Title: Planning Community Overview Presented at the Defense M
1Planning Community Overview Presented at the
Defense MS ConferenceMay 2007
by BG Arthur Bartell, USA Vice Director, Joint
Staff J-7
- Background Adaptive Planning and Execution 101
- Current Environment
- Planning Community Overview
- PART 1
- Scope Define Community (purpose tools, data,
services used members) - Vision Top level description of where we would
like to be by end of FY2010 - Current capabilities Tools, data services
- Management Membership, sub-communities,
by-laws, resources - Mechanisms used to inform Community of products
activities - Sharing info with other Communities Components
- Gaps in tools, data services
- Ongoing potential projects (organize by funded
unfunded) - Prioritized list of Community-specific projects
(both funded unfunded)
3Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Options
- Civilian leaders wanted multiple options
- Civilian leaders wanted risk assessments for each
option - Assumptions/Assessments
- Some wrong, outdated or not applicable
- Cumbersome planning process and outdated planning
technology - Difficult to modify plan quickly and put into
execution - Bottom Line
- Extraordinary effort to adapt plan to rapidly
changing strategic circumstances
Todays environment demands a system that
quickly produces high-quality plans that are
adaptive to changing circumstances. --
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, AP Roadmap,
13 Dec 2005
4Revolution in Planning
- Cold War Planning Construct
- Assumed Forces would be ready and available
- Static conventional threats
- Forces postured to mitigate time-distance
challenges and convey - resolve
- Assumed little strategic change during a 2-3
year planning cycle - APEX Planning Construct
- Long-term commitment of large portion of forces
to Counter-insurgency (COIN) Operations - Force Rotations regardless of posture
- Dynamic / Global unconventional and conventional
threats - lt 6 month planning cycle
Implications for Planning Joint Operations
- Need a force management construct that
decrements for forces otherwise not available due
to commitments and constraints - Need a
mission-based readiness reporting system and a
global visibility capability - Need
capability to rapidly adapt and assess plans in
light of changing situations
5Transform Operational Planning
6Background Definition
Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) is the
Joint capability to create and revise plans
rapidly and systematically, as circumstances
- Plans developed rapidly and adapted continually
- Real-time collaboration and iterative planning
- Parallel planning across multiple echelons to the
maximum extent possible - Frequent harmonization of planning considerations
(e.g. approaches, courses of actions) at all
levels throughout the process even after the
plan is completed - Plans with more options, adaptable to a variety
of changing circumstances - Plans, planners, planning tools and relevant data
bases networked - Automatic triggers alert planners for possible
modifications, adjustments, or revisions - Integrated tool suites for faster analytical
feedback and broader collaboration - Living plans are maintained continuously to
reflect changes in guidance and/or the strategic
MS is a critical function across the spectrum of
7Current Environment
- We consider the Planning Community Business Plan
a work in progress since we are experiencing
rapid change and transformation in the face of an
uncertain development future - Secretary Gates re-affirmed APEX as critical
needcontinued pressure to continue, if not speed
up, the pace of transforming planning - APEX transitioning into Net-Enabled Command
Capability (NECC) - NECC still largely undefined
- Relationship of new NECC governance and
management Command Control (C2) Capability
Integration Board and C2 Capability Portfolio
Manager to current APEX governance structure - Uncertain fiscal environment as APEX merges into
NECC - On-going development and coordination of new APEX
Roadmap II to address the range of Doctrine.
Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership
Education, Personnel and Facility (DOTMLPF)
issues - Results of OUSD(Acquisition Technology
Logistics)-led APEX Analysis of Alternatives
(AoA)/Technology Study Recommendations APEX
Quick Start Pilot
- Planning Community MS Business Plan is being
developed according to the outline that MS
Steering Committee established in June 2006 - PART 1
- Scope Define Community (purpose members)
- Vision Top level description of where would like
to be by end of FY 2010 - Current capabilities Current tools, data
services - PART II
- Management Membership, sub-communities,
by-laws, resources - Information Exchange with other Communities
Components - PART III
- Gaps in tools, data services
- Prioritized list of Community-specific projects
(both funded unfunded)
9Contents Part I Scope (1 of 5)
- This Business Plan addresses the uses of MS in
support of members of the Joint Planning and
Execution Community - (Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
paragraphs C1.1. and AP1.37.)
10Contents Part I Scope (2 of 5)
- The purpose of this Modeling and Simulation (MS)
Business Plan is to - Supplement and complement Adaptive Planning
Roadmap I and Adaptive Planning and Execution
Roadmap II (draft) by focusing on the development
of MS capabilities that address the materiel
component of the DOTMLPF construct. - Mature and institutionalize community-specific
MS capabilities, plans, and organizations within
the Joint Planning and Execution Community
(JPEC). - Provide source documents for identifying the
Planning Communitys validated MS needs and
capability gaps. - Guide promulgation and implementation of common
and cross-cutting MS tools, data, services, and
practices. - (Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
para C1.1.1.)
11Contents Part I Scope (3of 5)
- Planning Community membership is encompassed by
the Joint Planning and Execution Community,
defined as follows -
- (Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
paragraphs C1.1. and AP1.37.)
Joint Planning and Execution Community (JPEC)
Those headquarters, commands, and agencies
involved in the training, preparation, movement,
reception, employment, support, and sustainment
of military forces assigned or committed to a
theater of operations or objective area. It
usually consists of the Joint Staff, Services,
Service major commands (including the Service
wholesale logistic commands), unified commands
(and their certain Service component commands),
subunified commands, transportation component
commands, joint task forces (as applicable),
Defense Logistics Agency, and other Defense
agencies (e.g., Defense Intelligence Agency) as
may be appropriate to a given scenario.
