (delay),
optimization goals (TEC, LT), type of multicast
trees (source-based, group-shared) - Cross layer design combine network layer and
link layer
- Wireless Multicasting is different from Wired
Multicasting Wireless Multicast Advantage - Energy-efficient multicast protocols
- Power control
- Different optimization goals Lifetime, Energy
- Type of trees source-based, group-shared
- Adaptive protocols
- Framework for energy-efficient multicasting
- Evaluation on actual wireless (sensor) ad hoc
e.g. Berkeley Mica Motes
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