- Roger Clarke
- Williams Clarke Company, Inc.
- President
- rclarke_at_williamsclarke. com
- website http//www.williamsclarke.com
- Chairman, Los Angeles Customs Brokers and Freight
Forwarders Association Inc. - Director, National Customs Brokers Forwarders
of America, Inc.
2Supply Chain Considerations To Mitigate Delays
and Costs
- Know who you are dealing with for both imports
and exports - Logistics Challenges
- Provide proper and complete documentation
3Know who you are dealing with for both imports
and exports
- Verify the firm or individual your are
negotiating with exists and are who they say
they. Ask for some government verification
documentation - Check the blocked, denied, entity and debarred
persons list on the Customs and Border
Protection and Bureau of Industry and Security
websites - http//www.cbp.gov
- http//www.bis.doc.gov/dpl/defa
ult.shtm -
- Utilize trade professionals brokers forwarders
attorneys consultants to help in the
verification process - Keep accurate records of all communications
- Review CBP trade publication web page
- http//www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/newsroom/publicat
ions/trade/ -
4Logistics Challenges
- Analyze and plan for any special logistics
requirement and define desired time frames - Consider possible carrier equipment and space
problems - Government examination and requirements can
cause delays and add substantial cost to goods
movement - Customs and Border Protection (CBP) examinations
- Imports
- Non Intrusive Inspection (NII) - x-ray and
magnetic imaging - Contraband Enforcement Team (CET) - drugs and
security - Merchandise Enforcement Team MET) commercial
5Logistics Challenges
- Exports
- Intellectual Property Rights examinations
- Possible commodity licensing by the Dept. of
Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security - Non-compliance with Automated Export System
requirements will stop the export - Other Regulatory Agency Examinations
- Department of Agriculture full devan examination
- Fish Wildlife inspection
- Food and Drug Administration sampling and
Detention Without Physical Examination - Consumer Product Safety Commission
6Logistics Challenges
- New government initiatives
- Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
(C-TPAT) - Secure Freight Initiative (SFI)
- Container Security Initiative (CSI)
- Importer Security Filing (ISF 102)
- FDA Food Safety Initiative
- Consumer Product Safety Act-U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission - Lacey Act Amendments- new requirements and
declaration relating to wildlife, fish, and
plants. Both native and manufactured - Port environmental and infrastructure issues
7Provide proper and complete documentation
- Review Customs and Border Protection tips for
new importers and exporters at - http//www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/trade_outreach/d
iduknow.xml - Review CBP publication Importing into the United
States - http//www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/newsroom/publi
cations/trade/iius.ctt/iius.pdf - Work with trade professional to determine the
proper Harmonized Tariff Schedule classification
and declared valuation - Obtain a CBP binding ruling
8Provide proper and complete documentation
- Verify all pricing is correct and terms of sale
is clearly displayed on the commercial invoice
FOB CF CIF DUP DDP - Commercial invoice must indicate costs,
discounts, assets, commission must be shown - Ocean freight paid, importer responsible for
verification if requested by CBP - Insurance premium amount if applicable
- Any selling or buying commission if applicable
- Any assists both physical or financial
- Indicate if purchased or sold on consignment
- Indicate if transaction is conducted by related
parties - Complete and accurate description of each item in
the shipment
9Provide proper and complete documentation
- Packing List
- Quantity
- Packaging
- Weight
- Check Customs Rulings Online Search System
(CROSS) - http//rulings.cbp.gov/index.asp?acabout
- Other documents necessary to determiner
merchandise admissibility - Other regulatory agency documentation
10Lets GO now that you Know
- Importing and exporting is not rocket science.
With a little planning and research problems can
avoided and a successful transaction can be
accomplished - Make use of all available resources
- Use trade professional for not only the actual
operational requirements but also for preplanning
and consolation - Keep accurate and complete records
- Plan for the unexpected