Title: Public Relations and Media Relations
1Public Relations and Media Relations
- Sonny Barber, IEEE Corporate Communications
- POCO Prague July 18, 2009
2Who am I?
- Member of IEEE Corporate Communications Team
- 15 years with IEEE 37 years in Public Relations
- Experience in range of Public Relations activities
3Using Public Relations Media Relations
- Public Relations, Media Relations Defined
- Using PR (and MR) For Your Conference
- More Support for Your Conference IEEE Public
Visibility Initiative IEEE 125th Anniversary - Brand Identity
- Public/Media Relations In A Crisis
4Public Relations
- Builds relationships with publics
- Often confused with advertising
- Advertising controls messages/media through paid
placement - Informs, educates, persuades to action
5Media Relations
- A Subset of PR
- Communicating through a journalist
- Provides credibility that other forms of
communications cannot match
6Using Public Relations Media Relations For Your
- Tell Your Conference Story
- Tell Your Story In As Many Places As Possible
- Use Web site to AttractAttendees and the Media
- MORE at the Breakout!!
7More Support for Your Conference IEEE Public
Visibility Initiative
- 5-year public relations program to
- Raise IEEEs visibility create global voice
- Increase public understanding of how engineering,
computing technology benefit humanity - Position IEEE as the worlds trusted source
8More Support for Your Conference Public
Visibility Initiative
- Raising awareness of IEEE supports all IEEE
marketing and promotion activities - Creates positive environment for other PR,
marketing/advertising messages
9Public Visibility Highlights 2009 mid-year
- Global PR Campaign 334 stories in media in 10
targeted countries - 573 Global Technical Experts IDd
- 60 increase in interviews yr-over-yr
- Interviews BBC TV, Wall Street Journal,
Investors Business Daily, CTO (China), EE Times
(India), Network World (US), among others.
10Public Visibility Highlights 2009 mid-year
- Revamped Newsroom to better serve public and
11Public Visibility 09 Tech Topics
- Consumer Electronics Gaming
- Sustainable Energy/World
- Global Security Activities
- International Space Programs
- Education Engineering Innovation
- Global Healthcare Initiatives
12More PV IEEE -- One Voice Video
- Individuals in the video are all IEEE members
- Conveys pride to be part of IEEE
- Audience Technology Community
- One Voice Website
- www.ieee.org/go/brand_videos
- Downloads and information
13IEEE -- One Voice Video
- Four messages
- IEEE single Voice for Engineering, Computing
Technological Innovation - Advancing innovation and technological excellence
- Engineering a Better Tomorrow
- Inspiring Innovation for a Global Community
14Public Visibility--Moving Forward
- Top-Tier Media Focus
- Local Markets Across 10 Targeted Countries
- Relationship Building with Journalists
- Thought Leadership Positioning
- Positioning IEEE as Thought Leader on Prominent
Issues - Social Media
- Social Media Pilot Sustainable Energy/Smart Grid
- Online dialogue monitoring of blogs
15IEEE Celebrating 125 Years
16IEEE Celebrating 125 YearsWhat Does Success
Look Like?
- 200 attend media event
- 200 submit competition entries
- 2,000 attend in Munich, Austin and Boston
- 180 members post local events on anniversary
calendar - 57,000 visit 125th web site
- 15,000 Flickr visitors view more than 250
anniversary photos - 5,500 sign on as friends of IEEE 125th
Anniversary on Facebook - 1136 articles mention 125th
17IEEE Presidents Change the World Competition
Top Prize Winners
- Student Humanitarians Supreme
- Drew Hall Richard Gaster US 10,000
- Stanford University, California, USA
- Project Title NanoLab
- Distinguished Student Humanitarians
- Kartik Kulkarni team of 18 US 5,000
- B.V.Bhoomaraddi College of Eng and Tech, India
- Project Title Electronic Aids for Handicapped
Children - Exceptional Student Humanitarians
- Kevin McGarvey team of 4 US 2,500
- Rowan University, New Jersey, USA
- Project Title Engineering Innovators without
Borders - All top team members and six other prize winners
listed on the web www.ieee125.org Students
from India, Nigeria, UK, USA
18Media Events
Media Roundtable 7 speakers 50 reporters
Engineering the Future Day Media Campaign 20
Radio Interviews and 270 articles
19Update on IEEE Anniversary EventsMunich,
Germany 27 April 09
- Keynote Speakers
- Martin Zeil, Bavarian State Secretary of Economic
Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology - Felicitas Pauss, coordinator for external
relations, CERN
20Update on IEEE Anniversary EventsAustin, Texas
USA 30 April 09
- Event
- 3rd Annual Brain Party and Tech Fair
- Celebrating our anniversary and thanking local
engineers for their contributions - Partnered with
- Austin Goodwill Center and Computer Museum
Recycling Center - Austin Chamber of Commerce
21Update on IEEE Anniversary EventsBoston, MA,
USA 11 May 09
- Keynote Speaker
- William Kiczuk, Technical Director - Raytheon
Integrated Defense Systems and Director -
Strategic Architecture - Held in conjunction with the 2009 IEEE
International Conference on Technologies for
Homeland Security (HST)
22Upcoming IEEE Anniversary Events
- 29 Aug Bangalore, India
- Speakers Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam(former President of
India Aeronautical Engineer) - 16 Sept San Jose, CA, USA
- Speakers Vint Cerf/Google TJ Rogers/Cypress
- 22 Sept Beijing, China
- Speakers TBD Chinese Academy of
Science/Microsoft - 6 Oct London, UK
- Speakers Chris Toumazou/Imperial College London
and Dame Wendy Hall/University of Southampton, UK - 23 Oct Tokyo, Japan
- Speaker Dr. Mamour Mohri/JAXA Astronaut
23(No Transcript)
24Brand Identity Guidelines
- Goal stronger, more consistent, unified visual
presentation of the IEEE brand - Visual Identity Guidelines
- 125th Anniversary Mark Guidelines
- Visual Identity Guidelines Quick Reference Guides
- Web Guidelines
- Use of the letters I-E-E-E
- www.ieee.org/go/brand
25Todays key messages
- Numerous opportunities to build relationships
with your specific publics - Build relationships with the media that cover
your technologies - Corporate PR efforts help you
- Report a crisis to Technical Activities so we can
help you manage the communications
26Public Relations and Media Relations