Title: Websites to expore
1Websites to expore
Storytelling resources1. http//www.codyscuentos
.comSpanish audio versions of fairy tales2.
Spanish versions of Grimm fairy tales audio
files3. http//www-g-world.org/magictales4.
http//edyd.comAesops fables in Spanish5.
http//www.storyplace.orgAn online story with
audio7. http//www.chicomania.com/cuentitos4
online stories
Comic strips authentic materials for
pronunciation1. http//www.gocomics.com/espanol
Garfield and Calvin Hobbs and other cartoon
strips to download2. www.mrmen.net/images(use
the French, German, Spanish names for them to
practise pronunciation and teach character
adjectives, provide inspiration for story writing
too) http//www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/5495/mai
n.html Mafalda http//video.google.co.uk/videosear
2- Art materials for Spanish1. http//www.artehisto
ria.jcyl.es2. http//www.moma.org/collection - Newspaper headlines
- http//www.elpais.com/global/
- http//www.abastodenoticias.com/noticias_curiosas.
asp - http//www.gaceta.es/index.php
- Strange stories follow links usually headline
picture as well as the article again make
excellent starters or to do the What when where
why who how? - http//es.noticias.yahoo.com/insolitas.html
- http//noticiasquecuriosas.blogspot.com/
- http//www.noticiaslocas.com/
- This is my absolute favourite because of the
pictures! - www.typicallySpanish.com/newsStories come in
English but the content is useful and links can
then be followed to the real story in Spanish - 3. Spanish tongue twisters
- http//www.uebersetzung.at/twister/es.htm
- http//spanish.about.com/cs/pronunciation/a/trabal
enguas.htm - http//www.alphadictionary.com/fun/tongue-twisters
/spanish_tongue_twisters.html - http//en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Spanish_tongue_twiste
3Geographical linformation1. http//www.elhuevode
geographical facts in Spanish and a few maps 2.
/information3. http//www.xtec.net/ealonso/flas
h/mapasflash.htmInteractive tests on
geographical knowledge4. http//www.meteosat.com
/imagenes/mapas/spmap of Spain with weather
forecast for that day with symbols5.
todelmedioa collection of links by theme
including geography but also science, general
knowledge and lots of others6.
in/t1/t1.htmLots of information
Revision resources1. http//www.asisehace.neta
site to help practise GCSE and A/S/ A2 level
knowledge Miscellaneous http//www.paestarporaqui.
comthis is a very strange website but there are
some useful and funny phrases and pictures to be
harvested as well and some that you definitely
would want to leave! http//www.spanishpronto.com/
spanishpronto/index.html Spanish language
learning website quite a variety of gems on