Title: Treatments and Therapies on Migraine Headaches
1Treatments and Therapies on Migraine Headaches
- Created by Faisal Sheikh
- BS/DO Student at NYIT
- Who am I??
- What is my project??
- Why did I choose this topic??
3What Is A Migraine??
- Migraine headaches are generally one sided
headaches, which come and go, and can last for
hours or even days. While experiencing a migraine
the body can not function due to the pain. Common
with migraines are sensitivity to light, sound,
and smell.
4What Causes a Migraine??
- No one really knows what causes a migraine.
People feel that it can be caused by triggers
such as stress, a diet, hormone imbalances, and
it could also be genetic. - These Triggers Cause Cranial Vasodilatation Which
Is Responsible for the Migraine.
5What treatment is most effective?
- This is the main question which is being
researched. Out of all the treatments, what is
the most effective and why?
Current Treatments include
Hundreds of scientific studies have shown that
acupuncture works through the release of
neurotransmitters in the brain, which can result
in relief of pain and other conditions.
7Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive therapy is a problem-focused approach
to mood and pain management. Patients practice
identifying and assessing their thoughts,
attitudes, and behaviors in order to determine
whether or not they promote physical and
emotional well-being. It is a very popular
non-drug intervention.
8Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals
Many people rely on herbs, vitamins, and minerals
rather than prescription drugs which are costly
and have much more serious side effects. Some
vitamins include B-12, Magnesium, Riboflavin,
Ginger root, Feverfew, and Peppermint Oil.
Medication is the most popular method of getting
rid of migraine headaches. There are many types
of medication available in many different forms
including pills, injections, and nasal sprays.
10Research Methods
Most of my research will include looking at
healthcare organization websites. I will also
look through journals at the NYCOM library I also
plan on interviewing health care professionals
including my father, who is a pharmacist, and a
neurologist whom I work for.
I will reiterate the goals of my project Review
what the best treatment for migraine headache is
and why Now open to questions and comments