12Contents Part I, Vision (4 of 5)
MS is an enabling technology in support of the
APEX vision
- The APEX Vision. At full maturity, APEX will be
a collaborative planning and execution system
that will provide COCOMs, Joint Force Commanders,
Service/Functional Components, Combat Support
Agencies (CSA)s and the Joint Staff with an
end-to-end process and technology system that
supports all aspects of planning and execution.
The APEX system will support the development of
plans with multiple options that are
operationally, transportation, resource and
logistically feasible. The ability to monitor
changes to strategic guidance, assumptions,
resource availability and readiness, threat
capabilities, and other appropriate planning
parameters will aid in the ability to rapidly
discern when plans need to be refined or, adapted
to keep them living and relevant or, if
necessary, terminated or executed. JPEC,
Interagency, and selected Coalition/Allied
planners will have worldwide access to all
applicable authoritative databases required to
support planning and execution. APEX will enable
horizontal and vertical collaboration and
facilitate parallel planning between echelons.
When fully mature, APEX will integrate situation
monitoring, readiness, global force management,
intelligence and resourcing. - (Reference (AP Roadmap 2, AO Review (Draft, dtd
13Contents Part I Scope (5 of 5)
- Tools, Data, Services
- The current draft Plan lists/describes over 40
tools, data, services, including -
- Work is continuing to identify tools, data, and
services used by the Services, COCOMS, Defense
Agencies, and other JPEC activities. - (Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
para C1.3.ff)
14Contents Part I I, Management (1 of 3)
- Adaptive Planning Governance
- Provide Operation Policy oversight
- Implement 24 AP Roadmap Recommendations
- Define AP Requirements
- Progress Report to SecDef Annually
- Management of AP within the JCIDS Process
- Capability Development Process (Initial
Capabilities - Document (ICD), CDD, AoA)
- Integration with other Joint Systems and Programs
- Resolution of Programmatic Issues
- Validates requirements
Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
para C2.1.
15Contents Part I I (2 of 2)
- Intra Community Information Exchange
- JPEC information sharing takes place through a
variety of forms - Meetings of the
- Executive Committee (EXCOM) annually/as needed
- Senior Steering Group (SSG) semi-annually, and
- Adaptive Planning Implementation Team (APIT)
monthly - Combatant Command (COCOM) -, Service, and Defense
Agency-sponsored conferences throughout the year
(e.g., PACOM AP Conference, Defense Logistics
Agency Conference, J3/J4 Force Projection Working
Group) - Semi-annual meetings of the APEX Technology Users
Group - Periodic conferences focused on common problems
such as forces for plans/sourcing - Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
para C2.2.
16Contents Part I I (3 of 3)
- External Information Exchanges
- JPEC external information sharing takes place by
participation in - Community-sponsored events, such as the
semiannual Joint Collaborative Analysis
Conferences, Military Operations Research Society
(MORS) workshops, annual DoD MS Conference - Industry/Academia sponsored symposia
conferences (e.g., AFCEA, NDIA, NTSA) - Periodic international multi-lateral and
bi-lateral conferences and meetings sponsored by
NATO, allied nations, and coalition partners - Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
para C2.2
Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
para C2.2.
17Contents Part III Gaps (1 of 3)
- Planning Community Business Plan identifies a
total of 29 gaps covering MS Technologies
Practices/Procedures and Representations. These
gaps mirror those identified in the DoD Common
and Cross-Cutting Business Plan - The Planning Community additionally maintains
separate, classified information on operational
planning and execution gaps specific to high
priority war plans. - Source Planning Community MS Business Plan,
Chapter 3
- Corp. MS Mgt Governance
- Activity-level MS Planning Employment
- MS Development Evolution
- Requirements Definition Management
- Conceptual Modeling
- Verification, Validation, Accreditation
- Reuse
- MS Usability
- Standards Processes
- Security
- Workforce Development
- Comm and Collaboration
- Human Behavior
- Environment
- Logistics
- MS Infrastructure
- Systems of Systems
- Families of Systems
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Forces Organizations
- Command Control
- Information Operations
- Intelligence
- Component-based MS
- Computer Game Technology
- Resource Discovery Access
- Data Mediation
- Visualization Tools
- MS Infrastructure
18AP Capability Gaps (2 of 3)
19Contents Part III Community Projects (3 of 3)
- Prioritized list of Community-specific projects
(both funded unfunded) - 120 Day Tasker Forces for Planning/Contingency
Sourcing - Readiness data
- Service sourced unit data from OPLAN requirement
(Service specific feeder systems) - Integrated Gaming System (IGS)
- 3 stage implementation
- Desktop installation via Mobile Training Team
- IGS data integrated with APEX technology
applications - Improve baseline (Lift Estimator)
- NECC Services
- JS J-7 prioritized development requirements
- Sensitive Plans Node, Automated Planning
Triggers, Coalition Access to APEX technology
- APEX is providing capability to the warfighter
NOW - Strategic Documents directed COCOMs to use APEX
technology for all contingency planning - APEX is at the technological cutting edge
- Service oriented Architecture, Increment I of
NECC - Links multiple functions (transportation,
logistics, wargaming, force sourcing, readiness) - Big Bang for the Buck
- Strategic capability at relatively low cost
- Challenge remains to ensure the Business Plan is
synchronized and updated to reflect changes in
the APEX environment, to include - APEX transition into NECC
- Changes in APEX governance and management
structure - APEX Roadmap II as it goes through staffing and