Title: Criteria
1Criteria Indicators of Sustainability
2Conceptual Basis
- Ecosystems are complex
- Cannot monitor or measure only one factor
- Need to identify key factors and then describe
them (Criteria) - Criteria are too general so need specific items
we can measure and report on (indicators)
3Criteria and indicators
- Use of canary in a coal mine
- Criteria is breathable air
- Canary is the indicator (live or dead)
- Ecosystem criteria and indicators more complex
and numerous
4Developing CI
- Need to monitor the 4 life support systems of
earth energy, water, air and physical
environment - Each have several sub systems
- We interact with them in a multitude of ways
5Developing CI
- How are the life support systems being impacted?
- Need to identify the key factors that will tell
us how their function is being affected
- Need to have clear cause and effect (do we know
when there is a problem, is the indicator
confounded by other interactions) - Need to have information about ecosystem that
will be monitored - Must be efficient (can we afford it)
- Most advanced use is in forestry
- Limited use in water
- Air and physical environment usually limited to
factors that affect human health and safety
(chemicals, noise, particulates)
- Most jurisdictions use chemical standards and
point source pollution to rate water quality - ENGOs have tried to have governments use
indicators of biological integrity
- ENGOs recommended use of indices when Water
Pollution Control Act amended in US - Reason
- Focuses on attributes of biological system
- Compares to minimally impacted water body
- Problem requires professional judgement not
simple compliance check with chemical standard
10Example for fresh water
CRITERIA Spp Richness Composition
Rating of indicator for region and stream size
Karr, J.R. 1991. Biological Integrity a long
neglected aspect of water resource management.
Ecol. Appl. 166-84.
11Water Example cont.
CRITERIA Trophic composition
12Water Example cont.
CRITERIA Fish abundance and condition
13Water Example cont.
- Determine Index of Biotic Integrity by summing
rating - Compare actual score to rating table
What are the benefits over chemical
standards? What are the limits to this system?
14Terrestrial example Forests in Canada
- Criterion 1
- Conserve biodiversity
- Criterion 2
- Ecosystem health and productivity
- Criterion 3
- Conserve soil water resources
15Forests in Canada
- Criterion 4
- Global ecological cycles
- Criterion 5
- Multiple benefits to society
- Criterion 6
- Societies responsibility
- E.g. Biodiversity
- Ecosystem
- Species
- Genetic
Name some specific indicators that you think will
help describe the state of each indicator
Name some specific indicators that you think will
help describe the state of each indicator
- Societies responsibility
- Aboriginal and treaty rights
- Participation by natives
- Sustainability of forest communities
- Fair Effective Decision making
- Informed Decision making